Junior trader ... seeking a break


hi, i m a mahs graduate but still looking for a break, i'm wondering if you can tell me who is looking for maths graduates? by the way try marketfocusltd.co.uk, they require a re location to cardiff but apart from that they don't discriminate on who wants to trade as long as you are willing to eat, drink sleep and live trading
Nice posts Chrissy T, but I can't help wondering . . . - what advice would you give to a middle aged landscape gardener from Devon who also aspires to trading for a living? 🙂
Propagating desire

timsk said:
Nice posts Chrissy T, but I can't help wondering . . . - what advice would you give to a middle aged landscape gardener from Devon who also aspires to trading for a living? 🙂

Use plenty of manure, and dig over regularly 😀
asifrazzaq, Thanks for the post I will try that website, as I am very willing to eat, drink and sleep trading.

When I started in the business I asked a Market Wizard the same question - i.e. How do I start in trading? The answer I got was the path I followed -- "Get a grubstake and start trading"
hi, I was wondering, if it was possible that you could give me that website with lots of trainee jobs,i am a maths graduate and i really want to get into trading or broking, and am willing to start on a low wage and work my way up. you can mail it to me at [email protected].
Asif Razzaq
Guys, would you mind also sending me the addresses of websites which are actively recruiting for entry-level jobs within the financial markets (data entry, back office etc.)?

It would be greatly appreciated, cheers! :cheesy:


[email protected].
wow wonder how much junk emails those guys are now getting after posting their email address's?!!!
If you are that dedicated to finding a job in trading then you would have found the sites before posting on here..........Trading involves a degree of intelligence....Here is the thought process of someone even remotely interested in pursuing a trading job.....

1) "hmmmm where do most companies trade on?"
2) "aaarrrghhhh I know LIFFE" (or whatever exchange, depending on your world location)
3) "Why don't I take a look at their website and try and find a member list"
4) "Oh look I've found the members list"
5) "Now I can either call them or send out my letter and CV"
6) Cross fingers and wait

If the above has too many steps then do a search on the net for financial career websites......If you can't do any of the above then give up now as working out various trading strategies will be will above what you can handle...

best of luck
OK, just to educate myself and solve my curiosity I found following:

The correct term is, "hear, hear!" It is an abbreviation for "hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!"

Of course, if the speaker is actually asking a question, such as "and just where do you think we should open the new strip club?" it's not hard to imagine that at least one yahoo in attendance might yell, "here, here!" But this would be the exception that proves the rule.
twalker said:
OK, just to educate myself and solve my curiosity I found following:

The correct term is, "hear, hear!" It is an abbreviation for "hear, all ye good people, hear what this brilliant and eloquent speaker has to say!"

Of course, if the speaker is actually asking a question, such as "and just where do you think we should open the new strip club?" it's not hard to imagine that at least one yahoo in attendance might yell, "here, here!" But this would be the exception that proves the rule.

Someone move these f*cking markets...I'm getting well bored.....
Sorry, didnt mean to a hit nerve mate!

Will check the liffe site, thanks for the advice 😛