Is There a Real-Time (not 15 minute delayed) Standalone Scanner?


Getting a better sense of the day-trading world as I go. And it seems to me that I really need a live scanner to find opportunities. I've tried a few 15-minute-delayed scanners and they have a slight tendency to tell me about an opportunity after it's already run its course.

Mr. Charts recommended Esignal in his thread, and it does look pretty good. But it's also $145 a month for live streaming data 😕 And further, it's a full service trading platform when all I really need is the stock scanner.

My current platform is Questrade, and it already provides the charts and watchlists and such. If Esignal would work with Questrade that would be nice, but it doesn't. So I'm left with either installing them both together (I might), or finding a smaller, cheaper real-time scanner as a companion for Questrade. Can anyone recommend such a thing? Thanks for any help.
Hey dude, i usually use which is solid for finding set ups. but the best Realtime stock scanner would probably be Equityfeed. They have a 2 week free trial, but after that its a bit costly around 190$ a month. but its worth it if you take trading serious. Also i used to be with Questrade, i found they're trades a bit pricey, lots of fees will eat you with those commissions. Check out Suretrader/Speedtrader. you can Negotiate prices to about $3.95 per trade which is quite solid if you don't have a enough funds for something like Interactive Brokers.

Also theres Medved Trader for charting, you just need to get your hands on an america TDA account so you can get free data streaming.
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You can also get a free trial at Mad Scan.

Like any business trading does have its overheads. Obviously you will want to keep these a lows as possible but not so much they negatively impact your performance. I would look at getting the best tools for the job even if it does mean paying a little extra