IG & Java


Junior member
I had Norton Internet Security before but it was somehow corrupted as it wasn't doing the LiveUpdate properly. Although the Live Update message kept on saying the update was completed, I noticed some of the catalog(?) files weren't available for updating.

I therefore installed McAfee Internet Security over the weekend instead. and it seems to be giving me quite a few problems. When I am in IG, it seems my clicking on the buy/sell buttons is not recognised. The incredible thing is if I click other icons such as FAQ on the IG log in page, I could then click the buy/sell buttons.

It was also coincidental that there was an automated update to my Sun Java(which I don't use as I have got the Microsoft JVM selected under Internet Options/Advanced/). Although IG had asked me to use the Sun Java in the past, it seemed to run fine for IG but it would use up all the CPU% thus not allowing other packages to share the CPU.

I would be grateful if some experts could tell me if this is really a Java rather than a McAfee problem? In addition, would it do any harm if I un-install all the Sun Java programs and will it mess up the Microsoft Java? How can I tell if the Sun Java is not used by any other programs?

Thanks. 😢 😢
The Sun and Microsoft Java are completely independant of one another. You can use both simultaneously, but only one of them can be used through Browser pages.

However they are not the same. The Sun Java is much more feature rich than the Microsoft VM and any serious application will be written to use the Sun Java. Most serious applications will not run with the Microsoft VM but have to have the Sun Java.

However I don't know about IGs application. If it is browser based then try the application with the Sun Java being set up for Browser Integration. If that doesn't work then set it up with the Microsoft VM and try that.

You could of course go to IGs website and ascertain which version you should be using...

I had problems with IG index software until I changed to Sun Java, im still isng Norton Firewall.

The IG software can be very setting specific and I have to delete all my temporary internet files before I use it otherwise it tends to mess up.
IG do recommend the Sun Java.

I was running it (no longer use IG) with AVG Pro 7 and Sysgate Persoanl (free). Worked fine.
Although IG recommend Sun Java you don't need it to run their software, Microsoft VM will work fine.

I had a problem recently when IGMarkets upgraded their interface. Their new website couldn't recognise a particular object which prevented me from logging in.
Tech support told me to install Sun Java, which I did, but it didn't eradicate the problem.

In the end I was able to use Windows XP system restore to locate a time when IG worked properly. Then I checked to see which programs had been installed at that time, found the culprit, uninstalled it and everything worked fine.

Hope this helps.
