Black Swan
You hit the nail on the head.
Owner does not trade. Mods do not trade, staff do not trade (and by trade, I mean profitably as their sole source of income)
There can only ever be one outcome. Whats bleedin obvious to us goes right over their heads, add in advertising revenue's and commercial interestes, and people protecting their employers and jobs and you get the zoo that T2W has become.
on the plus side, they score 10/10 for lulz.
I know (in one of your previous identities) this is one of your old bones of contention and tbh at first I was a staunch *defender* of T2W given it has provided me directly and indirectly with a lot of info. and intelligence (mainly from the contributors). But the reasons why the Guardian doesn't have a forum, just comments through it's CiF section, and, for example, the Daily Mail <shudder> has avoided setting up a forum is due to potential legal action, they can exercise immediate control over comments on an article, large forums are an entirely different proposition. They both, (Guardian and The Daily Hate) have mini armies of recent grads. checking each and every post in the comments section for issues, and that costs, they don't just rely on the report function. Not sure what the answer is.