Investing in mutual funds or real estate????


Hi friends, I am thinking of investing my money in some mutual funds and was really confused about that. My cousins have been stressing on investing in real estate properties and they say that it is more beneficial than investing in any mutual funds. But when I have a look at some of the instances on properties I find that a bit risky. I need you people to justify on that so I can make my decisions from your suggestions.
Yes, there are many options to go for investing and especially when you have the good budget for that. I cannot say that for a particular investment like mutual funds or real estate but I would like to tell you that when my friend had invested in real estate he was also not sure of the profits there but he recently had his real estate deals from IRA-401K and he was quite pleased with his investing. There are many things that you can look up in investing in real estate and I think that it will be profitable for you too.
Hi friends, I am thinking of investing my money in some mutual funds and was really confused about that. My cousins have been stressing on investing in real estate properties and they say that it is more beneficial than investing in any mutual funds. But when I have a look at some of the instances on properties I find that a bit risky. I need you people to justify on that so I can make my decisions from your suggestions.

Mutual funds you can go only long, hedge funds you can go short as well.
Please check this out

also risk vs reward?😉
best thing to do is nothing
at the moment cash is king
properties are come down .fast
lots of places to let
pal of mine has 4 flats to let
and they rent for £350/ 400 per month
so he is down £1400/£1600 per month
any money you have just put it in the building society and wait
in 18 month time you will get some incredible bargains
I am old enough to remember, the same thing happening twice before
Investment has different meanings in finance and economics. In Finance investment is putting money into something with the expectation of gain, that upon thorough analysis, has a high degree of security of principle, as well as security of return, within an expected period of time.[1] In contrast putting money into something with an expectation of gain without thorough analysis, without security of principal, and without security of return is speculation or gambling.
So far as real estate and home rentals go, I once belonged to a landlord association and they liked to say: "Each month our renters give us a larger portion of their paychecks than they give to anyone else!" 🙂

That is something to think about.

But if you have a water heater in a rental go out, I'm sure the plumbers have a similar saying about all the money landlords pay them! 🙁

Basically rentals can require a LOT of very expensive maintenance. Especially if a renter trashes the place. Best if you can fix things yourself and not have to pay contractors for everything.

And these days you need to run background checks on renters. Get a meth lab in there and you can be looking at a hundred thousand dollar environmental clean-up bill! Or might be cheaper to tear the place down! I've seen it done.

You can make good money, but best to first join a local landloard association. Go to the meetings / seminars and learn all you can. Ask about local associations at larger rental complexes or property management businesses.

Also pay a CPA to discuss the finances with you prior to investing in a property. Do the math. Allow for getting no rent if they don't pay. Discuss taxes, etc.
The investment is related to saving or deferring consumption. The investment is involved in many areas of the economy such as business management and finance, both for homes, businesses or governments.Promoters and new sources of this report on speculative financial transactions, such as stocks, mutual funds, real estate, oil and gas leases, commodities, futures, often badly or falsely describe as a speculative investment patterns.