Job ideas wanted

Could move to a cheaper to live area like:-

The Bogside


or even

sunny Cornwall


In Donegal he would get three bidis in one night cause the paddis are broke, but in london he would have to pay extras to compete with thieves, the british.
Thanks for all the replies,it has been great entertainment for Lady Flash and myself.
I ask a simple question and what comes back is amazing. Ive had my trading skills examined,been told I should quit,not to live in London,must live in scotland,go on the game,need 2k per week min,told im not putting in 100%,told to sell my signals,write a book,become the matt alright of t2win,take up cooking,stripping,sex line worker,to name but a few

Just to clear up a few points. Currently I make money from trading,but do not want to be dependent on the money for my household income.I tried that before and it failed.
In order for me not to rely on trading income,I need only about £150 a week.I would ideally like a home based role utilising about 8-10 hrs a week.I do not need to give up trading,nor do I wish to trade 100% of the time. My work/play/trading/family/sex equation is working perfectly well

A few other facts that have been raised. I trade never more than £20pp( my emotions are in controll at that amount),often less,so an extra 8 pips is not the solution for many reasons. I live in London,and yes you do need £50k to have a decent lifestyle. Ive worked in the slums and seen the beauty of scotland and also been to cornwall.

Thanks again in advance and retrospectively
If you are handy with computers try starting a computer repair service out of your home. It's surprisingly easy as most parts will just need to be swapped out for good ones. In addition you can offer virus clean up services, hard drive data extraction and more. As with anything worthwhile it will take a bit of time and effort to get yourself started, but only a very reasonable amount of initial capital. Try googling to get a better idea of what you need to get started. You may need to get some sort of license from the town you live in.

😆 don't forget the cost of the crack arabian was smoking when he told splitlink the following 😆

I'm not going to apologise for that statement because it's a very useful model. That others lack the intellect/imagination/lateral thinking/combo of the three to think through the implications ain't my problem 😆
If you're good at any educational subject or can speak a language other than english, or are very skilled with a musical instrument, you could teach/tutor from home or locally.

If you can handle trading most of the time then you could consider trying to get a salaried position in a prop firm. If you're good enough they may be flexible about what hours you have to be there, and the salary would take off a lot of pressure.
- Buy some wholesale goods and sell on ebay or make a website selling specific items. There are websites you can go on to buy stock from shops that are closing down etc. Many wholesale websites.

- Start a web hosting business. Don't need much knowledge.. Will take a while to get enough clients for £150 pw but doable.

- If you're any good with graphics you could design websites, logos, banners, leaflets, brochures, business cards. You can use websites such as and to find work.

- Become a 'Virtual Assistant', carrying out administrative tasks for businesses from your home via the net. You can use the above sites to find work and there are also websites dedicated to Virtual Assistants.

- Buy an existing web based business from a website such as . Ideas include dating sites, property websites, sites selling products that link to a wholesale business - clothing, watches, trainers etc.

- If you are creative you could make things and sell them - sculptures, furniture, jewellery, pottery etc. You could buy a lathe and make pens, bowls, candlestick holders to name just a few ideas. Sell them at craft fairs or online.

- Its already been suggested but trading coach is a good one if you are proficient. You could market you system on Collective2 and charge people a subscription for your calls.

- Do you have a spare room? You could rent it out.

- Organise events like wine tasting, mini beers festivals, cheese tasting (lol, just random ideas - I'm thinking of things I like!) in your local village hall or whatever you guys have down in London. Sell tickets.

- Buy a professional printer and start a little business printing posters, leaflets, photos, portraits - you could buy a fancy camera and do family photos.

Running out of ideas now. Hope there are some useful ideas for you there even if only to inspire you. Good luck. Let me know if you fancy a joint venture - I'd like to work from home too 😉

Since you live in London here is a little ditty from the pearly mob about a similiar problem

My little sister Lilly
Has a stand in Picadilly
My mother has her's in the Strand.
My father flogs his ars*hole
At the Elephant & Castle

Were the biggest f*cking family in the land

not that I'm suggesting ............

Since you live in London here is a little ditty from the pearly mob about a similiar problem

My little sister Lilly
Has a stand in Picadilly
My mother has her's in the Strand.
My father flogs his ars*hole
At the Elephant & Castle

Were the biggest f*cking family in the land

not that I'm suggesting ............


Do u know who your mum and dad are?
ok, let me chip in with my views

emigrate to Thailand >
party the night with beautiful 18 year olds
- wake up at 3.00am London time, 9 Thailand 10.00am) then do aerobics at the beach, do yoga and meditation. then nice massage.
- go hope and shower / breakfast
- at the trading desk at 5.00am till 8.00am > thats all you need
- pack up at 8.00am ( 3pm thailand)
- go to bars and night life begins

what ya say?
Depends how much you can live on until you trade full-time?

Tutor in something?

If you are a successful trader what about taking a loan out to trade or start a fund?
Jut seen you need £150 per week? Tutoring would be ideal!

Would changing lifestyle in anyway bring it down?
Just been watching a rerun of Steptoe and Son

Now there's a new career move.

Buy an 'orse 'n cart

work on the cockney accent a bit

think of all that fresh air, plus I might add plenty of fertilizer for Lady Flashe's roses


aint been on here for a while but i would also agree with kwickwool. you need to give this market 100% focus if you want to succeed. Granted you could be doing something when the charts are dead but what happens if your on a sales call and the markets take off? or your in a position and decide to take a sales call. Give it your all buddy and be confident, make your money trading!
Jut seen you need £150 per week? Tutoring would be ideal!

Would changing lifestyle in anyway bring it down?

I could make cut backs yes,but that is not the point. I want the £150 which is what I need to cover costs. I want this to be completely separate from trading so I have no worries about having to produce. I currently easily earn this but want an easier method and to be at home when I do it. Tutoring trading,now thats an idea,except I dont believe there are any succesful mentors and i dont want to be on someones hit list.
I think you should work for a year, while continuing to trade, and save up enough to live for a year through drawdowns.

Of course be careful here that you're not deluding yourself about your ability to trade.
Thanks to all but the point seems to be missed. I dont want advice other than work ideas.As I have repeatedly said. I need to get £150 a week so I can keep my trading separate and all for profit. I make money trading but do not want to have to make it if you know what I mean. Trading recently has been good to me, I want to keep it that way and appreciate the value of money.Please post ideas about work from home etc and not trading advice or give up trading advice
How about the amazon mechnanical turk m'good lord? If your trading is fairly lesiurely then you should be able to spend most of the time there?