If he is such a big winner why would he want to waste his time with newbies ?
From flicking through some of the previous pages he is probably just another false prophet - sadly. Make your own system and decisions and not be a willing lamb.
He is the real deal.. his car number plate is all the proof anyone needs
Oh dear. As soon as a vendor starts showing off their car(s) you know with 100% accuracy you're being setup to buy worthless regurgitated crap.
Jees......anyone can do that with their car.....£250 from DVLC
it doesnt mean they are rich - or know how to trade and will therefore make you rich ...........look at me 😆
nope .............my point is (and I didnt restart this thread) anyone can lease a car and bung private plates on .........
and also wear shiny objects and rent flash properties for the day and buy you drinks and take you to a nice resterant ...........
I have some old property development mates in the canaries that could guarantee their commission check by doing this to the right people for the day against the right property at the right time .....candy from a baby (not these days ....but they now could do other things just as easily using the same principles)
NEWBIES - never ever ever buy any courses until you have spent at least 6 months researching all the big forums and at least understand the rudiments of trading ........and the pitfalls
there are many many people out there that will fleece you :smart:
If he is such a big winner why would he want to waste his time with newbies ?
From flicking through some of the previous pages he is probably just another false prophet - sadly. Make your own system and decisions and not be a willing lamb.
Reason? You know the reason. Maybe he's not a fraud. Maybe it's par for the course in the fx mentorship industry. I'm just a naïve dolt. I fell for it. What's worse is I kept taking his dopey daily trade recs, you know churn while you learn, just losing and losing amidst claims of fantastic trading profits. Trust me. Following his lead is like being waterboarded. Check out his dopey forum on Peace Army. Stinks of fakery. "Thanks for the help, Andrew!" "We had some fantastic trades yesterday." If I told you I took all his 20 trades today and have 1 winner and 10 losers with others waiting their sure demise. If they go well he'll chalk 'em up. If they bomb he'll claim to have closed out before the weekend. Then he'll cherrypick the one winner to boast about. Hey, Alligator, how come 11 posts, all this thread. Specialist?
Hi N
Talking of property guys in the canaries - can you remember Mr Jon Palmer back in the 80''s - he made over 50 million on time share - but got himself in a lot of trouble afterwards . Yes - i had a property there for about 5 yrs - when my wife was an air hostess and it was £10 flights
Saved a lot on holidays - but not on the property lol
PS - I have 2 private plates on my cars - glad I am not selling anything 😆
timeshare ???......aaahhh the good old days .......who did the missus fly with ? ...........I've worked for BA and Virgin Atlantic ..........not as a hostess though...havnt got the legs 😛
hmm - took my car / plate picture off the thread..........wasnt probably the best idea on reflection - always gets taken the wrong way here at T2W
as does most things either of us say these days it seems
He has been present there for years.
Ive cabt make up my mind about that site, tho i have not been there for a while now.
What you all guys are doing here is making fun of someone and posting useless comments and the rest of discussion by senior members is completely off topic.
I have seen Andrew's Daily Forecast at FPA and took many trades in that direction and mostly they were successful.
You can take it as a challenge by him and prove him wrong. 👎
I am not his client and I am not in favor of him, I am also not looking to join him in any case 😛 Instead of wasting time we should carry some positive and meaningful information which will be useful for many readers.
Let me start from his market forecast for 29-04-2014
Andrew Mithchem predict total 11 Pairs direction for next 24 hours in advance just after NY closed. Reference Thread
Buy Trades
EUR/JPY (Right Prediction)
EUR/AUD (Right Prediction)
EUR/NZD (Right Prediction)
CAD/JPY (Right Prediction)
GBP/JPY (Right Prediction)
GBP/NZD (Right Prediction)
CHF/JPY (Right Prediction)
Sell Trades
AUD/CAD (Right Prediction)
NZD/USD (Right Prediction)
NZD/CAD (Right Prediction)
NZD/CHF (Wrong Prediction)
10 out of 11 pairs predictions were quite right.
So from your last 2 posts, I can ascertain that this guy gets half his predictions right and the other half wrong. Amazing!
I have a "system" called the "FX coin flip". It works as follows: flip a coin, heads buy a currency pair, tails sell it. On back-testing it has the same win ratio as your friend. If you wish to buy my system it is on sale for $999.99 (one time special offer). lol.
From personal experience it appears that getting the direction right is only half the battle, if that. I've successfully managed to get direction quite right, but find the two most useless points to enter and exit. Plus the whole prognostication game seems a little pointless for intraday trading, even if you knew for sure whether it was going t be an up day or a down day, recognising what the price is doing at any given time seems a far more valuable skill.
Andrew's Mitchem daily forecast is all about trend direction which is based on his analysis about currencies strengths and weaknesses. If you read his post, He first identify individual currency for Strength/Weakness and then he apply those concept to currency pairs to identify trend direction for upcoming day.
He is just trying to predict the direction of trend each day and suppose to take trades only in that directions.
Andrew's Mitchem daily forecast is all about trend direction which is based on his analysis about currencies strengths and weaknesses.
timeshare ???......aaahhh the good old days .......who did the missus fly with ? ...........I've worked for BA and Virgin Atlantic ..........not as a hostess though...havnt got the legs 😛
hmm - took my car / plate picture off the thread..........wasnt probably the best idea on reflection - always gets taken the wrong way here at T2W
as does most things either of us say these days it seems