KISHORE M - Real or Scam

because majority public is complete farker and only wants to hear high return + millionaire overnight types of scheme.

Kishore is giving what those farker want, try advertise conservative return and literally none would be interested in trading.
there was another guy in S'pore, Conrad or Alvin (i can't remember which) who advertised having like turn 10,000 a/c to 300,000 a/c in 1 year..........later when news came out about fraudulent ads by other gurus, that Conrad/Alvin changed his ads too.........

supposedly there's another guru in S'pore, Clarence Chee that was featured in Forex Market Masters ? heard of him ? if he's featured in a well-known book, he should be well-known eh ?
Someone sent me some information about this guy. I would have to say that it's a scam for 2 reasons. First, there is no possible way to predict anything correctly 100% of the time, especially Forex. If he could do this, he would be on the Forbes list as the number 1 richest man on earth. Think about it. Even Bill Gates depends on consumers to keep his billions pouring in. With forex, you don't depend on anyone. Your income potential is limitless. Secondly, I think Kiyosaki is his boy and we all know that Kiyosaki is the king of making himself rich by telling you how to get rich but not quite telling you how to get rich. I have a friend who spent a lot of money on his real estate classes and he even spent $200 on his BS board game. Long story short, if Bin Laden is your man, it's very likely that you too are a terrorist.
Has anyone tried his 100% FOREX Success?

Is Kishore M a scam?

Or is it a scam?

will appreciate to know if anyone has had his training?
seems that people who signed up for his courses are saying he doesn't conduct the training himself but got his ''disciples'' to do it................

he's also peddling robots now.............and been hearing people say those robots are worth crap.........

I attended his class/course last year.Cost me about RM 5000 (Ringgit Malaysia) = around USD 2 k.I'll just share my experience and its up to you guys whether or not he's a scam.The course took 2-3 days with one live trading night.

I was so exited first thing in the morning,lots of people were there.Some of them looked already successful driving lexus and stuff.When the class started,he wasn't there.Some other guy was running the show.I thought WTF?Then he said Kishore's gonna be a little late,thank god I said to myself.After like 30 min the man himself came and took over the show.Well I was thinking moon and stars you know all the happy thought of making easy money.....

So on to the story,for the first few hours he thought us all the basic stuff that you can get at babypips plus some sad bollywood kind of rags to riches story,how his dad died blablabla....ok I can take that,lots of old people were in the class also so I guess its important.

Then the good stuff...his systems.He gave like 8 or 9 systems for us to trade,some of it consist of trading bollinger bounces,some of it involved trading breakouts and some use moving average crosses...some secret huh....what?Raised eyebrows already?Wait till you read next...

I dont know this makes sense or not,but most of the system requires 150 pips of stop loss with no specific profit target.But I kept hearing him said his past student always closed position when seeing 1-2 pips profit....and traded 100-150 times a day...very strange indeed(to me laa)Why?Becoz the setup was difficult to find and there is a system where the setup is next to impossible...again ..for me laa...

On to the main event,live trading.....I thought all my confusions will sort out.There he was,sitting in front of us with eyes of an eagle waiting to snatch a preying trade.We waited patiently...if he clicks...we'll click...after 15 min waiting,then he clicks.....and the sound of multiple clicks suddenly barraging our ears....

So was it 20 pips?or 50 pips that we gunned down that night? was 2 pips...........yes 2 frickin pips.......goes to our bags that night(the setup was 1 pips 30 cents)we earned 60 cents that night pheww only USD 1999.40 left to cover our cost....he then ask us aloud....ARE YOU PROFIT?Helplessly we answered YyYyyeessss.....he asked again ARE YOU HAPPY?Again we answered YyYyeeessss......and he never traded again that
night.... THE END

So that was my story.......was the guy's a piece of crap?I dont know but 1 thing for sure....he's one hell of a salesman......:cheesy::cheesy:
Trade like a pro eh, or is it a clown ?

MAS reprimands Commerz Capital International and its director

Jul 07 2010 Global Press Service

The Monetary Authority of Singapore on July 5, 2010 reprimanded Commerz Capital International and Mansinghani Kishore Mirchumal, a director and 99 per cent shareholder of CCIPL, for their respective contraventions of section 22(1) of the Financial Advisers Act for holding themselves out to be a financial adviser without being a licensed financial adviser, exempt financial adviser, or person specified in the First Schedule to the Financial Advisers Act; and section 82(1) of the Securities and Futures Act for carrying on business or holding themselves out to be carrying on business in the regulated activity of fund management without being the holder of a capital markets services licence or otherwise exempted from the requirement to hold a capital markets services licence. Commerz Capital International had from the date of its cessation as an exempt financial adviser, exempt fund manager, and exempt corporate finance adviser, on August 24, 2009 to October 8, 2009, on its website at,

Golly and is this them on TV ? god old financial journalism at it's best ! Hoorah !

How is this guys "hedge fund" doing, anyone know ?

I'm also trying to assay this "hedge funds" performance too .. "Alpine Capital Hedge Fund Manager – London"

These " Professional hedge fund managers " appear to be involved in the marketing and business of training or being trained and touting this to the good old general public...

Well when I see these ads I think "Smackdaddy" and then I feel the need to go one these courses to "gain the confidence to become an institutional trader" just like the shiny TV ads suggest !

Only I see no hedge funds, are they fudged funds, fantasy funds and do they mean they have become institutionalised ?

I need help, sure, but I think they do too.......

Please report any investigations here.......

As bad as this appears to pay to be a scammer these days, especially in forex. So many wanna be's looking for easy money are nothing more than easy targets. Taking money from these people makes taking candy from a baby look like a hard day's work. And most of these scammers are operating legally. They offer a service for a price. If I had no heart, no conscience, and no morals, I too could make easy riches as a scammer.

Very sad indeed.

That's some good info. I think most of us have figured out what this Kishore guy is but it's good to have a post from someone who has actually been to his workshop. If anyone needs this idiot to show you how to make 2 pips per trade then it's obvious that they should be doing something else. What a ripoff this sounds like. A 150 pip stop loss with a 2 pip profit target? 100-150 trades per day? There's no way to do that effectively and it would be stupid to even try and trade like that.

I attended his class/course last year.Cost me about RM 5000 (Ringgit Malaysia) = around USD 2 k.I'll just share my experience and its up to you guys whether or not he's a scam.The course took 2-3 days with one live trading night.

I was so exited first thing in the morning,lots of people were there.Some of them looked already successful driving lexus and stuff.When the class started,he wasn't there.Some other guy was running the show.I thought WTF?Then he said Kishore's gonna be a little late,thank god I said to myself.After like 30 min the man himself came and took over the show.Well I was thinking moon and stars you know all the happy thought of making easy money.....

So on to the story,for the first few hours he thought us all the basic stuff that you can get at babypips plus some sad bollywood kind of rags to riches story,how his dad died blablabla....ok I can take that,lots of old people were in the class also so I guess its important.

Then the good stuff...his systems.He gave like 8 or 9 systems for us to trade,some of it consist of trading bollinger bounces,some of it involved trading breakouts and some use moving average crosses...some secret huh....what?Raised eyebrows already?Wait till you read next...

I dont know this makes sense or not,but most of the system requires 150 pips of stop loss with no specific profit target.But I kept hearing him said his past student always closed position when seeing 1-2 pips profit....and traded 100-150 times a day...very strange indeed(to me laa)Why?Becoz the setup was difficult to find and there is a system where the setup is next to impossible...again ..for me laa...

On to the main event,live trading.....I thought all my confusions will sort out.There he was,sitting in front of us with eyes of an eagle waiting to snatch a preying trade.We waited patiently...if he clicks...we'll click...after 15 min waiting,then he clicks.....and the sound of multiple clicks suddenly barraging our ears....

So was it 20 pips?or 50 pips that we gunned down that night? was 2 pips...........yes 2 frickin pips.......goes to our bags that night(the setup was 1 pips 30 cents)we earned 60 cents that night pheww only USD 1999.40 left to cover our cost....he then ask us aloud....ARE YOU PROFIT?Helplessly we answered YyYyyeessss.....he asked again ARE YOU HAPPY?Again we answered YyYyeeessss......and he never traded again that
night.... THE END

So that was my story.......was the guy's a piece of crap?I dont know but 1 thing for sure....he's one hell of a salesman......:cheesy::cheesy:

Funny how this guy appeared in bloomberg and all...nowadays even tv ads with men wearing expensive suits are difficult to the way if you guys check his testimonials,try listening to the so called robert kiyosaki's definitely made my day....
Scum is indeed the word to describe this Indian conman..........

latest ads in S'pore is about how his disciples gave up $10K monthly jobs to go fulltime and how they're making thousands upon thousands percent in profit................
in any case, Kishore is only able to scam people from Malaysia, Indonesia and of course the famously naive people from Singapore..............

at least, it's not such a worldwide thing.......LOL

Kishore would have made far more money if he had opened a church in singapore........
Poor, poor, poor people that pay their hard earned to go on this rubbish..............

Can you imagine all the 'just think positive' talk and 'who wants to get rich' type crap they're fed.
That Kishore guy's vids are absolutely hilarious though aren't they? Have a look on Youtube, you'll p1ss yourself laughing. 😆
in any case, Kishore is only able to scam people from Malaysia, Indonesia and of course the famously naive people from Singapore..............

at least, it's not such a worldwide thing.......LOL

Kishore would have made far more money if he had opened a church in singapore........

Your wrong :cheesy:

I was at The World Money Show yesterday and one of his disciple was teaching a Free, 3 hour work shop. Kishore wasn't there by the way.

It looks like it's going world wide :|

Im not interested in the course but am interested with his tip

He said on the 8th June 2011 Buy GBP/JPY and then sell on 16th June 2011. He said you will 100 percent make profit.

Im just wondering how this works or is this also a scam?

These marketing people always make crappy predictions like this, many of them. Some will come true of course which is why they'll let everyone know (or rather the naive) just how great they are.

But of course you won't hear anything about the ones that they didn't gt right. Plus, how many people who hear this will remember a date so long away.

By all means follow the trade, and if it's right then don't be too impressed. And if I were you I wouldn't pay a penny to him or any other snake oil salesman who's MO is to basically to tell people what they want to hear, for a large fee3 of course -

Anyone can get rich or create a second income with my easy to follow FX patterns
No longer are the markets the sole reserve of the rich, you too with small money can now compete with the best
Spend more time with your loved ones
Trade in the sun with you laptop by the pool
Quit the rat race

And on and on.