intraday volume data for DJI?? NEED HELP


i am interested in US indices and i am using sharescope pro, unfortunately, sharescope does not provdide intraday volume data for US indice ( DJI ), it can only supply daily volumn data for DJI,.does anyone know any software or website or anywhere do intraday volume data for US indices.

ps: sharescope pro do supply intraday volume data for UK Indices, UK share, US share though.
Indices can't be traded on an exchange, hence they have no volume.
im not an expert but youd probably want to be monitoring the etfs instead if you want to see volume
ie SPY for the S&P

like peto said, the actual indicies themselves have no volume
If you want the true volume of the index - then just total up the volume on the 30 underlying symbols.

It's very simple to do on the DOW - with tradestation. On sharescope you are stuck as (to my knowledge) you can't write your own indicators.

I'd say that if you are going to intra-day trade, then Sharescope isn't up to the task.