Is this site a scam?

This is what I hate about this site. I ask a simple question and apart from the helpful replies of Tomorton I just get a load of crap in response. Tomorton - thanks for your response I will start another thread on the subject of MA crossovers.

I thought this was a forum, at least that is what I thought I clicked on! Where people ask questions and engage in debate to further themselves. Why do people want to reply and say 'I cant believe you are asking that question' really its just pathetic.

Before you reply and say 'no you started it', you have a small willy etc. I just dont care, I only want to engage with intelligent positive people. Just whatever you think is ok, you are the greatest trader that ever lived, fine.

scam , trickery, hocus pocus - whatever you want to call it

its a simple numbers game that will make money from the few people that believe it and pay the money to participate....hey it might even be correct for a while 😎

it will regenerate in x months time when the income is down and then reappear as something else and then again, and again - ad nfinitum

trickery as this this has been around since men first gathered and had money to lose in ancient trading ports and cities in every type of guise you can imagine....all promising riches for minimum investments

stay away or learn your lesson by donating money to them .....weve all done it one time or the other so join the club if you must

or buy a DVD by that Darren guy......hes the master at this kinda stuff 👍
