It is all a Fugazsy

nice good move up


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first trade -4, this is my second trade, +9.6


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done for the day.....I finished soon after my second trade..

Patience is the key, wait for the best trade....and the account will grow quickly...

If you do not take any trades because not there, the better, it show that we take this seriously as a business....
3 trades today, 2 losses one win: -0.7 pip.....

done for the day.

3rd trades chart +9.9


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firts trade, risk 5, gained 5 sl move to be and stopped out @ be

this is a good trade, the outcome is not important, do you know guys the reason I took this trade?


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firts trade, risk 5, gained 5 sl move to be and stopped out @ be

this is a good trade, the outcome is not important, do you know guys the reason I took this trade?

prices are rejected from the top and forms a leg down towards the horizontal line which could support (could be, we do not know yet), just before it she forms a flag for a possible second leg down, the flag is a second opportunity for sideliner bears that missed the first move to join in.

Price break support and close below it (horizontal line), but flags are very good to trade because they often fail (especially against the direction of the least resistance) as in this case the moment prices reaches the uptrend line.

The confirmation to get in is above the trend bar indicated.

So you have a final flag (false BO), a false break of support, a bounce from the uptrendline and a trend bar confirming the double pressure and many trapped traders(many technicality), the chart was screaming.......GIVE ME THE MONEYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!
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What instrument are you trading? I didn´t see the developement of the situation (very important for me) but from static picture perspective, the same situation is very interesting from for long trade but for different reason. It is the place where momentum started from just before.
What instrument are you trading? I didn´t see the developement of the situation (very important for me) but from static picture perspective, the same situation is very interesting from for long trade but for different reason. It is the place where momentum started from just before.

I only trade EU, I just made a comment on your journal.

the movement is fuelled by the trapped trades that need to get out becoming the other side covering, but not only them, there are also the sidelines that missed the first entry and are looking to enter on their second chance.....which in this case was a pull back....
I only trade EU, I just made a comment on your journal.

the movement is fuelled by the trapped trades that need to get out becoming the other side covering, but not only them, there are also the sidelines that missed the first entry and are looking to enter on their second chance.....which in this case was a pull back....


Very nice assessment of the situation.

Very nice assessment of the situation.

thank you, if you try to view it that way as a battle which is what really happens on the chart, it will became a nice game and you do not have to have a trade to be in it, you will only have a trade when you know the probability are on your side.....
thank you, if you try to view it that way as a battle which is what really happens on the chart, it will became a nice game and you do not have to have a trade to be in it, you will only have a trade when you know the probability are on your side.....

exactly this is how I see markets and moments when there is change in auction - one side is winning over the other, are those who are most interesting for me.
risk 5 made 6.4, covered at major support

Why did I take this trade?


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Hi mate.As you know im a nosey bugger and get straight to the point.
1-how long have you been trading and what instrument(s)
2-could you tell me your p/l for each year.
feel free to tell me to sod off.
3-are you missing F
Hi mate.As you know im a nosey bugger and get straight to the point.
1-how long have you been trading and what instrument(s)
2-could you tell me your p/l for each year.
feel free to tell me to sod off.
3-are you missing F

Hi Itspossible

lets go straight to the point:
1) ten years at least, now only EU
2) no way....but I trade for a living.
3) F is a strange good person and I do not miss him, I need to look into people eyes before I do.