Joe Ross Books -'Electronic Trading 'TNT'1,11,111 are they VFM ?


Are the Joe ROSS books VFM ?
I'm about to venture into the world of trading with the aim of controlling my finances on 3 fronts namely : Day/Swing, short term and shares medium/long term. I have read a some books on FA , TA & psychology. Signed up to various newsletters. whilst browsing the internet i came across who had a link to a .pdf sample of Law of Charts by Joe ROSS and have become very interested in its tantalising glimpse into to how the big players read the market to run stops and more importantly how to move with them. Seeing that T2W bookstore has the books for sale (Electronic trading 'TNT' 1,11,111&1V), has anybody read them ? are they realistic in what they pronounce ? 🙂
FirstRung - first time thread
Hi FirstRung

Welcome to T2W 🙂
Having read the books, they are expensive, but on the plus side it covers everything you need to start trading a strategy. The losses it would save, would more than add up to the cost of them in my opinion.

Rather than going for the whole lot, I would try the first one out and see how you get on with it. Some people find it easy reading, others I have spoke to have found it hard going. Either way, try the first one and see.

Hope this helps
To :- FTSE Beater & hagadol

To : FTSE Beater & hagadol(br /)

This my first time of replying using the BB , so i hope, in clearing the text box i have not
wiped your replies from it.

Thank you for the welcoming me into the 'fold', and i gratefully appreciate your thoughts borne out of experience.

Hope you do not mind me adding this to my Website :

T.T.F.N. - FirstRung
Very many thanks for an _extremely_ useful and helpful post, Hagadol! As you say, loads of interesting stuff there!