I've left my job!


Junior member
Hello, After many years of thinking about it, I've handed in my notice at work. My last day is December 30.

I'm gonna try and keep my blog up to date, its my username with a .com at the end.

I started the blog about 4 months ago after a great starting month and not so great subsequent ones.

Fingers crossed for 2017 and financial freedom! 🙂
Just had a look at your blog. There's not a lot of information on there so I will assume you really only have started trading only 4 months ago.

On that basis if you made 40% in Aug and in Sep, whilst the majority of traders had a very hard time during those months due to the markets being less trending and less volatile than usual, than you most likely achieved it by (i) sheer luck and (ii) you took excessive amounts of risk.

I am saying this also because you did not disclose any details as to your trading approach, which makes me think you likely lack a whole lot of research and study.

Without meaning to dampen your enthusiasm, I would strongly urge to reconsider your decision.

You should not be going into full-time trading after 4 months of trading. Particularly if you have a wife and children. Don't do it unless you have a huge amount of capital stashed away and/or will have other income streams large enough to cover your living costs.

If you are not in that situation, you will be risking your trading capital and your marriage. Please reconsider!!!

Can I suggest that you share some of your executed trades with the forum in the form of screenshots, your reasons for entry, also the basis of your trading strategy (assuming you have one) - if you do so, you will instantly get constructive/objective feedback as to whether you are ready to trade full-time.

Additionally have a quick read of these wise words shared by Peter Brandt
The whole thread is a con to get us suckers to part with our hard earned cash-only kiddin dude-all the best n merry x mass
To be honest, I am half hoping that you are pulling our legs with your proposal.

Hi George,
I've been trading on and off for twenty years. In that time, I've mainly traded equities and indexes (starting with full blown shares, then CFDs and then Spread betting) with some FX thrown in. I've had some terrific months, +40k on my best one.
I believe that all trading is gambling (only my opinion of course) and trying to predict the unpredictable is futile. For that reason I don’t use charts. I also don’t sit in front of a screen all day looking at prices as I find its boring and stressful and in my experience, I make less money that way.
I may have been lucky, you may be right there, but only time will tell. I am in a fortunate position financially and only trade with money I can afford to lose, I also have very low outgoings these days.
I make good percentages when trading small as there is no stress and find that scaling trades up adds to stress levels and therefor affects my decisions. Since I trade small, I trade high risk. It’s easy to double or even triple your money that way and that is why I may be naive in thinking I can do so with larger trades, as I said, time will tell.
As far as strategy is concerned. I’ve tried and tested everything over the years. One thing I am 100% sure of is that there are a hundred trading strategies out there, and they all work! As long as you stick to it that is. That’s where people seem to go wrong, they try something and it works for a while, then it goes wrong and they leave it and move on to the next one. They don’t realise that there two markets – trending and consolidating and there is no one system that works in both markets. Strategies are like people, they have personalities and traders need to find a strategy that suits their personality. For example, some people like high volume trading where they trade multiple times a day, some traders are low frequency and trade once a month. Both of these strategies work but if you tried to make the low volume trader swap with the high volume trader, he would probably get burned out and stressed and lose his money. In the same way, the high volume trader would get bored with only being able to trade once a month and he would end up changing the system to match his personality. This is what I have done - taken the bits of systems that I like and discarded the bits I don’t like. For example, every time I use stop loss, I get stopped out! So I don’t use it.
Anyway, I’ve rambled. December is nearly up and I'm at 11% at the minute, not great but as I stated earlier, my aim was simply to beat the banks and in that manner, I'm winning!
I very much believe Dell Boy – He who dares…wins!
thanks for providing some more details of your background.

Well, I guess in that case, I will just wish you good luck. :cheesy:
I notice you look at trading the relative strengths of currencies on forex......you call it STAM ?

How's that going for you ?

If you have financial freedom then good luck to you.....the blog seems a little random.....but again good luck to you

If you have financial freedom then good luck to you.....the blog seems a little random.....but again good luck to you


Hi N. agreed the blog is a bit odd. I've never blogged about anything before so don't realy know what to include. It was originally meant just for work colleagues to keep up with what I'm doing after I left work. It's a work in progress to be honest so I think it will improve over time.