John Thomas: Macro Millionaire

I'm not talking about giving them your money to trade for you! I am talking about teaching you how they do it

I don't see anything wrong with that. Plenty of people and companies offer trading education and expect to be remunerated for it. I accept that there are plenty of cowboy operators out there preying on the naivety of less experienced traders. I also accept that there are plenty of free resources out there, but like any paid education you hopefully get a structured approach to learning in return.
I don't see anything wrong with that. Plenty of people and companies offer trading education and expect to be remunerated for it. I accept that there are plenty of cowboy operators out there preying on the naivety of less experienced traders. I also accept that there are plenty of free resources out there, but like any paid education you hopefully get a structured approach to learning in return.

No evidence is required to call something a scam. There is no evidence that this actually exists. Anyway, to clear it up just post the Radio channel they advertise, I will be travelling over the next couple of days so I can listen to it and decide for myself.
:smart :
Bint_Crusher is online now Recommend Bint_Crusher's Post Report Post Edit/Delete Message

Theses guys are a bunch of cox.
No evidence is required to call something a scam. There is no evidence that this actually exists. Anyway, to clear it up just post the Radio channel they advertise, I will be travelling over the next couple of days so I can listen to it and decide for myself.
:smart :
Bint_Crusher is online now Recommend Bint_Crusher's Post Report Post Edit/Delete Message

Theses guys are a bunch of cox.

Let's hope you're a little more diligent in your review than your duplicate posts about an hour apart...
Here is the website.
Navigate yer way around it, lots of this does not add up to me. Eg they advertise Hedge Fund Radio. Yet there is no info as to how and when this is broadcast. Incidentally a recording of an interview down the local or in a car or in some hotel or other then published on the web does NOT constitute a radio broadcast.
All I am asking for is that someone gives me the link or frequency as I can then listen to them live and make my own judgements.
This was the same guy who was offering a luncheon and a 45 minute presentation for $299 last month. I wouldn't pay that for a luncheon with 50 virgin poledancers, Well probably not).😉😉:whistling

Who wants to advertise themselves as a "mad hedge fund trader". If you were a bank would you approach someone with that tag, or as an investor would you be able to take this seriously. I for one cannot but if anybody out there can prove otherwise, I will need a bit more than a website link mind.
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... I would like to know if anyone has tried this and anyone who has opted out in 90 days and gotten their money back....$1997 is a lot ......

I have been a watching his success from the sideline for a long time and finally signed up. He is expensive - but for a good reason... he is the best trader/investor I have found.
I wish I could share his high subscription fee with others.
I have been a watching his success from the sideline for a long time and finally signed up. He is expensive - but for a good reason... he is the best trader/investor I have found.
I wish I could share his high subscription fee with others.

Let's hope you get an excellent return on your investment and time.... In this business you need one good setup and then pound that one for all its worth. Let's hope you find the tools you need..
Just came across this thread.

Posted on my blog, May 15 2011
Just came across this thread.

Posted on my blog, May 15 2011

Hi GrandSupercycle, I've followed every link posted on the page you point to. The Twitter ones are dead. The Facebook one is non-specific and I see a credit on his post (presumably added later by JT).

Agree it's not good form if he did quote a source without attributing but perhaps an innocent mistake, unless you have evidence of repeated similar behaviour?
No action was taken despite multiple requests and emails to him.

Until I eventually contacted his ISP ...


I see the original page has now gone:

But can be found here (minus my chart) :
May 13 'This Chart Keeps Me Awake at Night'
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So, any update on the successes of the new richies? MHFT investment ideas do seem reasonable...
I thought I've got nothing to lose by taking the 90-day trial - a full refund if I'm not satisfied.

First impressions of the man's grasp of things is encouraging - though I notice that the last trade recommendation was a total disaster.

The customer service operation behind him is less encouraging. Query emails answered incompletely and in language which appears most amateur.

I'll be generous and give them the benefit of the doubt and update here periodically.

Ok so whats the news....90 days well up by now
Sounds like complete B.S. to me. I think anley perfectly described the situation already - nothing further to add.
How quickly the trolls circle... Sorry for the extended delay in updating.

Had a member acted on every trade recommendation since inception end Nov 2010 the cumulative return would've been 31.26%. The return during June was 3.56% and there have been no new trade calls since then.

Not the most oustanding performance, but it does consistently make money and makes more than it loses.
Thanks for the feedback ballpark, you need to invest around £6k capital to cover the cost of dealing and the 2k cost of the service. Is that so bad? Oh I forgot, you also have to suffer listening to him blathering on for hours.


I hate being Bi-polar......its great
How quickly the trolls circle... Sorry for the extended delay in updating.

Had a member acted on every trade recommendation since inception end Nov 2010 the cumulative return would've been 31.26%. The return during June was 3.56% and there have been no new trade calls since then.

Not the most oustanding performance, but it does consistently make money and makes more than it loses.

Never mind about what might have happened since last November what actually happened during your 90 day trial which started in March? How much did you make on your demo account?
A stock tipping service making money in a bull market, well who would have thought of that.......
Snake oil merchant or the real mc coy?

John Thomas is the man behind the Mad Hedge Fund and pops up (no pun intended, given what his name means in English slang 😆) with some interesting observations on the Economist's comments pages.

He's offering a distance coaching programme and suggestions of which positions to follow for USD 1,997 / yr or free for lifetime for the best answer on your investment goals here.

He's also hosting a 'Global Strategy Luncheon' in London on 4 April - $299 for a 45-minute powerpoint and the same again for Q&As.

Curious - anyone know anything about him? No mention of him in searches on either the FT or WSJ sites. He also seems quite Google-proof, apart from plugs for his coaching...

The guy's name is John Thomas, he's taking the P*** by calling himself a p e n 1 s and then charging you to listen to him.
Im not sure this thread is getting anywhere new. We have established he's Google proof. Weve established that he's fundimentally a journalist who like to eat with the rich and famous. The course is expensive. His info comes from here and there (who's doesnt....would we trust him the more if made it up himself?). Achieving 31.26% pa during a bull year isnt unexpectedly stella (although Martin Weiss' similarly priced Millionaire portfolio managed a loss - LOL if I hadnt invested, but I got my subscription back on day 89).

All Im waiting for is an answer to PBOYLES question 'Never mind about what might have happened since last November what actually happened during your 90 day trial which started in March? How much did you make on your demo account?

Anyone got the answer?