Isp--no Dial-up Two Hour Cut-off

I've got IB on one machine with ISDN and my price feed on another via satellite, but you can take feed off IB into Sierra which is what I'm experimenting with at the mo. Your line will slow down but it's one of those things you've got to get used to!

Good luck

IB is direct access ? did you mean a Level II direct access platform ? Anyway I did have esignal and IB with dial up and it worked fine for me although I guess there must have been some delay in getting the data but if so I didnt notice it.

ianh said:
I have an IB account with the TWS installed on the machine, & esignal 7.4
I also plan to have direct access?
What do you think?


Ian, I have exactly the same - esignal / tws (no L2 direct access) and it works fine on ISDN and standard dialup (I tend to get a 52k connection if ever I dial up).

Thanks Guys. This makes me feel a little better. It will be a real backward step after using a business broadband connection all the time, but I am going to try it.

Paul, Yes I mean Level II direct access. Did you have that?
