Is there such thing as an easy currency for rookies ?


Junior member
Hi all,

I am new to that forum and to fx. And interested in both 🙂 Here is an intriguing or stupid (your call) question : is there such thing as an easy currency ? I mean, is it less risky to make calls on USD or CHF or is the risk equaly shared between all of them ?

Look for the one with the least volatility. Newbies are attracted by volatility.

I agree! From personal experience, volatility for a newbie is BAD NEWS! I'm pretty new to the game and have just suffered a 35% drawdown on my account trading GBP/JPY... This was no more than 3 days after more than doubling my account in the same market - I would suggest maybe EUR/GBP - Of all the currency pairs i've followed this seems to be the least volatile.

Good luck!
I'm long zimbabwe dollars against the dollar.

(Seriously - I have over two trillion of the buggers!)
Hi Gareth,
Welcome to T2W.
When I saw the title of your thread, I feared you might be subjected to a torrent of sarcasm and abusive humour of the sort that would even cause offense to Messrs. Brand & Ross. Low and behold - not a bit of it - all sensible replies! That said, if you do happen to stumble on 'an easy currency' with which to make your fortune - make sure you come back and tell us lot about it! Happy hunting and good luck with your trading.
Keep the available margin high, leverage levels low, and the good thing is that all currencies move
Thx to all. I was indeed expecting intense skull-bashing, I can survive to harare$ 🙂
Just to reassure you, I am not working on becoming bankrupt in a few days, and trying not to rely on any fishy miracle method. Asking naive questions rather than acting naive, which is obviously a pretty arrogant statement.