'Investing' with options for long term ~ 1-5years?


Junior member
SPY has increased over 300% from 2009- 2019, thats ~30% a year!! since the market is upward biased since it began like century ago, l have sold 2 put ratio spreads in spy,june 14th expiration, last Friday, 279p x-2 277p @-1.45 credit. if it gets assigned, l am long at ~273.58 (after initial credit and full credit from the $2 wide debit spread 279p x-1 277p). l will then plan to be much less aggressive in selling calls or call ratio spreads (preferred as it has a higher max profit than just a naked call. same thinking for selling put ratios as opposed to naked puts.) or l could just leave it to the gods after l do long SPY at a discount. thoughts? and what is the annual dividends in SPY?