Is Scalping really helpful?

Scalping is good if you are hard-working, you spend a lot of time a day to watch the platform, charts and make a move when you need. But sometime, when the market gets bear or bull, it's hard to keep your emotions.
well, OK. In the case if I have for example a 4 hours per day for trading on Forex would it be convenient to trade with scalping strategy? From what it depends, your thoughts if you please?
I think 4 hours are not enough. With scalping you earn a tiny amount of money because of small time frame. If you have regular job, that's may be ok, because you can't trust scalping in the first time.
Another thought - you can use EA for automatic operation, but not always.
scalping relies more on technical analysis, so a short timeframe is necessary, there are many chances to win some profits in the volatile markets.
Almost forgot, that scalping is also useful in forex contests. That's a right place for this strategy, you can use small time-frames to maximize you profit (and risks).
First, The traders will determine that do they want to buy or sell ?. If they want to buy. They will buy when profit if the exchange rate falls.When they need to enter short order they will click on the SELL rate. The opposite holders for traders who enter buy orders when they want to buy they can simply click on the BUY rate,Then if the exchange rate goes up, It will make profit.
First, The traders will determine that do they want to buy or sell ?. If they want to buy. They will buy when profit if the exchange rate falls.When they need to enter short order they will click on the SELL rate. The opposite holders for traders who enter buy orders when they want to buy they can simply click on the BUY rate,Then if the exchange rate goes up, It will make profit.

'kin gibberish
'kin gibberish

En primer lugar, los operadores deberán determinar que es lo que quieren comprar o vender?. Si quieren comprar. Van a comprar cuando falls.When beneficio si el tipo de cambio que necesitan para entrar en el corto plazo que se haga clic en el tipo de VENTA. Los titulares frente a los comerciantes que ingresan órdenes de compra cuando se quiere comprar, simplemente hacer clic sobre la tasa de comprar, entonces si el tipo de cambio sube, se va a obtener beneficios.

Put the text in google translator, make any better sense now?😛
Almost forgot, that scalping is also useful in forex contests. That's a right place for this strategy, you can use small time-frames to maximize you profit (and risks).

🙂 Yes, I agree with you. Because the contest has a limited of time so small time-frame is better for competitors. 👍
I scalp, and Im very good at it.. BUT, the key isnt all about getting small chunks, for 8 hours a day.. The key is maximizing your moves, and make the most of them each and every time..

Scalping is intense, and allot of brain work, really.. So, you want to make your money, and call it a day as fast as possible.. This is why its nessasary to have daily goals, whether thru pips, or percentages.

Once you hit that goal, call it a day.. We trade for freedom of working an 8 hour day, so, why spend 10 trading?

You CANNOT make money scalping with 5% of your margin..
Take a moment and think about the competition in this game. You have high frequency firms that have a couple of thousands time more powerful hardware than you, a couple of hundred times faster lines, a couple of hundred (sometimes thousand) miles closer to the liquidity venue and a couple of million bucks more to play with. And let's not forget, their trading systems cost more to develop than the price to purchase metaquotes. Some of those guys have a hard time making money in this game.

I'm a HFT myself, and I get shivers seeing the amount of money thrown at these garbage automated trading junk (EA's and alike) and supposed low-risk scalping methods hailed by brokers who want more commissions or accounts that go down the drain quicker so they can hit the quarterly numbers quicker.

Take it easy with throwing your money down the drain for sake of joining the hype and satisfying your broker and a loser computer-programmer than needs to sell worthless piece of code.

Code is art my friend, these EA's and scalping methods publicly available consist of a couple hundred lines of code and the logic of a chimpanzee (actually chimps are more dynamic thinkers than linear codes written by these punk scammers).

Take a punt on either side of EURUSD and let it go. I guarantee you'll have at least 100 time greater prospects of making money than scalping "a la retail-style". Good luck.
starting reading a thread here called "is scalping really helpful?"

Should have been called scalping explained for 2-4 year olds............
As Mr May put it "it gives me a fizzing sensation in my (coughs)" that in essence is scalping and scalping your whole account really does the above. Fizzing is great but it can get scary.