Keeping Ahead of The News


Junior member
Hi Folks
I'm relatively new to forex. Basically I am looking for some help. I have tried using the seach function on the forum but not found anything.

Basically I am looking for a detailed economic calender that will tell me any major speaches being made as well as the obvious things like FED announcements etc.

I am also looking for a real time live news feed that will give the the actual news stories that I have been alerted to by my calender.

ie. if my calender says theres FED announcements on wed at 7pm i want to be able to go to XXXX and read what the FED has announced.

Also a head up on any good sources/threads regarding the effects of such announcements and fundamentals on Forex, particularly GBP and USD then that would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

so you want a whole load of info that most of the market have to pay for, for free right?
ok cheers. wil look in to them but fear ££ may be too much to justify at this stage of the game. any other suggestions anyone?