Labyrinth of Solomon


Legendary member
I had a dream.

There seems to me to be a great deal of metaphor and allegorical usage made in attempting to discuss certain 'special' issues of trading. That's either because the subject matter is difficult to discuss in the normal manner, head on, or because there simply is no subject matter of that nature to be discussed. The abstract, allegorical, metaphorical approach has its adherents and its detractors. Both with equal claim, in the absence of definitive proof from either, for their own position or against the other's, to validity.

There either is - or there isn't - 'special' knowledge about trading of which only a very few posses. My dream was (is?) that there is only knowledge of a special kind, which all have access to, but very few ever set about seeking. And it's not limited to trading.

My dream was of an aerial view (and this perspective will be significant in a minute or hold onto it) of the Labyrinth of Solomon.

Without getting into the 'story' too much, there's generally associated with this labyrinth, or maze, a thread or string. Now, most bods take the position that this thread is a device to get you 'back out' of the maze and into the 'real' world. But what was important from my dream, and it's obviously a stretch to verbalise symbolic representation because it's ALWAYS going to be subjective, can't be anything else, was that this is not about 'getting back'. It's about getting into, doing battle with and then safely moving on, but not necessarily to the same place you started out from. Why would you want to get back to where you started anyway? Wasn't the purpose of getting to the centre of the labyrinth the act of doing battle - and winning? Why would you want to come back to the same place, unchanged?

So the thread (or threads?) that others leave you or offer you are very probably false threads. Possibly positively intended threads, but false all the same. The weak-willed or stupid will accept what is offered at face value. And end up right where they started - or worse.

The object of the exercise (if any such 'exercise'actually exists - and if it does, if it is worthwhile) is the finding on the centre and the doing of battle with (no - no gladiators - not that sort of battle). Then, victorious - forging on ahead and 'coming out' or 'coming back'.

Now this is all the old Logos out of Mythos stuff, I recognise that (or my Unconscious did last night at any rate). And before those b*stard old Greeks stuffed Mythos almost to the point of extinction all those aeons ago, to a point today where be almost inherently believe it to be 'a story' , it would have ben easier to answer - or actually, there would have not been a question to ask in the first place. But what in my view is worth pondering is what precisely is it (or who is it) with which/whom we do battle and to what end?

And why did I feel the aerial view was important? Well, even in my dream, and it wasn't lucid, in that I didn't 'know' I was dreaming, it was clear that we always see representations of mazes from the top. Two dimensional. And we always assume we have to play by the rules and solve them in the same dimension in which they're presented. Like solving a problem from the same platform in which it was created. Quite difficult to impossible.

Now all this waffle may well be to with a project I'm currently involved with which prevents me from sitting in front of my screens, day trading, for a couple of weeks. I'm possibly into major screen withdrawal and suffering badly for my tick fix. Or it could be the substances the local tribe keep puffing into my nostrils. Or both. It's all smoke.
Wot's the best indicator to make me loads of easy money?

TheBramble said:
I had a dream.

There seems to me to be a great deal of metaphor and allegorical usage made in attempting to discuss certain 'special' issues of trading. That's either because the subject matter is difficult to discuss in the normal manner, head on, or because there simply is no subject matter of that nature to be discussed. The abstract, allegorical, metaphorical approach has its adherents and its detractors. Both with equal claim, in the absence of definitive proof from either, for their own position or against the other's, to validity.

There either is - or there isn't - 'special' knowledge about trading of which only a very few posses. My dream was (is?) that there is only knowledge of a special kind, which all have access to, but very few ever set about seeking. And it's not limited to trading.

My dream was of an aerial view (and this perspective will be significant in a minute or hold onto it) of the Labyrinth of Solomon.

Without getting into the 'story' too much, there's generally associated with this labyrinth, or maze, a thread or string. Now, most bods take the position that this thread is a device to get you 'back out' of the maze and into the 'real' world. But what was important from my dream, and it's obviously a stretch to verbalise symbolic representation because it's ALWAYS going to be subjective, can't be anything else, was that this is not about 'getting back'. It's about getting into, doing battle with and then safely moving on, but not necessarily to the same place you started out from. Why would you want to get back to where you started anyway? Wasn't the purpose of getting to the centre of the labyrinth the act of doing battle - and winning? Why would you want to come back to the same place, unchanged?

So the thread (or threads?) that others leave you or offer you are very probably false threads. Possibly positively intended threads, but false all the same. The weak-willed or stupid will accept what is offered at face value. And end up right where they started - or worse.

The object of the exercise (if any such 'exercise'actually exists - and if it does, if it is worthwhile) is the finding on the centre and the doing of battle with (no - no gladiators - not that sort of battle). Then, victorious - forging on ahead and 'coming out' or 'coming back'.

Now this is all the old Logos out of Mythos stuff, I recognise that (or my Unconscious did last night at any rate). And before those b*stard old Greeks stuffed Mythos almost to the point of extinction all those aeons ago, to a point today where be almost inherently believe it to be 'a story' , it would have ben easier to answer - or actually, there would have not been a question to ask in the first place. But what in my view is worth pondering is what precisely is it (or who is it) with which/whom we do battle and to what end?

And why did I feel the aerial view was important? Well, even in my dream, and it wasn't lucid, in that I didn't 'know' I was dreaming, it was clear that we always see representations of mazes from the top. Two dimensional. And we always assume we have to play by the rules and solve them in the same dimension in which they're presented. Like solving a problem from the same platform in which it was created. Quite difficult to impossible.

Now all this waffle may well be to with a project I'm currently involved with which prevents me from sitting in front of my screens, day trading, for a couple of weeks. I'm possibly into major screen withdrawal and suffering badly for my tick fix. Or it could be the substances the local tribe keep puffing into my nostrils. Or both. It's all smoke.


I too have been recently subjected to substances puffing into my nostrils. Bude is a desolate place in winter and one needs these things now and again.

The above dream could be interpreted as a journey of transcendence, or to the spiritually minded, a classic Christian allegory. But what has all of this, often dismissed as psycho-babble, got to do with trading? In the same way that the mystic is uncircumscribed by the world as the latter is an object of scientific determination and practical harnessing; myth, by its open-endedness makes a mockery of the finality of proof and allows us a glimpse of the inexplicable. Myths and dreams are the creation of the spirit, of the unconsciously creative soul and lead us to deeper truths. The very process of seeking these deeper truths will guide us to acknowledge the arrogance of positivism and in turn may help us to become better traders.
Rols, I don't know what I've done to upset you! 🙁

I never felt Steiner knew which side his colostomy bag was on let alone capable of commenting on the Mythos, but your views are clearly different. It's not so much the inexplicable which I find inexplicable, but the inability of the unable to define clearly what is was they felt sounded just right in the first place. Even a penny-whistle doesn't adequately convey the true sound of an engulfing candle.

I don't often bare my soul on these boards for reasons that will be obvious, but when I do, the catharsis is all but nullified by the antithesis of what Wittgenstein herself described as "That Unbelievable Load which can never be acknowledged nor shrugged yet takes us ever downward into the Abyss".

It's clear that all art is but a shadow of the ineffable which we can only allude to through the allegorical and metaphorical - hence my initial post.

But to fully answer your question (even though this is a non-trading forum) -

Momentum[55]Close crosses over -4.0 BUY N SHARES AT MARKET THISBARONCLOSE
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Seeing over the walls

TheBramble said:
And why did I feel the aerial view was important? Well, even in my dream, and it wasn't lucid, in that I didn't 'know' I was dreaming, it was clear that we always see representations of mazes from the top. Two dimensional. And we always assume we have to play by the rules and solve them in the same dimension in which they're presented. Like solving a problem from the same platform in which it was created. Quite difficult to impossible.


Your dream bears an uncanny resemblance to Soc's recent post on virtual mazes with turnstiles.

The problem with mazes, is when you are in them we cannot see the obstacles or the correct way and we generally have to play by the rules i.e. wander around aimlessly laughing our heads off until we get bored and frustrated. However there are tricks for those who know them like always touching either the left or the right hedge.

I also think of a similar analogy - a 3 D world that is inhabited by two types of creatures. One can perceive in only 2 of the 3 actual dimensions. Within the maze they see it only the walls as a line past which they cannot go and the pathways are empty space along which they can traverse. As they wind their way through the maze they are more or less successful at negotiating it. Some may use logic to find their way through and know they are successful. Some use luck and think they are successful and others get totally lost or give up. The other type of creature can perceive in all 3 dimensions and so sees that the barriers are nothing more than 1 foot high walls. You can easily see over them and in fact step over them and take short cuts.

Maybe your period of tick abstinence is allowing you that space to just see a little more clearly over those walls and a particularly fruitful trading session ahead

Charlton said:
TheBramble said:
And why did I feel the aerial view was important? Well, even in my dream, and it wasn't lucid, in that I didn't 'know' I was dreaming, it was clear that we always see representations of mazes from the top. Two dimensional. And we always assume we have to play by the rules and solve them in the same dimension in which they're presented. Like solving a problem from the same platform in which it was created. Quite difficult to impossible.


Your dream bears an uncanny resemblance to Soc's recent post on virtual mazes with turnstiles.

The problem with mazes, is when you are in them we cannot see the obstacles or the correct way and we generally have to play by the rules i.e. wander around aimlessly laughing our heads off until we get bored and frustrated. However there are tricks for those who know them like always touching either the left or the right hedge.

I also think of a similar analogy - a 3 D world that is inhabited by two types of creatures. One can perceive in only 2 of the 3 actual dimensions. Within the maze they see it only the walls as a line past which they cannot go and the pathways are empty space along which they can traverse. As they wind their way through the maze they are more or less successful at negotiating it. Some may use logic to find their way through and know they are successful. Some use luck and think they are successful and others get totally lost or give up. The other type of creature can perceive in all 3 dimensions and so sees that the barriers are nothing more than 1 foot high walls. You can easily see over them and in fact step over them and take short cuts.

Maybe your period of tick abstinence is allowing you that space to just see a little more clearly over those walls and a particularly fruitful trading session ahead

Actually, none of it is a conicidence, I assure you.

It is prudent when retiring to bed at night to ensure that before falling asleep certain precautions ought to be taken. The most important one is to always face the same way, before nodding off. I can percieve this if no one else can. It makes the business of dreaming more manageable both internally and externally.

You are a very perceptive chap. Your view is very nearly accurate. I am impressed.
Charlton said:
Your dream bears an uncanny resemblance to Soc's recent post on virtual mazes with turnstiles.
Due to technical difficulties, I can no longer see any of his posts, but I am delighted that he and I are sharing the same astral bed.
I have just stopped myself waking with a start. Only to realise I probably hadn't been dreaming at all.

In preparing to come face to face with that which is at the centre of the Labyrinth, my initial thoughts had been to attack whatever was there (as you do), vanquish it and then proceed, triumphantly, onward. However, upon reaching my goal at the centre, our sudden meeting and mutual recognition which was as instantaneous as was it surprising - I thought "How the hell can I attack that?". And why would I even need to leave?

It's a surprising old place the Labyrinth. We always assume it's delineation and structure and form will be, or are, clearly recognisable, clearly defined and we'll know exactly what to do 'when' we get there.

And the thread - you assume you have it with you when you started your journey so you can just use it to get you safely back. That's a big assumption. As is where you think you actually start your journey.

I'm fully awake now. Frightening. 😱