Is it a bird, is it a plane....

  • Thread starter Thread starter wasp
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  • Watchers Watchers 12

wtf is going on...?

  • Srsly, sod off again you FAIL

    Votes: 6 24.0%
  • Yay, wasp, I'll talk in depth PA with you

    Votes: 7 28.0%
  • who the fck is wasp?

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters


Legendary member
No its a bleedin' wasp, innit!

Hello everybody peeps!

Thank you to Sue and all behind the scenes for letting me back, it is much appreciated.

I have been away, seen the rest, and can quite honestly say, the grass is no greener on the other side and when it comes to trading forums, trade2win has the most sensible, intelligent, intriguing and realistic traders on the interwebs and I am glad to be back! The classic was forexfactory where the forex market apparently moves because of fibs, moving averages and metatrader volume really tells the full story!

Once upon a time, Paul invented the advisors as the content of the site was becoming well, pointless.... After months of deliberation, nothing happened, nothing the advisors suggested appeared and myself, firewalker, and numerous others went off to traders laboratory. From that point onwards, it has been mine, and plenty others opinions that Paul had 'sold-out' content for advertising revenue. I requested my advisor status be removed many times in vain. After still nothing happened, I make every effort to be banned, which eventually, lulz provided.

Anyhow, my point, ah yes.... I'm back, a 'normal' member because, well, I missed you all! Maybe not you Dave but anyhow, this is the one place I know I can still ask a question and a) get an answer that confuses, intrigues, enlightens and educates me. and b) no one is going to try and tell me volume in spot FX means something!

A lot still needs to be improved here and I will try and help as I like talking about trading and I know now, there ain't nowhere better than here on the interwebs!
Just remember this... at least here, you have members who know what they are talking about! A great mix of prop, bank, pro, ex pro and many succesful retailers who, when can be arsed, do talk sense and offer info you cannot get on any other forum!
very true, there is a few members whos comments i love reading, regardless of the topic
No its a bleedin' wasp, innit!

Hello everybody peeps!

Thank you to Sue and all behind the scenes for letting me back, it is much appreciated.

I have been away, seen the rest, and can quite honestly say, the grass is no greener on the other side and when it comes to trading forums, trade2win has the most sensible, intelligent, intriguing and realistic traders on the interwebs and I am glad to be back! The classic was forexfactory where the forex market apparently moves because of fibs, moving averages and metatrader volume really tells the full story!

Once upon a time, Paul invented the advisors as the content of the site was becoming well, pointless.... After months of deliberation, nothing happened, nothing the advisors suggested appeared and myself, firewalker, and numerous others went off to traders laboratory. From that point onwards, it has been mine, and plenty others opinions that Paul had 'sold-out' content for advertising revenue. I requested my advisor status be removed many times in vain. After still nothing happened, I make every effort to be banned, which eventually, lulz provided.

Anyhow, my point, ah yes.... I'm back, a 'normal' member because, well, I missed you all! Maybe not you Dave but anyhow, this is the one place I know I can still ask a question and a) get an answer that confuses, intrigues, enlightens and educates me. and b) no one is going to try and tell me volume in spot FX means something!

A lot still needs to be improved here and I will try and help as I like talking about trading and I know now, there ain't nowhere better than here on the interwebs!

Survey ftw! Good to have you back mate. Time to chase after Dante's rep with some stellar posts!
Well, well, well...
Welcome back is first in order.

Second would be...
WOW what a change of heart.

Third would be...
Did the VOLUME of people who missed you have anything to do with your return?:cheesy:

Sorry couldn't help the last one.

Good to see you back!!
Your return signifies another (perhaps final) nail in T2W's coffin. It is sad that having finally grown balls large enough to ban you for the succession of filth you posted on these forums, all authority (whatever they had left that is) held by said moderators has been completely undermined by the new 'Community Manager' et al behind the scenes. In light of the fact that the site now receives mentions and is linked to from the likes of Barrons and eSignal, I wonder whether T2W will regret this decision when you decide once again that posting child pornography is an acceptable way of expressing your displeasure with the decsion making (or rather lack of it) at T2W headquarters.

The sad fact is that I have many a discussion with others regarding those posts of yours that didn't resort to using pornography (some of which I reported to the Metropolitan Police child pornography watchdog unit btw). In that sense, I do believe that the forum was a more interesting place with you around than without you.

That said and done, the lack of action by Paul Gould following your ''advice' could never be construed as an excuse for your behavior in recent months (by anyone other than the most depraved of forumites). Everyone makes mistakes, but your actions leading up to your ban indicate something far more serious than a simple lack of judgement.

As far as I am concerned, those within the T2W team who take responsibility for the restoration of your membership also take responsibility for the validity of your previous actions and share the same lack of decency or morality.

Still, I'm pretty sure that this view will be drowned out by the 'welcome back' brigade. Such is T2W, such is forum life. I cannot in all conscience wish you well on your return. I do however hope that I have no reason to report your posts again (or those of your rather depraved co-conspirators, since you seem to bring out the absolute worst in each other) and will simply leave it at that.
Your return signifies another (perhaps final) nail in T2W's coffin. It is sad that having finally grown balls large enough to ban you for the succession of filth you posted on these forums, all authority (whatever they had left that is) held by said moderators has been completely undermined by the new 'Community Manager' et al behind the scenes. In light of the fact that the site now receives mentions and is linked to from the likes of Barrons and eSignal, I wonder whether T2W will regret this decision when you decide once again that posting child pornography is an acceptable way of expressing your displeasure with the decsion making (or rather lack of it) at T2W headquarters.

The sad fact is that I have many a discussion with others regarding those posts of yours that didn't resort to using pornography (some of which I reported to the Metropolitan Police child pornography watchdog unit btw). In that sense, I do believe that the forum was a more interesting place with you around than without you.

That said and done, the lack of action by Paul Gould following your ''advice' could never be construed as an excuse for your behavior in recent months (by anyone other than the most depraved of forumites). Everyone makes mistakes, but your actions leading up to your ban indicate something far more serious than a simple lack of judgement.

I have apologised to t2w and the team for my actions and postings an believe it is only right I also apologise to you, the community on whole for my deprived postings. Whilst it is no excuse, as you say, as I was just pushing the boundaries to see what it would take to get banned, the posting of child pornography, chicken sex and large women in the bath is not what traders need to see on a public forum and for this, I wholeheartedly apologise to you all.

As far as I am concerned, those within the T2W team who take responsibility for the restoration of your membership also take responsibility for the validity of your previous actions and share the same lack of decency or morality.

Still, I'm pretty sure that this view will be drowned out by the 'welcome back' brigade. Such is T2W, such is forum life. I cannot in all conscience wish you well on your return. I do however hope that I have no reason to report your posts again (or those of your rather depraved co-conspirators, since you seem to bring out the absolute worst in each other) and will simply leave it at that.

I am honoured that you would discuss my posting off board as you are one of the few that bring me back each time. My gripe was with t2w the 'business' but the thing that keeps bringing me back is members like yourself that are still here, lurking. I don't think it will ever be as free flowing with information and interesting postings as it was 'pre WOT' but if I can converse with yourself, Mark, JoulesMM1, Gammajammer, Tony, Richard, gooseman, MrGecko... (and many more), I am fortunate to be back.

t2w, and its goals, has changed a lot over the years and whilst the shell of the forum might need a hell of improving, its the community of intelligence and skilled posters that keeps it going, and has me returning...

As many of you know, I have never picked up a trading book in any form, the only paperwork ever read was a manual on chart patterns in a private brokers in my first trading position, back in Hong Kong, circa '92. My education has come from metatrader and everyone on this forum through the years from Socrates to Barjon an everyone in between.

It is us, the posters, who make this site, who make it the one I always come back to when after information and the one place I can find real information about the markets mechanics and I would love to see the days of old where all the above posted freely and happily.... It is not Paul's business ethics and goals, nor the advertising that causes issues (adblockplus anyone), it is other members disagreements, lie you would find in any workplace or in any discussion anywhere...

As an attempt to bring some of the knowledge back to the board and get away from the politics, I will start a new singular thread and will be all business and hopefully, with tight moderation and equally respectful members, the above named members and more, can bring some integrity back to the content of the site...
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Right - I'm getting out my tick volume chart right away....

btw I never actually saw any of the filth - I always end up missing stuff like that. But what I did see was the bizarre link that looked like Boy George posing as a Hari Krishna devotee.

Pleeeeeeeease tell me what the hell that really was. I'm so curious mate
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Nobody who is decent would have any interaction with a person who obtains and publishes child pornography.

Your opinion of the postings I made in order to get banned are your prerogative. I have apologised for using the images I did for that purpose and whilst it is not condonable, they were in that context alone and for just that purpose alone, all the different pictures from the fat lady to girugamesh. Whether one chooses to move on from that is their choice.
Now I know what the Girugamesh reference was - didn't know the name so wasn't able to google it. Dude, that was odd. V. Internet Zeitgeisty though I guess.
They are a Japanese metal band as far as I am aware. The chap in the picture was taken from somewhere, run through the photoshoop heaven of 4chan, and hey presto! Like all the stuff I posted (girumagesh, fat chick in the bath, 18yr(!) old chick from lazy town) it's found dwelling on the /b/ thread of 4chan. Though I wouldn't advise going there if easily offended! The owner of which was voted Time man of the year again this year!
I haven't seen the material wasp posted - and I'm glad I didn't as my emotional reaction to it might have made it very difficult to forgive and forget.
However, he's apologised - and it certainly reads as if it's genuine to me - so maybe we should move on.
We all make errors of judgement - I've made some over the years - so perhaps he should be forgiven and we should start afresh.
I can perfectly well understand others not feeling the same.
Yes indeed, I concur with Richard.
I didn't see the porno images either and hadn't realised that that's what was posted. I sympathize completely with the points wasp was trying to make, but using child porno' was clearly a very poor error of judgement. I've always stood firm in the past when someone has been banned in wanting the ban to be what it says on the tin. Permanent means permanent in my book and compromises should not be made. Period. But wasp's case is exceptional and I believe he was trying to make a very valid point - ultimately for the benefit of the site and its membership although, clearly, the means he chose to achieve his objective was unacceptable. Even so, at the risk of appearing a hypocrite, forgive and forget I say and join the ranks of those who welcome him back. Welcome back wasp! Perhaps with Sue's arrival and (we hope) lots of positive changes afoot, a one off amnesty might be considered for other banned members who are deemed to have made a significant contribution to the site? Just an idea, probably a bad one!