Is Mt4 open source??


Established member
I assume not but just thought id check as I cant find the answer by googling....

I guess you better beware of russian versions of cash collection methods: Its developed and owned by a russian firm, who -to my understanding- lease the server side to market makers. You are running locally just a client - which was left to you free. Even a majority of indis and EAs are NOT public domain.

In case I`m wrong, correct me please.


MT4 as a trading program is not opensource. It has a version of API which allows users to create EAs, scripts and indis

If MT4 was opensource, we would all be brokers by now 🙂
So I guess I wont be able to change some of the workings of the program? Because I would need the source code to do this?
I had the same dilemna...i used to think it was Opensource, but i could not get the code to compile it...It wholly owned by Boston Tech...

another point...MT4 Client, needs MT4 server to run....

or are you talking about the MetaQuotes Language editor? MQL is used to program indis....yes its pseudo opensource, it depends on the programmer whether he wants to share his code