IQ Trader from Berkeley Futures


Experienced member
any one seen or use this iq trader platform? guess it's limited to futures, but looks quite interesting - trade off charts, build and optimise strategies - could be good for testing historical inter/ra commodity spread performance...
any one seen or use this iq trader platform? guess it's limited to futures, but looks quite interesting - trade off charts, build and optimise strategies - could be good for testing historical inter/ra commodity spread performance...

I have used it last year but the optimise strategies is over my head, but most thing are when it come to Tech.🙄
Hi all (new trader here!)

Yes - just trying to get used to it - ITS A VERY VERY COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE :O

We just moved our account from IG Index (yuch!!!) to Berkeley Brokers in London basically to trade the YM (DOW MINI) FUTURES - you can download IQ from Berkeley's Website and they give you a sythentic feed from LIFFE that is a weighted composite of the product range the exchange trades, so really its good for trying out the platform but no real use for trying out strategies.

When they DEMO'd it for us they used an example of an MA Cross say 50 and 100 EMA's and then did an optimise on the MA values to see what was the Optimum MA values for that data set- COOL stuff!!!

Hope this helps - download it! It's well worth it for a try out - I think they are the only Broker to sub-license it in the UK - they charge £50/mth including 5 years back data - all major futures exchanges...


PS Any YM scalping advise gratefully appreciated........
PPS I don't work for Berkeley's LOL
thanks. sounds like theres some good stuff there but limited features or data to test?

im not really into indicators and that stuff, but auto trading off market levels like support & resistance could be interesting. thats awkward to backtest and optimise because its down to perception most of the time in my case.

what are bfl commissions like? do they offer a trial? is there a simulated market environment available for real time testing like x-trader?
thanks. sounds like theres some good stuff there but limited features or data to test?

im not really into indicators and that stuff, but auto trading off market levels like support & resistance could be interesting. thats awkward to backtest and optimise because its down to perception most of the time in my case.

what are bfl commissions like? do they offer a trial? is there a simulated market environment available for real time testing like x-trader?

Hi Charlie

Features are pretty unlimited - you're gonna take a while to get round them all, the synthetic data is limited to allowing you to learn the package. Back testing your trading skills and intuition is always gonna be impossible LOL

commissions are $12 round trip, the trial is for the synthetic feed only

Hope this helps


u guys prob already know this but IQ Trader is a product from PatSystems the same guys who make J-Trader and some other high level programs. I think u should be able to get it from more firms than just Berkeleys, i know GNITouch also offer IQ Trader and i expect a number of other firms also would if you were to ask them. perhaps most firms that offer J-Trader should also be able to offer IQ Trader.

I am also very interested in this product as i am sick of the slow data and lack of historicla data in Esignal. I trade automated algorithms and am a little worried about having my systems moved over to IQ as it would involve much expensive programming.

Cheers Charlie
any one seen or use this iq trader platform? guess it's limited to futures, but looks quite interesting - trade off charts, build and optimise strategies - could be good for testing historical inter/ra commodity spread performance...

If any one would like a free trail of this platform please email [email protected] and quote Trade2Win and i will get one sent out to them as soon as possible
thanks. sounds like theres some good stuff there but limited features or data to test?

im not really into indicators and that stuff, but auto trading off market levels like support & resistance could be interesting. thats awkward to backtest and optimise because its down to perception most of the time in my case.

what are bfl commissions like? do they offer a trial? is there a simulated market environment available for real time testing like x-trader?

Commisions are dependent on volume and we will happily quote you a rate for expected monthly volume. There are three levels of functionality to the platform which starts at £30 per month for the basic platform which offers 90% of the functionality available. The next level up costs £60 per month and offers the ability to back test, optimise and automate your trading etc. The highest level offers the rest plus the ability to inerproduct and intermarket spread products so you could trade dow against ftse as a spread as well the ability to program your own propreitary indicators. There are circa 150 proprietary indicators that other traders have written for this product that are available top purchase.

If you require the 5 years back data then you would pay £20 per month for one exhange (all products) , £30 per month for 2 exchanges and £50 per month for all futures exchanges. This platform is currently only available for the majority of futures exchanges and some options excahnges.

We do fully support the product and can and will assist you with many aspects of it as the functionality is quite sophisticated.