Is sports trading a good way to start?


Hi all,
I would like to know from you guys what do you think about sports trading.
I have been searching about how to start in the " trading world" and came across sports trading, at the beginning i was a bit sceptic because i thought it was gambling related.
But after reading a few articles about professional football traders i noticed that the logic is the same used with any kind of trades ( e.g.. forex, stocks etc...)

Would you guys advise someone "newbie" to start studying to become a professional sports trader?

any proc and cons compared to the other trading markets?


Hi all,
I would like to know from you guys what do you think about sports trading.
I have been searching about how to start in the " trading world" and came across sports trading, at the beginning i was a bit sceptic because i thought it was gambling related.
But after reading a few articles about professional football traders i noticed that the logic is the same used with any kind of trades ( e.g.. forex, stocks etc...)

Would you guys advise someone "newbie" to start studying to become a professional sports trader?

any proc and cons compared to the other trading markets?



Hi Jose, welcome to the forum,
As it happens i was just looking last night at sports trading, tbh couldn't make head nor tale of it, I saw a guy trading pre-race prices from a price ladder, watched it for 10 mins and was more confused the longer i watched it, so not for me. Thats not to say it cant be traded successfully. ill dig out the video..hang on...

Here you go...
. . . at the beginning i was a bit sceptic because i thought it was gambling related . . .
Hi Jose,
As Mike says - welcome to T2W.

Regarding the part of your post I've quoted - it is! But trading is also gambling related, depending on your views about it and who you choose to believe. If you think of all the kafuffle (I've never written that word before!) in the aftermath of the banking crisis of 2007/08 - the media dubbed the whole issue as 'casino banking'. Just because trading is the first cousin of investing, you'd be unwise (In my opinion) to assume that that cloaks it with a respectability that excludes it from the murky world of gambling. To delve deeper into this topic, check out this FAQ: Is Trading the Same as Gambling?

Having said all of the above, there's no reason that I'm aware of (but that doesn't mean there isn't good reason) why you don't stand as good a chance of turning a profit in sports trading as you have trading 'conventional' shares, forex or equity indices etc. In other words, I know nothing about it! ;-)
Try watching that video Tim, then report back with what you have learned. 😆
Hi Mike,
I've watched the 1st 10 minutes or so - and it all sounds strangely familiar, lol! To be fair to the guy, his reasoning is clear and well explained. That said, I don't think it affects what I wrote in my post to the OP - does it?
sorry, I wasn't making any connection with what you wrote in your previous post, Was just hoping someone else would be as confused as i was..😆
Hi all,
I would like to know from you guys what do you think about sports trading.
I have been searching about how to start in the " trading world" and came across sports trading, at the beginning i was a bit sceptic because i thought it was gambling related.
But after reading a few articles about professional football traders i noticed that the logic is the same used with any kind of trades ( e.g.. forex, stocks etc...)

Would you guys advise someone "newbie" to start studying to become a professional sports trader?

any proc and cons compared to the other trading markets?



Sports trading is profitable if done well. You have to take time to trade on paper, by studying out come of sports events over a period of time before you invest real money
The principles are the same, but with sports you actually have easier stats to go through. And money management, at least for me, was easier. But opportunities dried up with the large percentage betfair are now taking from their users..