Best Thread Keynes Vs. Hayek

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If you are impressed by "academic heavyweights", which you seem to be, then go and become an economist. In that role you're allowed to spout continual efficient market hypotheses until you're blue in the face. Unfortunately for the academics, their theories don't work in the real world of trading. The academic world might be for you - there you can have your ego continually massaged by your fellow academia, and when you're wrong it won't sting you in the wallet. A much kinder profession.

Are you being serious? This thread is a discussion on economics. 😕
I'm not paying any more attention to your posts until you've read what I've posted in our previous "discussions". You obviously have the wrong end of the stick and I'm not going to argue with someone who provides me with less lulz than our Pony.
It seems he is taking it personally and is very bitter. That is why he keeps stalking me and being a nuisance. He should just remain in threads where he might, if he is lucky, have someone take pity on him and show him how to trade.

I know what you mean but sometimes it is down to interpretations.

I see an excellent mind and body waiting to get out and not having the vehicle or opportunity to exercise it leading to frustration. Common flaw in us all I think.

We're all on the journey of a life time and I'll reckon we'll get there soon enough. No point in rushing life and missing the view... 😉
Good work academic heavyweights...perhaps more inflation is needed?

FFS. Calm down. Merv says it temporary.

The real rate of inflation is around double the official. I was just explaining to my parents that they have lost about £50k alone from the loss in purchasing power of their home price over the last year or so.
FFS. Calm down. Merv says it temporary.

The real rate of inflation is around double the official. I was just explaining to my parents that they have lost about £50k alone from the loss in purchasing power of their home price over the last year or so.

You're right, I suppose I am just too impatient. I think Merv should listen to this lunati...I mean academic heavyweight, he is a Nobel Prize laureate!

Paul Krugman: An Alien Invasion Could Fix the Economy

Paul Krugman: An Alien Invasion Could Fix the Economy | Moneyland |

You heard it, a fake alien invasion is what the US economy needs. This man thinks a Twilight Zone episode is the perfect 'stimulus'...yes, you read correctly, a Nobel Prize laureate.
Lol. The premiere mainstream US economist wants an alien invasion and the chairman of the Fed wants to ride in a helicopter chucking out cash.

Welcome to the worlds (soon to be defunct) superpower.

Anyhow, is the war on terror not enough? Are hundreds of military bases in nearly every country in the world not enough? Is spending more on your military than the rest of the world combined not enough?

Its a mad world.

Oh, and doesn't Obama have one of those Nobel prize things? The peace version I believe. Is this the same guy sending more troops and resources to further the military campaigns? Didn't he just do something in Libya?

You spout so much sh1t, sometimes I think that you must have three a$$holes. The one in your a$$, the one in your face you talk out of, and one other, someplace else.



You spout so much sh1t, sometimes I think that you must have three a$$holes. The one in your a$$, the one in your face you talk out of, and one other, someplace else.



Hi Jimmy,

I'm afraid you have been consigned to my ignore list so go ahead and knock your self out what ever floats your boat.

However, I hope you realise that you a very sad lonely person who needs TLC and a bit of attention but obviously is deprived of normal social contact. Thus, like a child that so desperately craves attention - you annoy those who you can.

As you may have realised I am not least bit annoyed but don't find you funny but more the sad git with the +lulz attachement which no doubt you think makes you hip and received as what - a cool person.

On the contrary you are loney and very sad, neglected being who has been starved of a good up bringing by parents who's interests lie else where once they over came the joy of copullating and discarded your needs so they can properly fulfill their sad lives.

You no doubt will follow in theirs.

I really feel sad and sorry for such people as your self.

I hope you can see the errors of your misguided ways and learn have a good cry take a shower and be born again as a decent human being.

We live in hope. 😉

Wishing you all the good things on earth and enlightenment.


Now sod off and leave me alone you sad loser... 🙂

I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurve winding you up Atilla. 😆 All I have to do is chuck out some rubbish about three a$$holes and a picture of Rumsfeld doing origami and away you go. LOL

How much time did you waste composing all that crap, which is as wrong as everything else you write? 😆

Just closed a beast of a trade on ES, so time to go do the write up.

Hi Jimmy,

The US Entitlement System Is morally-bankrupt and theft

"The author of Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, and other books, Ayn Rand is famous for espousing free markets and self-reliance. Yaron Brook, a former finance professor, shares these beliefs.

Brook believes that our society should eliminate social programs so we encourage citizens to stand up and take responsibility for themselves. He also argues that Social Security and Medicare are "theft" because the money to pay for them is stolen from those who don't believe in or need the programs."
Good work academic heavyweights...perhaps more inflation is needed?

Jobless rise largest for two years
The outlook for the UK's economic recovery has darkened as a surge in jobless youths triggered the largest increase in unemployment in nearly two years.

Jobless rise largest for two years - *Money News - MSN Money UK

They insist on calling it a recovery 😆

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein

Analysis - Bank policymakers push door to QE wide open
Analysis - Bank policymakers push door to QE wide open | Reuters

How can any thinking adult believes the BOE policies are sound!?

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
-Albert Einstein

Analysis - Bank policymakers push door to QE wide open
Analysis - Bank policymakers push door to QE wide open | Reuters

How can any thinking adult believes the BOE policies are sound!?

I believe they are sound and appropriate for the current situ we find our selves in.

So does the rest of the world by the way.

Compare cost of servicing European debt for the PIGS and even Germany and France and you can see the endorsement UK debt gets.

As for the inflation bit you are still ignorant to the economic forces at work.

1. Raise taxes - this is a must and obvious act. We've spent (by borrowing) far more than we've earnt so we need to pay back and either or also ;

2. Cut spending

in the absense of 1 - deemed to be political suicide option is 2 - cutting spending means you are also cutting someone elses income as one persons expenditure = is another persons income

Not necessarily a good move right now. Hence, we come to how does government and the economy adjust to the disequilibrium when prices are sticky and inflexible...

3. i > r - inflation takes off revaluing goods and services in demand coupled with switching incentives from savers who have money to those who don't.

2 and 3 will speed up the resolution of debt but in the absence of political will / suicide, call it what you will is unlikely scenario, or one which will be arrived at slowly.

Your links are true but for their application timing is way off. It would entail not just political but national suicide.

Common sense it seems is not so common at all.

We live in hope.
I believe they are sound and appropriate for the current situ we find our selves in.

Of course you do, you're a vested interest.

So does the rest of the world by the way.

Nonsense. Only the debtor nations like the idea because it is a way of defaulting without actually defaulting.

3. i > r - inflation takes off revaluing goods and services in demand coupled with switching incentives from savers who have money to those who don't.

Non sequitur, like the majority of sh!t you post.
Of course you do, you're a vested interest. No you dip-stick - the whole world has a vested interest.

Including all the wealthy bankers and shareholders and people with big bank deposits who were saved by the bailout.

Nonsense. Only the debtor nations like the idea because it is a way of defaulting without actually defaulting.

Non sequitur, like the majority of sh!t you post.

Apply your intelligence not regurtitate your same old crap...
Apply your intelligence not regurtitate your same old crap...

That's it, follow your leaders Atilla, like a good minion. You are a stunning example of how effective Government propaganda is.

Capitalism on the way up, Socialism on the way down.

The US Entitlement System Is morally-bankrupt and theft

"The author of Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, and other books, Ayn Rand is famous for espousing free markets and self-reliance. Yaron Brook, a former finance professor, shares these beliefs.

Brook believes that our society should eliminate social programs so we encourage citizens to stand up and take responsibility for themselves. He also argues that Social Security and Medicare are "theft" because the money to pay for them is stolen from those who don't believe in or need the programs."
Isn't it strange then that Ayn Rand accepted the benefits of the US entitlement system when it suited her? Go figure!
Isn't it strange then that Ayn Rand accepted the benefits of the US entitlement system when it suited her? Go figure!

Not strange at all:

It is obvious, in such cases, that a man receives his own money which was taken from him by force, directly and specifically, without his consent, against his own choice. Those who advocated such laws are morally guilty, since they assumed the “right” to force employers and unwilling co-workers. But the victims, who opposed such laws, have a clear right to any refund of their own money—and they would not advance the cause of freedom if they left their money, unclaimed, for the benefit of the welfare-state administration.
That's it, follow your leaders Atilla, like a good minion. You are a stunning example of how effective Government propaganda is.

Capitalism on the way up, Socialism on the way down.

No the status quo is a mixed economy with beneficial features of both.

Here is something else for you to ponder and apply your intellect to.

The more capitalism proximates to totally free unregulated markets the greater the failings of capitalism. We can see the evidence;

1. Self regulation in financial markets have clearly failed by all accounts (I've only heard of one moron on TV who said this was not the case but more because self regulation and free markets were not applied more widely)
2. Cartels are the natural economic outcome in oligopolistic markets
3. Monopolistic practice is the natural conclusion to competion theory where the assumption many buyers and sellers have full information does not hold.

You capiche NT?
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Not strange at all:
It is obvious, in such cases, that a man receives his own money which was taken from him by force, directly and specifically, without his consent, against his own choice. Those who advocated such laws are morally guilty, since they assumed the “right” to force employers and unwilling co-workers. But the victims, who opposed such laws, have a clear right to any refund of their own money—and they would not advance the cause of freedom if they left their money, unclaimed, for the benefit of the welfare-state administration.
That's silly, n_t... Honestly, you don't seriously subscribe to these sorts of views, do you? 'Cause they're seriously lacking logic and consistency.