Is this rediculas?

I'm waiting for someone to come and tell me this is rediculas and why

Mate, why don't you just give it a go and see what happens?

It's not the quickest but it's certainly the most surest way of doing your a*se that a person can come up with.

Come on now...don't expect someone to come up with a reason why this is ridiculous...most of the experienced can't be ars*d to answer you and will simply shake their heads and think "there goes another one".

Let's face it, it's not like you are the first to have this thought.

But don't worry, even professionals come up with it from time to time and manage to blow up spectactularly 🙂

However I would recommend averaging in the way you describe for a few reasons:

Firstly it will take a while to go bust as you will win more often than you lose so you get a few weeks/months, maybe even years if you are super lucky of making money and feeling happy and content and excited that you finally found something that works.

Then when it goes tits up you will have learnt a valuable lesson and only by doing it can you really learn from it.

We all know that kids don't learn that drugs f*ck them up by being told by their parents 😉
Sorry for banging on about this
AND sorry for spelling ridiculous.

BUT the reason why I am here talking about this and I can't see a downside. Apart from the fact that at the moment I don't have £500k. I need someone to actually state why it wont work. Not just that it wont cos these things never do.
Or it wont work cos it just wont.

I want someone to show me a downside.
Klastica, you know there are also two reasons why people even contemplate this strategy:

1) They don't know how to trade.

2) They don't like losing.

Guess what two things you need to be able to make money consistently?

1) An edge: you need to know how to trade

2) You need to realise that losses are inevitable and keep them to a minimum whilst maximising your gains.

So congratulations on coming up with a theory that does the complete opposite: Keeps your downside UNLIMITED whilst LIMITING your upside.
Thanks trader_dante that makes sense.

But what if it is possible to do and make between 120k and 150k a year - this would probably be a better system to do than someone who can't trade trying to.
you might aswell goto a casino and bet on black, doubling up evrytime you lose, stopping the first time you win, youll have more fun... and you will know quicker if it works or not 👍
I want someone to show me a downside.

I'll show you a chart.

What happens if you averaged down on this?

You're still holding a loss 20 years later with probably no chance of recovery.

Will the FTSE do this?

No idea.

But one thing I do know is that when you've been around long enough, eventually you experience just about everything.

Anything can happen mate. That's the nature of the game.

This is a ridiculous thread.

I'm out.

Good luck.


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Thanks trader_dante that makes sense.

But what if it is possible to do and make between 120k and 150k a year - this would probably be a better system to do than someone who can't trade trying to.

No, what would be better is learning how to trade.

I've seen people make that figure on average, each and every DAY.

And they take losses all the time.

Why aren't they running stops and averaging down? lol
klastica, if you really want to do this, invest a lump sum in the fidelity moneybuilder UK 100 tracking fund every month... at least that way your losses are limited to what you have put in... and it will work eventually, if you believe stock markets will eventually go up.
At any rate mate, why do it on the FTSE? The FTSE is made up of companies. If every company went bust (unlikely but not impossible) the FTSE would be priced at 0. You lose everything.

Why not do it on something that has less chance of going to zero?

If you simply have to do this, I would do it in raw commodities: Wheat, Corn etc

Doing it in stocks is a real sucker play.
The last thing I wanted to do was come on here and annoy all of the legendary members.

Sorry about that
The last thing I wanted to do was come on here and annoy all of the legendary members.

Sorry about that

Don't worry, its a mild form of entertainment.

Besides, if I can stop you going bust by talking some sense into you, it's been a worthwhile Saturday evening. What else am I gonna do? Get in bed and read Reminiscences for the upteenth time?
nonononono... you should annoy them more, if they can't handle it they can always jump off a tall building.... 'legendary' member doesn't mean anything other than someone has made a lot of posts

the best trader on t2w will be a lurker, guaranteed.
klastica have i got this right
you dont close loosing trades but take profit on each individual trade if it goes into 20 points profit
klastica, you may like to read the definitive t2w thread on super stops by fannish, It may save members covering the same ground again. He couldn't spell for toffee either, although you made a better fist of "rediculas" than he ever could have.

Welcome to the boards.