
I'm talking about building a legacy here :!:

there is no legacy being built when we are drawing at home to Macedonia. It'll not be built next summer now.

There's a lot wrong in the game, but that wont be solved by an English manager. If we were successful it encourages people to play the game. The kids wont be following on in Europe now though.

I'm all for, if possible, limiting the foreigners in the game. It is stifling talent. I'm all for altering the way the game is played at grass routes. This is where legacies will be built.

I'm not for promoting people well beyond there abilities just to massage national pride. The fact that you suggest Alan Shearer as your candidate speaks volumes about the absolute lack of English talent in management. But that won't be solved by some sort of positive discrimination.

Mind you, if they go for an Englishman, I'm praying it's Brian Robson. He ticks all the boxes they want to tick. Gets on with all the hierarchy, will help sell shirts, and will follow the script. Talentess yet English. Hey Ho. I'll even drive him down😆

Anyway, it's all about opinions but we're a million miles apart here😉

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there is no legacy being built when we are drawing at home to Macedonia. It'll not be built next summer now.

There's a lot wrong in the game, but that wont be solved by an English manager. If we were successful it encourages people to play the game. The kids wont be following on in Europe now though.

I'm all for, if possible, limiting the foreigners in the game. It is stifling talent. I'm all for altering the way the game is played at grass routes. This is where legacies will be built.

I'm not for promoting people well beyond there abilities just to massage national pride. The fact that you suggest Alan Shearer as your candidate speaks volumes about the absolute lack of English talent in management. But that won't be solved by some sort of positive discrimination.

Mind you, if they go for an Englishman, I'm praying it's Brian Robson. He ticks all the boxes they want to tick. Gets on with all the hierarchy, will help sell shirts, and will follow the script. Talentess yet English. Hey Ho. I'll even drive him down😆

Anyway, it's all about opinions but we're a million miles apart here😉


I saw Robson and his work in Barça. Not very impressed. If I remember, he got the team the league but there was something missing. England is out, now, so they need to take their time and pick someone young and dynamic for next year. Time to turn the page.

I saw Robson and his work in Barça. Not very impressed. If I remember, he got the team the league but there was something missing. England is out, now, so they need to take their time and pick someone young and dynamic for next year. Time to turn the page.

That was Bobby Robson, not Brian Robson.

Brian Robson has a managerial track record of failure which is most notable for the amount of booze he encourages his players to sink.

His name is actually spelt...Bryan, and he is currently trying to get Sheffield United relegated from the Championship.

Being a past England captain ( Captain Marvel ) does not qualify him to manage the team.
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That was Bobby Robson, not Brian Robson.

Brian Robson has a managerial track record of failure which is most notable for the amount of booze he encourages his players to sink.

His name is actually spelt...Bryan, and he is currently trying to get Sheffield United relegated from the Championship.

Being a past England captain ( Captain Marvel ) does not qualify him to manage the team.

woooooosh - a little early for you fella😆 :?:

I meant as a favour to The Blades - my priority, over England.


PS - just reminds me of another problem with English football. I'd rather my team were promoted than England won the world cup. And with other real football fans, I wouldn't be alone.
That was Bobby Robson, not Brian Robson.

Brian Robson has a managerial track record of failure which is most notable for the amount of booze he encourages his players to sink.

His name is actually spelt...Bryan, and he is currently trying to get Sheffield United relegated from the Championship.

Being a past England captain ( Captain Marvel ) does not qualify him to manage the team.

So it was! Sorry, I don't know Bryan so I'll leave him to you. 😀

To be honest, I thought that Bobby was a bit long in the tooth and he had a serious illness, too.

I meant as a favour to The Blades - my priority, over England.

Sorry, I missed the point that you are a Blades fan.

Is he still promoting a culture of heavy boozing ?
Not easy managing 11 prima donnas who think that they are God's gift to the world , plus the resentment of those on the bench, plus the fury of hopefuls left out, plus the fans etc etc.
Win or lose the media will have their "pound of flesh" to sell their papers.
Maybe a strong minded woman would keep them under control for a week or two during training and playing. They could borrow her shampoo as well
I'm all for, if possible, limiting the foreigners in the game. It is stifling talent. I'm all for altering the way the game is played at grass routes. This is where legacies will be built.

Mind you, if they go for an Englishman, I'm praying it's Brian Robson. He ticks all the boxes they want to tick. Gets on with all the hierarchy, will help sell shirts, and will follow the script. Talentess yet English. Hey Ho. I'll even drive him down😆

Blades, I don't think we are million of miles apart and I concur with your views here whole heartedly.

Splitlink, if we have this attitutude of anything short of a win is failure. It's like Saddam whipping and beating his Iraqi national players because they didn't win. It's like the Columbians shooting their defenders for letting goals in. I know it's not to the same degree but surely same reasoning.

I do think you are being very harsh in your views of Robson 😢 . I won't say anything about that trickster Maradonna and his Hand of God otherwise your reflections might be totally different today... Sometimes I think after passing 6 world class tackles all the way from the half way line to score a goal single handed may have warranted a slap on the back from God... 😆 But hey I remember it all too clearly.

Lineker telling a story about the match said it was too hot to chase the ball, Robson replied, then you should run faster - wind will cool you down! :cheesy: He was good IMO.

As for me whether it's

Stuart Pearce
Alan Shearer
Bryan/Brian Robson or even
Gary Lineker

we and the whole country would be much better for it changing our approach to football.

I think we need more of - unlucky old boy, better luck next time eh? Now let's all enjoy the show... 😆
Not easy managing 11 prima donnas who think that they are God's gift to the world , plus the resentment of those on the bench, plus the fury of hopefuls left out, plus the fans etc etc.
Win or lose the media will have their "pound of flesh" to sell their papers.
Maybe a strong minded woman would keep them under control for a week or two during training and playing. They could borrow her shampoo as well

Very good Pat, made me chuckle that did and my Mrs thinks likewise. Hair do's, tatoos and jewelry...

What are the names of those lady sport pundits on TV?

There is a dishy one married to some rugby player. She presents on ITV. I'm not sure if she can compete with the hair styles of the 'lads' itching for attention though? Give the press something to talk about off and on the pitch...
I do think you are being very harsh in your views of Robson . I won't say anything about that trickster Maradonna and his Hand of God otherwise your reflections might be totally different today... Sometimes I think after passing 6 world class tackles all the way from the half way line to score a goal single handed may have warranted a slap on the back from God... But hey I remember it all too clearly.

Another reason that England are such losers.

They don't even know how to cheat properly.
I think the English and the French have got a lot to learn about gamesmanship...otherwise known as cheating.

The Italians seem to do it so well that you don't really notice it.

They have it down to such a fine art and it is such an integral part of their game that we have come to accept it.

Ronaldo the winker seems to be getting there too but he is such a fantastic player that we don't seem to notice it any longer.
Hi Atilla and Bobby Robson fan,

Bobby was OK--but nothing startling. He had a good team. When he went he got a politehandclap from the fans for his work. Certainly, he was better than Van Gaal, who was characterised by the cartoonists by a square brick construction, instead of a head. Van Gaal told the fans how stupid they were to sack him and, with fans booing him, came back a year or two later to give us another year of grief. The next time he went, he took the president with him!

A thought. Since England, sometimes, employs foreign managers, for Heaven's sake don't let them pick Van Gaal !

whoever comes in as manager will be percieved as having underperformed unless he outperforms because the players are so overrated. i think part of the problem is the way the games played in the premiership isnt suitable at the highest level its always excruciating watching england play a brazil an argentina an italy or even a spain as we clumsily barge our way down the pitch hoping for an opening only to lose it and be given a lesson in posession as we watch their midfield play some subtle one twos and a choice of player to pass to create some triangles showing comfort on the ball and something upstairs while we run around like headless chickens waiting for the next good tackle and an oppertunity to get the ball near their box in three passes. why do most of our players want to make the play that looks best? just be aware of where players are pass the ball to the guy next to you and give him or the player hes about to pass to an angle. simple but probably beyond the patience and technical ability of our midfield. oh how we miss scholes.
the first day mclarren took charge and announced he was getting rid of beckam was a pretty good harbinger i mean to suggest beckam isnt one of the best 22 eligable for selection is absurd. with the possible exception of an owen or a terry hes the only player we have who actually stands up when it matters. not to mention the creating abilities he has that we sorely lack.
mclarren was obviously a poor choice before and after the case i think if we have to go english theres only one choice for me and thats harry. what he does with crap teams is amazing the players love him and hes upbeat and he makes good decisions. but dont see why we should limit ourselves to the rubbish in england at the moment.
read this a minute ago

1. Sally is taller than Rodney. Anna is taller than Sally. Anna gave Rodney a blow job. Put the children in order from tallest to shortest

A. Rodney, Sally, Anna
B. Sally, Rodney, Anna
C. Anna, Sally, Rodney
D. Anna, Rodney, Sally

2. In Football, England finished below Croatia in Euro 08 Qualifying. Australia finished above Croatia in World Cup Group F.
In their last encounter, Australia defeated Engand 3-1. Rank the teams in order of quality.

A. Australia, Croatia, England
B. Australia, Croatia, Scotland, England
C. Australia, Croatia, Faroe Is, England
D. Australia, Croatia, England, San Marino
I believe that we have a potential English candidate for the job but it is probably a little too early in his career.

But I do think he would do a creditable job.

He has a characteristic that not many people associated with football possess.


He goes by the name of Steve Coppell.

If he put the letter "O" at the end of his name, we may think he is Italian and he might stand a better chance of getting the job.
Sorry, I missed the point that you are a Blades fan.

Is he still promoting a culture of heavy boozing ?

I'm not sure that that's just the type of rumour that sticks to a man for whom things aren't going too well. I doubt he actually wants his players to drink.

But I'm not impressed with what he has served up so far😢

Does anybody here think that the England players have suficient ball skills to play like Arsenal do ?