Jeremy Clarkson

You solve it by asking what the victim wants.

The Argies nearly gave him a dose of their medicine ! Just over a car number plate. There is a nasty air of violence spreading over the planet imho

If Britain were a 3rd world republic they could probably have him if the price were high enough.

Anyway he has so many millions of Beeb money why should he worry ?
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Nope, before modern term negro was used, the term nigger derives from people of Nigeria. From which nigger was first used.

It was a neutral term describing people of that region.

And now whitey crackerheads have been brainwashed into thinking otherwise.

Really ???

Here is a clue - what came first Latin or Nigeria?

There you go whitey boy... 👍
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Never heard of him. What's all the fuss about?

Agreed. Someone should give him a bar of soap.

He has a face like the back of a rhino.

Has not much further interest in the program and probably thinking his had enough.

Couldn't be asked.

Steak and chips more important than the show.

One would think he'd pop into his car and drive to some local pub to have a good bite and something to drink.

No! What does he do?

Throw his toys out the pram.

What a tw4t? 😆
Bad publicity is money making good publicity these days as everyone knows.
So the 3 amigos will be laughing all the way to the bank I expect.

No worries
What amazes me is the online petition in Clarkson's support – shedloads of people who've decided that he is the wronged party without any knowledge of the facts whatsoever. But hey! That's democracy.
What amazes me is the online petition in Clarkson's support – shedloads of people who've decided that he is the wronged party without any knowledge of the facts whatsoever. But hey! That's democracy.

While you are deciding the issue on right or wrong, not everybody is. There is a lot of publicity mileage in Jerry C, thanks to his gaffs, unashamed patriotism and non PCism. If he was just another grey, almost invisible man he wouldn't be noticed. Just tough if you happen to live in the country or group he is currently slagging off !!

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I both love him and also cannot stand him at times

Over 20+ years he has given me and other petrol heads loads of entertainment.

I have met him a few times at the MIRA test track near Nuneaton - originally with my son's foot ball team ( Higham Mighty under 8's ) and he was polite - signed autographs and took the mickey out of my TVR Cerbera .

He turned up another time with the crew and gave the kids bars of chocolates and even had a kick about

But nowadays - He just takes things too far - ( he loves controversy and causing trouble ) and I think - just grow up - yes we know you are talented - but please don't act like 10 yrs old Public school kid drilling holes through into the girls changing room - you are past that.

Still just hope we get Top Gear back - with or without him - I want to see the latest Ferrari / Mclaren / Porsche test ;-))
While you are deciding the issue on right or wrong, not everybody is. There is a lot of publicity mileage in Jerry C, thanks to his gaffs, unashamed patriotism and non PCism. If he was just another grey, almost invisible man he wouldn't be noticed. Just tough if you happen to live in the country or group he is currently slagging off !!


If I let you into a secret of JC's past, promise not to tell ?

Actually, I've not decided anything and would find it hard to do so even if I were in full possession of the facts. There are so many considerations (commercial/legal/ moral/uninformed public opinion – and there's nothing new with that, it's been around since time immemorial!) etc that it becomes a complete can of worms. When all is said and done it's totally trivial in comparison with other problems of the world.

The best piece of documentary I ever saw from Clarkson was his film about the St. Nazaire Raid – a truly remarkable story of heroism at its finest & covered in an appropriately respectful tone by our Jeremy. Perhaps he's a bit like Nigel Farage? – I like 'em both.

Anyway, a happy St Patrick's Day to you and yes, if you share that secret of Clarkson's past on this thread I promise not to let anybody else read it!
Anyway, a happy St Patrick's Day to you and yes, if you share that secret of Clarkson's past on this thread I promise not to let anybody else read it!

I should be celebrating my namesake's day I guess. Not actually Irish but an adopted son of theirs. So Have a Special Day folks.

On second thoughts perhaps good sense should prevail about ..........
I might get sued.
Very interesting article in the Sunday Times, the other day, by A.A. Gill, who openly discloses his 30-year friendship with Clarkson but is also well able, as the paper's rather knowledgeable TV critic, to offer useful insights into the inner workings of the BBC and how it comes about that they can behave as stupidly as this and risk cutting off and losing their £150-Million-per-year income-earner. The general election notwithstanding, the members of the appropriate parliamentary committee will perhaps be watching and making notes for the next time the words "Licence Fee" come up.
Very interesting article in the Sunday Times, the other day, by A.A. Gill, who openly discloses his 30-year friendship with Clarkson but is also well able, as the paper's rather knowledgeable TV critic, to offer useful insights into the inner workings of the BBC and how it comes about that they can behave as stupidly as this and risk cutting off and losing their £150-Million-per-year income-earner. The general election notwithstanding, the members of the appropriate parliamentary committee will perhaps be watching and making notes for the next time the words "Licence Fee" come up.

AA Gill is another great character - and the "blonde" - he's big buddies with Clarkson and i think they both bring out the worst in each other

Did not read the article but must find it out to check out


Yes, they probably bring out the worst in each other. 🙂

Clarkson is undeniably a "bad boy", but the BBC also needs to face the reality that (a) the fact that he's a "bad boy" is what has given them 214 foreign-country customers for the show, and 350 Million viewers (that's over 5% of the planet's total population, I think?), and (b) that Clarkson himself chose to bring this matter to their attention, and (c) that after 12 hours' filming without a meal and facing an early start again the following morning, the presenters are damn well entitled to a proper meal and likely to lose their rag if nobody's bothered to arrange one for them.

I'm a mere, meek, mild, well-mannered little girl, but I'd have been furious, too. 👎
I'd like to see a Sunday 2 a.m. cannonball run - 100 miles up the M1.
Clarkson would be spot on for at least 1 contestant.

Yes, they probably bring out the worst in each other. 🙂

Clarkson is undeniably a "bad boy", but the BBC also needs to face the reality that (a) the fact that he's a "bad boy" is what has given them 214 foreign-country customers for the show, and 350 Million viewers (that's over 5% of the planet's total population, I think?), and (b) that Clarkson himself chose to bring this matter to their attention, and (c) that after 12 hours' filming without a meal and facing an early start again the following morning, the presenters are damn well entitled to a proper meal and likely to lose their rag if nobody's bothered to arrange one for them.

I'm a mere, meek, mild, well-mannered little girl, but I'd have been furious, too. 👎

What I read in the Telegraph was that with a helicopter waiting the three amigos decided to have couple of pints at a pub before returning back to base.

Two hours later they arrived back for a nice slap up meal only to be told most had the theirs and gone off to bed. Tyrone had waited up to receive the trio.

Probably with a few pints in them on an empty stomach that's when the fun and harsh words about the Irish and some say fistycuffs were displayed.

A special £21.95 steak was eventually delivered to Mr JC but not sure what the outcome of that was.

JC was also encouraged to report the matter by someone else after some time rather than come clean immediately after the event. Probably, when he pissed him self free of the alcohol in his blood and came down to earth.

So I'd concur we should wait for the full facts before reaching any conclusion.

Either way a big stink from a plonker who's passed his sell by date imo. 😎