Is the VIX really low?


Junior member
Volatility index is very low, that's why the market is extremely complacent; we can say that it is confident in the short term outlook, but very cautious in long term outlook.
What do you think, is trading safer in short term in should it be more cautious in long term?
Is VIX that useful in gauging perspective?
I always strugglled to consider VIX. I always saw it as a consequnce of trading and not as a source. Although I know it is really important.
Volatility index is very low, that's why the market is extremely complacent; we can say that it is confident in the short term outlook, but very cautious in long term outlook.
What do you think, is trading safer in short term in should it be more cautious in long term?
Is VIX that useful in gauging perspective?

I use the concept of Vix (not the actual Vix indicator you are describing) a lot in my Forex correlation and strengthmeter trading .......needless to say they are all just lagging indicators though .....

but its better than nothing 😉

VIX is still above 15, still not bad.. when it goes below 10 then things really start to get slow.. 5pt high to low ranges in the S&P and 30 pt ranges in the FTSE nearly every day 😡 like back in 2005.