John Harrison - Good Guy or Bad Guy?


I received yesterday a mailshot inviting me to attend a seminar errrrr in HEATHROW ( and costing £3,999 + vat) being held by a certain Andrew Reynolds, after a bit of dectective work I discovered that his company was called "Manhattandirect". A further search led me to your web site and a prolonged discussion on a number of the more dubious aspects of Manhattandirect.

I was sent this stuff by a guy called John Harrison of streetwise marketing who for the past ten years has sent me a variety of decent opportunities. I now feel the need to check him out!

Anyone know anything about him?

Droid .... "New To All Of This"
Wasn't he the one who wrote 'My Sweet Lord' and was a mate of Damon Hill?

I just spotted your msg after I sent a similar one on the property search link today Oct 10th.

I posted my experience with Andrew Reynolds.

All I can say is hes still around and Im led to believe he only offers his seminars to a set amount of interested clients.

Like many things in life , its all ones opinion. I think he does seem to offer some quiet good IN DEMAND products which will sell if one markets the Business correctly, BUT he also offers 2nd or 3rd back up products that he suggests selling at amazingly expensive prices.
This is no doubt how one can get rich quick as long as past customers have some faith in past products they bought from him or whoever in the past. They later may be quiet tempted to buy again even products costing in the £100s , as oposed to the initial product that may have cost them £25 to £50.

It is however his suggestion as to what to charge for his products. It is however upto the person who decides to run a business what THEY decide to charge. Meaning one could charge more OR LESS than what he suggests . IF one thinks his prices are immoral, then they may deide to only charge say 30% of what hes suggesting.

They would still make good money IMO doing this.

I do think his ideas / products are probably winners and have been proven. I KNOW its very hard to find winning in demand producsts that sell. I think hes probably got a bit of a gift for finding god products to sell such as Videos / CDs on say How to sell on the internet etc, which no doubt over the last few years have been in high demand. However MAYBE now they have been over sold or too many others have been selling similar things.

He however claims there is always the next latest products that come out that will always be in demand.

IF I had a few people interested I would consider splitting the costs. So if 3 others were interested and an agrement was made, each of us would pay around £1000 plus vat.

Anyones interested let me now ASAP because its being held on Oct 16th next week.

It may already be too late.


Droidware said:
I received yesterday a mailshot inviting me to attend a seminar errrrr in HEATHROW ( and costing £3,999 + vat) being held by a certain Andrew Reynolds, after a bit of dectective work I discovered that his company was called "Manhattandirect". A further search led me to your web site and a prolonged discussion on a number of the more dubious aspects of Manhattandirect.

I was sent this stuff by a guy called John Harrison of streetwise marketing who for the past ten years has sent me a variety of decent opportunities. I now feel the need to check him out!

Anyone know anything about him?

Droid .... "New To All Of This"
exactly what is manhattan direct selling ? a trading system or something non trading related ?

Non Related to trading.

They sell other type of mail order or internet based type products such as video tapes, CDs etc on for eg How to make money on the internet, or through mail order.

Sometimes they are a series of tapes done by some internet or mail order expert.
I understand that they're a marketing company with a range of clients, including some people like VS who don't wish to spend their time on marketing and get their whole "sales" business outsourced for them, in exchange for a cut. Probably they market good things and bad things too ... they're only marketers.
Anyone received this? (property searches) ( 1 2 )
present;y on page 3 on this trading resources thread

This is a thread of the last opportunity that Manhatten Direct was marketing.

Initially many were sceptical. , Me too..

But I did do some research on this and do think there was something in it.

In the end I just dont think this business was for me. Also no doubt certain other companys already had a large part of the market, so it meant making many phone calls to find a solicitor who would offer one their business for Property searches.

When I tried I did find quiet a lot in my area already used one particular property search business.

There were some however who didnt use any, and no doubt it would be down to ones own powers of persuasion and ability to try and convince them that you could offer them a good service.

So I do think there was some scope in this idea for the right kind of person.
I subscribe to The Board, which is a monthly publication devoted to rooting out and exposing "opportunities" such as this, which invariably turn out to be scams in some way or other. It has saved me literally thousands by stopping me falling for marketing hype. Apparently with property searches it is almost impossible to do this nowadays as 1) the majority of mortgage companies will not accept personal searches 2) solicitors are going over to doing it online now, which is instant. And it was the speed thing that was the selling point. Apparently the "king" of the local searches, Peter Newey has all-but disappeared. I was very tempted, it sounds great but guess what?? Its a con! 😈
Peter said:
Anyone received this? (property searches) ( 1 2 )
present;y on page 3 on this trading resources thread

This is a thread of the last opportunity that Manhatten Direct was marketing.

Initially many were sceptical. , Me too..

But I did do some research on this and do think there was something in it.

In the end I just dont think this business was for me. Also no doubt certain other companys already had a large part of the market, so it meant making many phone calls to find a solicitor who would offer one their business for Property searches.

When I tried I did find quiet a lot in my area already used one particular property search business.

There were some however who didnt use any, and no doubt it would be down to ones own powers of persuasion and ability to try and convince them that you could offer them a good service.

So I do think there was some scope in this idea for the right kind of person.
Property searches / JH

thks for your thought / experience on the subject.

I have heard various views on it and am not certain either way if its ok or a subject that MAY soon be a con if changes are made.

All I do know is that there are certainly were agents doing this business earlier this year, thats a fact as I did research it.. As for Morgage companies no longer accepting Personal searches Again I have heard the two scenerios.However last time i checked If a solicitor uses an official agent which many still do as far as im aware the solicitors have no problems.

Im told Some solicitors MAy go online BUT MANY still dont.

As for Peter Newby, I dont know what happened to him.

Has ' the board' publication you subscribe to any comments on Andrew Reynolds or Streetwise mktg ?

Thks Pete

SpottyDogGirl said:
I subscribe to The Board, which is a monthly publication devoted to rooting out and exposing "opportunities" such as this, which invariably turn out to be scams in some way or other. It has saved me literally thousands by stopping me falling for marketing hype. Apparently with property searches it is almost impossible to do this nowadays as 1) the majority of mortgage companies will not accept personal searches 2) solicitors are going over to doing it online now, which is instant. And it was the speed thing that was the selling point. Apparently the "king" of the local searches, Peter Newey has all-but disappeared. I was very tempted, it sounds great but guess what?? Its a con! 😈
Hi Mayfly

The links didnt work but you are correct about A.R and VS having been connected at some time and may still be in some way although A.R isnt a stk mkt guy. No doubt they May have used similar mktg techniques.

VS for eg started some seminars last few years. Personally I think he does a very good job on bringing some of the well known traders to such events. I DONT HOWEVER LIKE WHAT HE CHARGES !!! BUT he gets away with it and must sincerely believe they are worth what he charges. IF he did them at a reasonable price I May have attended a few myself. Hed still make good money if the numbers were there to attend without charging incredible prices.

BUT if enough people pay £1000s for it hes not likely to drop His price..

I surpose its all a question of what or how one values things. For a novice whos Not experienced trading They MAY find it useful long term IF they end up being educated by the right people, BUT others if they are already familiar with much of trading may find it a rip off.

I think sometimes one only can make their own decisions no mater what others tell them as unfortunately like many things one only really learns from personal experience and ones own ability and view point.

I would think Many or most people spend and loose Ridiculas ammounts of money trying to be sucessful at trading. To some £1500 would be little. To Others its a fortune.

As every one is different only they can search and find out what suits them.

Before the internet and these types of groups I and im sure majority could NEVER find out what we know now about all the many gurus out there.

Reallly IF we cannot make it in todays age as traders with all the resources available and free advice from groups like this, then It must have been almost impossible before the net for most AVG persons. The only BIG negative OR problem Now with it is we are now too overloaded with too much information sO I do wonder if this can be counter productive due to the large ammount of time one can end up thinking or weighing things up.

Mayfly said:

I thought that Manhattan Direct had something to do with Vince Stanzione or at least the company had been mentioned before elsewhere on these boards in the context of VS? Check these links out:


I have looked at this thread a couple of times and others similar to it and felt I had to comment on this:

Please understand first and foremost, that I am not a Peter Newey fan- although I did actually buy his course (Not as some people did via a £3000 seminar, but I got the mail shot, liked the idea and then subsequently searched for the course and found it for £500 elsewhere)

Now you know. So I feel more than qualified to be able to comment on this:

Actually, in my opinion Peter's course was not very informative and quite ambiguous...but that is my opinion not fact.

However, I persisted in continuing to find a way to do this business and some 15 months later I am still trading as a relatively successful Property Search Agent.

Interestingly, I am constantly contacted, via my website from Newey "disciples" who dont know what the hell they are doing and want some training and help...which I now also do. (I charge £400 for a day's training including on site searching - ie a real live search) All of my attendees leave knowing how to go away and run the business)

I would finally say that anyone who thinks it is easy to pick up business - in any walk of life - is deluding themselves. It is not easy, it is hard..fact.

Yes this business is very competitive, what isnt? Printing? Publishing? Selling plastic lunchboxes? Nothing is easy and the sooner people stop thinking it is... the sooner they will actually become more realistic and less disenchanted with their lot.

I am not sticking up for Manhattan, Streetwise, et al. But what I am saying is that this particular idea is not a scam.. The price for the £3000 seminar was way too expensive for me...but I guess there are people out there who want to buy a dream.. they will save up and then spend another £3000 on the next dream.

I am not actually trying to be aggressive or argumentative, although reading this back I sort of sound it, sorry about that!

All I am saying is that this is not a scam, really. You could start it now and you could make a hell of a lot of money, or not - depending on all sorts of things..mostly about you..not the industry or the clients. Interestingly, not all solicitors are on an internet scheme. Many of them can't switch on their own computer, let alone order reports on-line. In fact this is the only business I know where the fax still is king!

There is no law that says property searching has to be on line in 2005 or whatever...there are government licensed NLIS suppliers..who offer that service. It actually doesnt make it any quicker, cheaper or more efficient than a client emailing me an address an me doing the search and returning it in a couple of just doesnt. Sorry to disappoint you.

Actually with the soon to be Home Information Pack (sellers pack) becoming law in 2007 (trials next year) there is every reason to be involved in this business..because someone has to produce the packs..which include....yes you guessed it, a local search. Furthermore, guess who is probably NOT going to be buying the HIPs for their clients, on the basis that you (as a seller) will have to have a pack produced BEFORE you contact them, you guessed it.....solicitors. So in around 15 months time...solicitors wont be our clients anymore..and that opens up a whole new world...of opportunity.

My advice....think about actually might find a business here...really. But dont think it will be as easy as falling off a log...If its worth's not easy.

Just dont come and steal my patch ok?

Thanks for the opportunity to rant....