Java is a pain in the a**



I notice that ebay and hotmail websites now use java. For me and my PC, this simply ensures that the page takes an age to load. It may well have a long spell where it is "not responding" for say 10 seconds etc. Same goes with java charts in my experience.

Therefore, i've reached the conclusion that java is crap, and doesn't perform as quickly as what you'd expect in this day and age.

I have the latest java.sun stuff installed btw.

Does java play the same tricks on your pc/s?

Just done a painful ebay search that took at lease 2-3 times longer than it should do without bloody java. Ican't believe ebay have started using java - Big Mistake!

Java just seems like a slow, old, sloppy, unreliable technology..
Java is excellent in my view and I don't have any of the issues that you are talking about. Java is also used as the IB trading platform and fills me instantly. You must have some other problem as this just doesn't make any sense.


I notice that ebay and hotmail websites now use java. For me and my PC, this simply ensures that the page takes an age to load. It may well have a long spell where it is "not responding" for say 10 seconds etc. Same goes with java charts in my experience.

Therefore, i've reached the conclusion that java is crap, and doesn't perform as quickly as what you'd expect in this day and age.

I have the latest java.sun stuff installed btw.

Does java play the same tricks on your pc/s?


Whichever moronic dim wit designed the latest hotmail user interface needs a feckin good kickin followed by a quick refresher course on HCI.

The way junk mail is handled is just totally bizarre. As a user I want to review the contents of potential junk mail as quickly as possible, and if its junk, delete it.

So what do microsoft do ?, they decide that when the user opens anything identified as junk mail, they wont actually display the contents.... to read it, you need to make a second request and wait for a second page re load.

God forbid you actually wanted to delete the email, this involves yet another page reload (and at one time a dialog asking if you where really sure)

Dont even get me started on those stupid check boxes that allow the user to select multiple mails for deletion. Locating an adjacent link to open the mail which must be located all of 4 angstroms away guarentees that you'll end up opening the mail that you actually wanted to delete (and of course if you do open it, there's nothing actually displayed !)

Microsoft has totally lost the plot, the redesign of UI in office 2008 products has to be some kind of an elaborate joke, Widows Vista is probably fine for the teletubbies, or for the under 2's but should adults really need to be subjected to this crap ?

Anyone who includes Java applets on a website needs beating with a stick, in fact anyone who uses any form of client side code should be hung drawn and quartered

Dont even get me started on the nightmare that is the "Amazon Shopping Experience"

Some of the bufoons responsible for designing this drivel need to be looking at products such as Adobe Flex, and getting there finger out of there **** whilst they still have a business

Java is excellent in my view and I don't have any of the issues that you are talking about. Java is also used as the IB trading platform and fills me instantly. You must have some other problem as this just doesn't make any sense.


Some java charts can be smooth, others slow and freezy in my experience.

With ebay i think its a firefox issue as in IE7, the ebay format - menus etc. has not changed, its suddenly different in forefox since about 2 weeks ago - with popup boxes etc.
Same goes for hotmail - quick and smooth in IE7, not in firefox.
Problem solved in firefox - It is now working at normal speed, without freezes etc.
tools - options - content -
then uncheck "Enable JavaScript" and "Enable Java"
Problem solved in firefox - It is now working at normal speed, without freezes etc.
tools - options - content -
then uncheck "Enable JavaScript" and "Enable Java"

Actually, no that didn't work as hotmail requires the javascript checkbox to be checked. Doing this also makes the ebay pop up menus that exist in firefox pop up, and makes both sites run slower again.

When i'd unchecked them both in firefox, the ebay popup windows didn't work, but i could navigate speedily around ebay otherwise.

So it defo seems a firefox issue anyway. Back to the drawing board...
I only use Firefox and still don't have those issues on eBay. It is all a bit strange.

Yes, ditto. I often lose my connection to charts. When IG was all Java, I had no end of problems. They even had one of their technical guys log in to my PC but he gave up.