I've read this...
http://www.economicsalevel.co.uk/Revision sheets/Fiscal ADAS.DOC
Take note:
2) Demand Side Fiscal Policy
As noted, the aim here is to stabilise the overall level of aggregate demand, trying to prevent the appearance of inflationary (too much demand) and deflationary (too little demand) gaps. The policy works at two levels, automatic and discretionary.
Mate you can pick what ever you want if you can't get your head round the basics common sense there is little or no hope for you. I understand your perspective but reject it as a solution to our current dillema. Period. The rest - time will determine.
1. Raise taxation (PAYE obviously and not Corporation Tax) perhaps not obvious to some. Also tax excessive bonus culture as part of PAYE. Companies will then direct monies on investment and expansion rather than rewarding the few. Got it? Simple enough for you?
2. Cut interest rates - to make RoI more attractive.
3. For you inflation > interest rates.
Hey presto debt paid off in double quick time.
1. Cut taxes - when we can't afford them as big G is in debt
2. Raise interest rates - to burn business and homeowners to benefit savers
Will screw the whole of UK recovery for now and considerable period in the future.
You are about as daft and illogical as one can possibly be obtuse. This policy will only benefit the few who are already considerably well off and penalise the many.
Don't mean to be rude but either you are very clueless to put it politely or you are an absolute selfish *******?
Simple really.