It's All About The Pips...

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Ah! One last thing - do you find it best to wait for the 15m candle close or go in on the cci as it crosses the 0.0 while the candle is still 'live'? I am assuming candle close


Ah! One last thing - do you find it best to wait for the 15m candle close or go in on the cci as it crosses the 0.0 while the candle is still 'live'? I am assuming candle close



Hi Mike,

I jump during the still open candle. But wait for the pull back first. This evening I went short eurusd. Candle price was at 1.3902 but I waited for back testing of small trendline at 1.3910. I entered the still open candle at 1.3907 and went untill 1.3886. I did another one short on eurjpy but left the trade with 0,53 cents loss. LOL


P.S. I am looking to short eurjpy right at this moment but need a backtst of small trendline. The crossing is right at this moment together with breaking trendline. After break I wait for back testing to get a better price.

I am new here
I only tray to learn.
What you think about following the trend and CCI, I tried to follow on 4h,1h,15min,5min and entering when 1 min trend (MAE) get in same direction. If you understand I only tray to take the trade when it crosses everithing in same direction. I tried several times and it worked very vell.Today it was only USD/JPY and getting out maybe when the 5 min trend change the direction in oposite.

I am new here
I only tray to learn.
What you think about following the trend and CCI, I tried to follow on 4h,1h,15min,5min and entering when 1 min trend (MAE) get in same direction. If you understand I only tray to take the trade when it crosses everithing in same direction. I tried several times and it worked very vell.Today it was only USD/JPY and getting out maybe when the 5 min trend change the direction in oposite.

Hi Sinib,

You should do what works best for you and keep an open mind for other input.


P.S. I am not a teacher, just telling what I do.
eurjpy sell

Hi mike,

Just to let you know that eurjpy trade was another 20 pips in the pocket.

Hi mike,

Just to let you know that eurjpy trade was another 20 pips in the pocket.


Morning Erik

Yeah, had a look at that -nice take profit at the MAs. I also wait for a pullback when my trend lines are broken or I'm entering after a candle close. I am working more off the 1hr charts now,with 15 min entries often from these using the trigger CCI (I have also added a 3 CCI which is roughly an 8min entry). Often using the 15m chart too.

I find the 5min excellent but so easy to get stuck on a 5min chart and lost in the detail. To be used carefully.

Sinib - trend and cci togerher = successful strategy! If you are new to trading then a great way to start. You can add on to this as you become more experienced at reading reversals, etc. All the best.


Morning Erik

Yeah, had a look at that -nice take profit at the MAs. I also wait for a pullback when my trend lines are broken or I'm entering after a candle close. I am working more off the 1hr charts now,with 15 min entries often from these using the trigger CCI (I have also added a 3 CCI which is roughly an 8min entry). Often using the 15m chart too.

I find the 5min excellent but so easy to get stuck on a 5min chart and lost in the detail. To be used carefully.

Sinib - trend and cci togerher = successful strategy! If you are new to trading then a great way to start. You can add on to this as you become more experienced at reading reversals, etc. All the best.



Thak you Mike
I am in forex about 15 months, but new in this strategy, and I think this is good and simple strategy.

Being a Friday before a bank holiday I wasn't going to bother writing acommentary however despite the lack of activity in the street todaythere is a worrying theme developing in the market right now. Concernswere raised and triggered by the S&P move on the UK's ANA outlookyesterday citing their increasing debt to GDP. The market is now askingthe question who next and that has led us to our friends across thepond. US 10 year treasury yields have shot up almost 30bp in the last24 hours. Effectively what we have seen these past 18 months is anindebted private sector (specifically the financials) being passed ontothe government sector. This was never a problem so long as thegovernments kept their AAA rating and could continue to borrow money viathe bond markets. The outlook change has now thrown a major spanner inthe works hence the govy moves of the past 24 hours. For those thatthing a treasury sell off is a good thing for EM I would suggest theylook at charts of June of 2003, May 2004 and June 2006 to remindourselves that these moves were not good for credit even if you were100% hedged with govys. Personally I don't see this being a problem inthe long run as its in China's interest that the dollar and the treasurymarket doesn't blow up as they are already long a decent chunk. Anotherreason why this move is dangerous is that the hike in long end yieldscould de-rail the so called housing recovery that is underway in the USas mortgage rates creep back up again thus running over the alledgedgreen shoots! This may of course just be a blip with moves beingexaggerated because of holidays however if these moves continue it couldtest the resolve of the markets and this so called recovery. If I amwrong and the US and the Uk government do have major problemsrefinancing then I fear we have found a trigger for the next blow up.On that happy note, enjoy your long weekend!

Mr P.....
If I amwrong and the US and the Uk government do have major problemsrefinancing then I fear we have found a trigger for the next blow up.On that happy note, enjoy your long weekend!

Mr P.....

Finally I am happy because maybe I will be right again and Bernanke and Co did everything they could to cover it all up. It's about time these guys get a good wash up.

Evening all

Been quiet this week...CABLE at levels that i am uncomfortable to trade at, Indices that are expected to tumble and above all a baby about to pop...

I don't mind having quiet weeks to be honest... USDJPY was the big winner and manged to hit my weekly target of 250 pips so happy overall.

Sister in town so off to take her for a fine glass of red.

Remember to take week by week.

250 pips is the target again.

Being a Friday before a bank holiday I wasn't going to bother writing acommentary however despite the lack of activity in the street todaythere is a worrying theme developing in the market right now. Concernswere raised and triggered by the S&P move on the UK's ANA outlookyesterday citing their increasing debt to GDP. The market is now askingthe question who next and that has led us to our friends across thepond. US 10 year treasury yields have shot up almost 30bp in the last24 hours. Effectively what we have seen these past 18 months is anindebted private sector (specifically the financials) being passed ontothe government sector. This was never a problem so long as thegovernments kept their AAA rating and could continue to borrow money viathe bond markets. The outlook change has now thrown a major spanner inthe works hence the govy moves of the past 24 hours. For those thatthing a treasury sell off is a good thing for EM I would suggest theylook at charts of June of 2003, May 2004 and June 2006 to remindourselves that these moves were not good for credit even if you were100% hedged with govys. Personally I don't see this being a problem inthe long run as its in China's interest that the dollar and the treasurymarket doesn't blow up as they are already long a decent chunk. Anotherreason why this move is dangerous is that the hike in long end yieldscould de-rail the so called housing recovery that is underway in the USas mortgage rates creep back up again thus running over the alledgedgreen shoots! This may of course just be a blip with moves beingexaggerated because of holidays however if these moves continue it couldtest the resolve of the markets and this so called recovery. If I amwrong and the US and the Uk government do have major problemsrefinancing then I fear we have found a trigger for the next blow up.On that happy note, enjoy your long weekend!

Mr P.....

Asian and other economies have been moving their dollars out of long bonds and into short term notes. leaving the fed to take up the slack. Of course the fed buying is designed to keep interest rates low and delay the inevitable disaster. Things are beginning to unravel as can be seen in the drop in the value of the dollar. 600 000 extra unemployed every month in the US cannot be doing much for tax revenue and as the govt spend more and more on saving bankrupt companies then its either borrow or print. Countries that run budget deficits year after year and start printing money to cover up the cracks eventually run into trouble. Debasing money leads to hyperinflation and no amount of spin by politicians who say things like we can take money out of the economy when the recovery is underway or we are the worlds reserve currency and it cant happen to us will change the outcome. When the bond market bubble blows then the game is up. The UK and USA are traveling the same route.
Asian and other economies have been moving their dollars out of long bonds and into short term notes. leaving the fed to take up the slack. Of course the fed buying is designed to keep interest rates low and delay the inevitable disaster. Things are beginning to unravel as can be seen in the drop in the value of the dollar. 600 000 extra unemployed every month in the US cannot be doing much for tax revenue and as the govt spend more and more on saving bankrupt companies then its either borrow or print. Countries that run budget deficits year after year and start printing money to cover up the cracks eventually run into trouble. Debasing money leads to hyperinflation and no amount of spin by politicians who say things like we can take money out of the economy when the recovery is underway or we are the worlds reserve currency and it cant happen to us will change the outcome. When the bond market bubble blows then the game is up. The UK and USA are traveling the same route.

In my humble opinion for what it's worth. Nobody could have said it better and most of all even more important "understandible" Specialy that last word seems to be a problem for bankers and politicians.

Great post,

(quote Martin Weiss)
Massive government borrowing and money printing have global investors stampeding for the exits: The U.S. dollar is plunging ... yields are surging ... gold and silver are on a rampage.
BEWARE: Historic stock market bloodletting just ahead — contrarian investments set to soar.
We told you this day would come; and it is dawning NOW:
Yesterday, the price of long-term Treasury bonds collapsed and they’re continuing to fall this morning. Overall, they’re down more in the last five months than at any time in decades.
Two months ago, in the April issue of our Safe Money Report, we warned about this. We told readers the next giant shoe to drop would be a fiasco in the Treasury bond market. Now it’s happening!
By absorbing trillions of dollars of toxic assets, we explained, “Washington has transformed itself into a toxic government. So it should come as no surprise that the government’s most volatile securities — bonds — will be the next victim of the market’s revenge.” We concluded:
“Now, brace yourself for the next shoe to drop in this massive debt crisis: Government bonds!”
We’ve sent you this message over and over again in all our publications.
I made it the centerpiece of the white paper I presented to the press at the National Press Club in March and then delivered to Congress the same day.
I’ve shouted it from the rooftops and distributed it to thousands in the media of all persuasions

My message was — and is — simple:
• There are severe limits on how much Washington can loan or commit to save failed corporations and stimulate the economy.
• The day will soon come when our skyrocketing federal deficits, massive Treasury borrowing and Federal Reserve money-printing turns U.S. stocks and bonds into an exploding time bomb for investors worldwide.
• When global investors begin recoiling in horror, there will be hell to pay. And when concerns about America’s top credit rating surface, we’ll see investors stampeding for the exits, crushing the U.S. dollar and stock market.
Every one of these dire forecasts
is now being fulfilled — in spades!

Just yesterday ...
• Steven Hess, lead analyst for Moody's Investors Service warned that the AAA rating on the United States is not guaranteed. "There are longer-term pressures on the rating, that's very clear," he said.
• Bill Gross, manager of the world's biggest bond fund PIMCO, warned that the United States will eventually lose its top AAA credit rating and any downgrade would crush the investment markets. “The market will recognize the problems before the rating services — just like it did today," said Gross.
• Even U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sounded the alarm yesterday. In testimony before Congress, Geithner warned, "We must get our fiscal house in order or risk having government borrowing crowd out productive private investment.”
• In its minutes Wednesday, the Fed said that, to reduce the tidal wave of U.S. Treasuries now flooding the market, it will probably have to kick the printing presses into overdrive and buy those Treasuries itself! But the supplies of Treasuries dumped on the market are so overwhelming, even the Fed can’t stop Treasury bond prices from collapsing.
And even though these are just the first of many voices, the investment markets are already recoiling in horror.
Treasuries plunged; yields on the benchmark 10-year treasury exploded to nearly 3.4%. The U.S. dollar plunged to a four-month low. Gold and silver took off like a pair of scalded cats. And the Dow sank.
Global investors are saying, “Enough is enough!”
Look: When China, Japan and other foreign investors cut back their buying of U.S. Treasury bonds — or sell more than are being bought — interest rates inevitably soar.
In more normal times, that might be tolerable. But at a time like this — with the U.S. economy already in the tank — higher interest rates will positively kill stocks. And, they will hand contrarian investors windfall profits.

(quote Martin Weiss)

Follow these guys for over 5 years and they have never been wrong over time. They warned about the housing collapse years before it happened and the end is not in sight.

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Back from the dead (momentarily)

Hi Guys and Girls

Really missed the live room and forum this week 🙁

Looking at my screens has been out of the question as I've had a scratched cornea. Just looking at the charts would start me crying and mega-painful (and that was even without putting a trade on ha ha 🙂)

Hope you've all had a good week's trading and you've all been behaving in the Room :whistling

I'm away for another couple of weeks so catch you all next month.

Good luck Dan with becoming a Double-Dad, hope it all goes swimmingly :clover: Keep us posted...

Hi Julie

Sorry about your eyes.

Get well soon.


PS Don't read this, it will make your eyes worse, ha ha! 🙂
Wall street trend

Hi guys,

For those who are optimists against my bear feelings and they are not just feelings. Everybody thinks the bill of trillions of dollars and Euro's is free of charge. But like evrything, reality will hit when you least expect it. Allready people getting back to normal because the financial crisis is not so much on the news anymore. GET READY BECAUSE ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE.

Check the chart below and to use one of Dan's favorite words. This month will be "Key"



  • walll street trend.jpg
    walll street trend.jpg
    62.2 KB · Views: 181
Hi Guys and Girls

Really missed the live room and forum this week 🙁

Looking at my screens has been out of the question as I've had a scratched cornea. Just looking at the charts would start me crying and mega-painful (and that was even without putting a trade on ha ha 🙂)

Hope you've all had a good week's trading and you've all been behaving in the Room :whistling

I'm away for another couple of weeks so catch you all next month.

Good luck Dan with becoming a Double-Dad, hope it all goes swimmingly :clover: Keep us posted...


Hi Julie,

Sorry to hear about the eyes, look after them and enjoy the break away from trading.You'll come back stronger and refreshed, rarin' to go.


Hi Julie,

Sorry Julie I did not comment on your eyes. Did read your post but it's my english that made me miss a part.

Hope you get back in good health.

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