Junior Fixed Income Sales Trader


Good morning all,

I have an interview with a boutique asset management/brokerage firm for the above position, I have been looking for a "day in the life" type document so that I can understand exactly what is involved, can anyone help with a detailed description i.e ins/outs/bonuses/career progression/earning potential ....

From what I gather the role involves taking as market view and generating trading ideas that can be presented to your clients, advising them with sales/purchase,business development.

I can find info on the role for IBs but not for a brokerage so can anyone help me out.

I have IB and Hedge fund experience in a middle office capacity, however for the last few years I have been working senior oil and gas business development roles in west africa. The firm are looking for a junior/trainee trader and a business development manager, I could secure the BD role for a better initial salary but I really want this role, a smaller sallary to start but better in the long run plus thios will be my break into a front office role..

If someone can give me an overview of the job i would be greatful