Kick4x Team


Junior member
Hello Traders ,Hope You Doing Good 🙂
Please Do Not Spam My Thread
Only For Price Action Traders

As some of you know that i already opened a group to improve our skills in trading .
This group not for newbies but for people already have experience in the market and they wanna improve their skills to take it to the next level .
The Group most likely based on price action the purpose of Kick4x Team (Which is the name of the group) to make things happen.
so in the future i wouldn't say i had a great idea but i didn't try it and regret it.

So let's get to the point now
what are we going to do and how this group going to work ?

* well first of all when Kick4x is ready , we are going to have our own private forum or blog (don't know yet) to share whatever we want there .
* Mange The Time Zones So We Can Cover The Market 24hr Without sleepless nights .
*Wake Up Calls When Our Strategy Appears (The Strategy we are going to agree on) , at least we are going to have 1-5 Strategies so it would be fair for others but sure it has to be price action strategy ,what i mean by wake up call is that the one who's taking over the shift going to call the rest of the group and inform them with news , so they wouldn't miss it .
*Each one of the group going to do his very own analysis by the time passes we will see the most profitable analysis , so that would be his job to do the analysis for others sure not for all the instruments cause that wouldn't be fair , so he will just pick up the pair he/she wants to do , the second and third profitable analysis will take over the rest .
*Share new ideas ,let's say someone from the group has a great idea to improve our team or to make us more profitable we will be happy to get the idea and try it .
*Help Each Other , Cover Each Other
*Trading Online Together
*Challenging Ourselves Or Each Other To Improve Our Skills Fast
*Creating Our Very Own Contests So All Of Us Can Benefit
*So On...

Rules :
*Respect Each Other
*Do What You Are Told To Do While Taking Your Shift
*No Greed In Trading
*Discipline In Trading

How To Apply
Pretty Simple
Just Contact Me Through Pm With Some Information Like :
Your Time Zone
Phone (not necessary at the meantime)
Your Experience
Quick Introduction About Your Strategy

So Far We Have 6 People In The Group

Thank You
