Is this possible ... ?


Active member
Is this possible ... ?

I'm looking to try out a few different European markets. I am currently able to demo- trade the markets using my Ninjatrader sim. (I use eSignal as my charting). No problem there.

But I want to be able to demo trade in exactly the same way, but do this in the evenings. In other words 'playback' the day's action and trade it on the DOM ladder as if it were in realtime.

I want to be able to :

- execute the trades in exactly the same way and most importantly
- see the orderbook as it happened during the day.

Is there any programme out there that will playback the day's action to such a degree ? (will Ninjatrader do this ? - I doubt it, but maybe I'm wrong)

The only way I can think of seeing the markets as they happened tick-by-tick is to record the DOM ladder using a video capture (with a programme like Camtasia) and then playing it back. But then of course, you aren't able to execute any trades - as you are merely watching a video.

I'm trying to replicate the market conditions as closely as possible so that when I'm demoing later in the day, I'd be seeing and feeling the market as if it were happening there and then.

And just to add, I need this level of detail as I'm a very short timeframe trader.

If you've managed to make it to the end of this post without dying of boredom, any practical solutions would be great.

Cheers all,

Hmmm - A link to a tipster site - thanks, but not quite what I was after Donald old chap
No replies apart from a spammer - I guess I was asking a bit much ....

So to simplify things a bit - is there simply a charting programme that will replay the days action tick by tick ?