
Basically the answer must be a resounding NO

However, since many international sides do have the ability to play as well as, or even better than Arsenal, what hope is there for England ?

If we do not have the basic ability, there is not a manager on the planet who will make us world beaters.

The best we can hope for is to be to the World what Wigan are to the Premiership.
However, since many international sides do have the ability to play as well as, or even better than Arsenal, what hope is there for England ?

Funnily enough The Economist has an interesting article on our footballing failure which also concludes that we can't blame 'foreign player syndrome' for our pathetic national game, since to a greater or lesser extent all European sides have similar issues (ie the relative cheapness of emerging market assets, er, players).

Worth reading: http://www.economist.com/world/britain/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10186049
Funnily enough The Economist has an interesting article on our footballing failure which also concludes that we can't blame 'foreign player syndrome' for our pathetic national game, since to a greater or lesser extent all European sides have similar issues (ie the relative cheapness of emerging market assets, er, players).

Worth reading: http://www.economist.com/world/britain/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10186049

Interesting article. This is exactly what I was referring to. Straight to the point.

In my time whilst at secondary school I had football coaching and training running around cones and practicing set pieces as well as running back and forth instilling effort and hard work. After all the physical effort it's harder to think on the ball when you are tired. But, when you are running after that ball your legs will carry you to the end of the world. One of the coaches even gave us a lesson in class drawing all over the black board on how to defend. It was fantastic.

Then after the match or training, we'd cool down with more gentle running around the pitch and stretching. Those were the days.😀

These days you either have talent or you don't. There is not much belief in being tought anything where you have to work. Instant gratification is what everyone yearns for.

Also, youngsters develop at different speeds and paces. Such a shame that football which when tought right can teach disclipine and team work is not utilised better than what it is.

Makes me feel sad the missed opportunities, the state of our game, yobs hanging round corners and the good fat boys with their game console in their bedrooms. The sad culture of our day. Somebody tell me I'm talking tosh. 😛

When I was a lad... in my time... back in the old days... :cheesy:
I find it difficult to believe that it's a fulltime job in any case, but you've got to ask why nobody seems to want to take it on - afterall it seems to pay several million a year on an extended contract? What did McClaren get in terms of his payoff, circa £2.5m or perhaps managed to better that? He also had Venables as an adviser, or more probably, was he only really there to supervise McClaren? God knows!

Anyway, who appoints these clowns - the board at the FA, so it seems to me that it would best to start there if you want to make any progress sorting out the national game and league, IMO. But then, I don't know anything about football and I care even less, and I doubt that "we're" going to see any progress until we get a management team in place with a better understanding of the business of game and the ability to combine that with some footballing intelligence? Maybe, start with Wenger as non exec director at the FA?


I don't know anything about football and I care even less

Yes, I have to admit that I don't care either...couldn't really give a toss.

But I do like talking about it because it is a fun subject and the characters involved are figures of fun.

But as a spectacle, give me Rugby any day.......either code.
Yes, I have to admit that I don't care either...couldn't really give a toss.

But I do like talking about it because it is a fun subject and the characters involved are figures of fun.

But as a spectacle, give me Rugby any day.......either code.

According to the papers Harry Redknapp is a potential contender.

Tony Adams could even be up for it but not now perhaps in the future he says. He also suggested the next man should not be selected by the FA but past managers and the players.

I think yes on both counts.
All past living managers were sacked by the FA, mostly for being useless, except perhaps for Bobby Robson.

Why should these incompetents have a say ?

The players are too stupid to get it right.

And so is the FA.

Why not have a reality TV show and let Simon Cowell and the public decide ?
All past living managers were sacked by the FA, mostly for being useless, except perhaps for Bobby Robson.

Why should these incompetents have a say ?

The players are too stupid to get it right.

And so is the FA.

Why not have a reality TV show and let Simon Cowell and the public decide ?

Good idea... A referrendum :idea:

Like the one on the Euro Treaty we were promised...

Will this require a vote in parliament to change the rules?

Why not let the politicians decide... Even the Lords... Should be a good debate... 😆
To be honest, i couldn't give a **** about these overpaid, useless, gravy train surfing Mr averages, they don't give a ****, so why should i?
They get paid FAR too much, have lost all connection with the fans, and have no reason to push themselves.
After they lose, they just have to pretend to look upset for a few minutes, go take a shower, maybe do the usual 2-min interview full of cliches, again looking sad, then go home & forget about it, & cash the pay cheque.
The modern state of professional association football disgusts me.

They're not worth debating!
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To be honest, i couldn't give a **** about these overpaid, useless, gravy train surfing Mr averages, they don't give a ****, so why should i?
They get paid FAR too much, have lost all connection with the fans, and have no reason to push themselves.
After they lose, they just have to pretend to look upset for a few minutes, go take a shower, maybe do the usual 2-min interview full of cliches, again looking sad, then go home & forget about it, & cash the pay cheque.
The modern state of professional association football disgusts me.

They're not worth debating!

Two abstentions recorded... :cheesy:

Protest vote eh? 😆 😆 😆
Two abstentions recorded........Protest vote eh?

At the end of the day mate, wot do you fink we gonna do ?

Support the bleedin golden jeneration wot can't score no goals ?

At the end of the day, the only bloke wot can score goals is the bleedin goalie, innit, at the end of the bleedin day ?
Adams is a jailbird too so maybe him and Harry together with Venables as an adviser.
Here's one...

I'd love to see "The special one"..........

I'm not sure what would be in it for him though..... we probably need him more than he needs us....

If he did decide to take the post he'd probably make a decent go of it.... but FA would need to make significant concessions.. to make it vaguely attractive to a guy in his league..

Everyone talks about the club before country debate but there are enough (not loadz of) players of a decent standard for England to do much better than they have done in recent times... Perhaps Jose could be the man to galvanise them after a "settling in period" ..........
"A news release today reports that a Croation player tested positive for drugs after the match and under IFA rules the win points they earned are transferred to England"

(If Carlsberg wrote news releases they'd probably be............................😆)
I'd love to see "The special one"..........

I'm not sure what would be in it for him though..... we probably need him more than he needs us....

Hi Hookshot

Tend to agree, he's the one stand-out guy who might be able to do the job well.

But why on earth would he risk his entire reputation on such a high-risk gamble ?

He doesn't need the money either.