GOAL SETTING......Having an understanding of how your motivation is made up ,will hopefully,give you an opportunity to direct it...........It is an important step to assume at this stage ,that your motivation to win is now in place.Just what exactly are you trying to achieve?..........
The answer is,of course your GOAL.In order to attain your goal ,first you have to decide what you are really aiming for...........In the process of achieving the OUTCOME GOAL,you need to set yourself some preliminary goals along the way............
In our daily lives and in the trading arena,it is important to be able to identify what our ambition adds up to. It is human nature to want to set goals and then to try to work towards them.....Without a goal, a person is unfocused,with a goal the same person can concentrate their energy and direct it with a purpose................
In basic terms ,goal setting can be departmentalised into 3 main groups......(a) The OUTCOME GOAL..this must be identified and articulated in the first instance.......(b)..Having identified your Outcome goal,you put it to one side,and identify your PERFORMANCE GOAL.If I am to achieve my outcome goal,then I must perform consistently my Performance goals.....(c)......After identifying your performance goal,you must then break your performance goal into technical and intrinsic parts that will create the performance,which produces my outcome..........
Having established the sub-divisions of goal setting we must now look at some tools that will allow us to build our model for producing our process goals...............1...WAGON WHEEL....2...FRAMING.........3...LOGICAL LEVELS........4.....THE META MODEL.....5...MODELLING..........6....OUTCOME ORIENTATION.......7....STATES......1...The Wagon Wheel,draw a circle,and then draw 10 inner progressively smaller inner circles. We now add spokes,each spoke will represent a component of trading....my personal wheel;...(a)pattern recognition,(b)execute entry,(c)execute stoploss,(d)execute exit,(e)patience,(f)concentration/focus,(g)assimilation macroeconomics,(h)assimilation microeconomics,(i)relaxation,(j)commitment,(k)will to win,(l)arousal,(m)conditioning,👎 attribution (o)teamwork........
Each day in your trading log score yourself 1-10,on how you executed each spoke,(process goals). If you are honest,you will in all probability achieve higher scores in some lower in others. This will create an unusual shape on your wheel.Your task is to produce not only a circle,but a large circle within the wheel........The larger and more round your circle the better performer you are becoming. The point to underline is the fact that while most people measure their success by means of comparison to others ,they should be concentrating on maximising their own potential.
You should not be trying to be good at the unusual,but concentrating instead on doing the commonplace unusually well.Constant assessment is paramount....
2...PROBLEM FRAME,have you noticed how,if you change a pictureframe the picture looks different.The way we think can similarly frame our experience,highlighting particular aspects of it.......
Framing is the way we place our experiences to give them meaning.Depending on the frame that we use ,we can experience the same event very differently....the stocks we buy long,never seem to return the profit we felt they should,can we change our current faulty interpretations?.....
With a problem frame we always notice what is not working.Bear this in mind when you follow newswires etc,and ask yourself what is being framed as news............Individuals and institutions,who use the "problem frame" are less likely to model excellence-they just do not notice what is working.
Great contrarians (Warren Buffet) have a different mind set,and observe through a different frame.....With T/A,some charts have a horrible look yet offer great short term rewards.....different frame....
3...LOGICAL LEVELS..are ways of identifying structures and patterns in thinking about,ideas,events,relationships(not your bird)or organisations.They help to understand what is involved,or occuring,and form a hierarchy.
(a)Environment,macroeconomics,what is happening economically in the world,nationally,stocks sector,individual balance sheet........
(b)..Capability,what is this stock capable of in my time frame?.........
(d) Beliefs,our beliefs,values,shape our "frames" do others have the same frame?.....
(e)Identity,is to do with the sense of self,(self esteem)....Logical levels give you an understanding ,what type of information you are dealing with,where a problem in your decision process may reside,on what level,(beliefs)are you making these decisions? And what is the real issue at stake here,do you need to be right?...........
4...THE META MODEL......shows how ,in order to make sense of our trading experience,and the information overload deluging us,we tend to simplify it in 3 ways,....
(a) DELETION,we leave,omit information.....
(b)GENERALISATION,we make broad or universal assumptions based on limited information.........
(c)DISTORTION,we create meaning through concentrating on certain types of information,ignoring,downplay other information (identity,beliefs)...we lose (or mabe never had true objectivity).....
MODELLING,is the process of finding out specifically "how" people accomplish a task,or performing a skill. As a child everyone modeled,as we imitated certain peoples mannerisms/beliefs. As an adult you may have tried conciously to model people who have excelled at something you wished to do better..(Mick Doohan"s riding style,drifting the rear!) Modelling makes the transfer of knowledge possible.It is the foundation of learning.If we know how someone does something they do well,we can learn to do it also,provided we have information that is detailed enough........
OUTCOME ORIENTATION,and STATES,will be covered under CONCENTRATION,........The Wagon wheel is a tool for the process,the subheadings are tools to make your individual W/W,more productive..........cheers D998