Is it just me??

ok for me - it is a bmp file tho' which are the biggest and longest to load. Try this gif one and see if it makes any difference.

Yeah, I can post gif files instead. But the reason it times out for me is the 100% processor time. There's no CPU allotment for anything else to happen so things time out.

As I type this I am getting 92% CPU time. The ebay pic I tried to post showed only 1% and stayed there for the entire minute I had it up.

yeah, me too - 100% a lot of the time and it locks me in and doesn't let me navigate to other tabs. I'm going - Have a great New Year, Pete.

Wackypete, I think the culprit might be the Intertrader flash advert. If you go to the About Us page here: About Us and refresh your browser, can you see if the CPU is way higher when that advert shows compared to another. This is what seems to happen to me and I'm on Chrome/Mac. We'll report it the InterTrader guys and hopefully the can update the creative to update the performance issues.
Paul, thanks for the reply.

I went to the "About Us" page and after 2 dozen or so clicks I did not see an InterTrader ad but the CPU load wasn't all that bad.

Then I went to this page/thread that I frequent often and the InterTrader ad was the first to appear:
The CPU load went right to 100% and stayed over 85% there the whole time the ad was on the page. Several refreshes did confirm that only the intertrader ad was that bad. Each refresh where other ads appeared cause a huge spike in CPU load until the ad actually shows up, then fades.

I hope this is helpful.

Yes, that's helpful, thanks. It confirms what I suspected. I'll get on to the ad guys now to do something about it.
The pic I posted in post #37 of this thread does show the intertrader ad in the background with the task manager in front showing 100% load. 👍

Hopefully this is an easy fix!

We've replaced those cpu-intensive InterTrader ads with the previous ones and having just tested them myself, they don't appear to be taxing the cpu anymore. Thanks for reporting, if you spot any slowdowns again, please do report them here.