The risk is always subtantially more with unregulated companies. Though a regulated company is not necessarily a honest company, at least their managers know that, they may face penal sanctions in case of breaching the regulations. I dont understand why people choose unregulated offshore companies.
In the case of ForexYard, my first perception of Good looking website and initial
mini accounts works well, before I upgrade to standard account. Now that is where
my problem starts.
Another point is, the Forexyard cashback offer ,This is the worm that catches me.
The cashback is real, but taken back! You can verify from my scanphoto of my account
statement which I attached in the earlier posts here in this thread.
And other point is, Forexyard still send Analysis report to me, of which I have never
read, but they send, giving an impression of untired service, although I am not been
serviced on Real Request for withdrawal on my money issue, that is , the most important issue for me...hahaha
ForexYard is very skillful in catching us on the wrong footings...Beware! :whistling