So, therefore, have we come to teh conclusion scalping doesn't work ? ?
So, therefore, have we come to teh conclusion scalping doesn't work ? ?
Probably it works as most of the bucket shops don't like it and try to make it difficult for the scalpers to pursue this style or trading (one of them even doesn't allow it - if you open and close a trade within 2 minutes and keep doing it they would close your account)
PS This is only my assumption - I'm not a scalper.
IMHO they don't like it because they think it works and they imagine that such a profitable scalper do exist ...
IMHO they don't like it because they think it works and they imagine that such a profitable scalper do exist ...
If you buy 10,000 or 20,000 with a bucket shop /spreadbetter , they can't cover it in the market , other spread betting companies know that it averages out in their favour in the long run with spread edge.For larger amounts they cover in the market , so they don't mind.They don't like it because they can't cover small bets in the market .
I did not post advance trades this week because I was busy trading and minting pips.
They don't cover individual short term bets that's a myth, they manage their whole book if it reaches a predetermined threshold of risk they hedge ...
To trigger your SLs often the broker should basically rig quotes heavily which can be easily spotted, the issue escalated to the trading community and broker reputation tarnished. I trust FX brokers like Tickmill or Hotforex which advertise that they allow scalping. What I mean is that your main enemy is the market, i.e. transaction costs which often makes profit margin from scalping too thin and not the issue that your TP or SL can be seen by your broker.Scalping can be profitable. However, in order to do it, successfully, you need to avoid disclosing your SL and TP to the broker.
One solution is to switch your account from a SB company to a Market Maker that offers MT4 as a trading platform. You can then use an Expert Advisor (EA) that is programmed to hide your SL & TP targets from the criminals. This, imho, is the best solution to give yourself a chance of making a profit from scalping.