InTheMoneyStocks Market Analysis

Re: Stock Market Alert: Head And Shoulder Pattern

LOL some people love to hate and that is evident in your reply. Our two Chief Market Strategists are probably the only real traders in the educational realm; they have traded for decades each and actually make a very good living from trading alone. Can you honestly say the same about yourself? If so cheers to you. Further, making claims like you did while lacking information or knowledge on the topic should receive a passionate bashing reply. Your claims were actually completely false. Any subscriber, or someone who has done their DD would agree the calls they have released as stated in our previous reply were amazing, long and short. However, people love to fill the internet with false information, the unfortunate part is it may mislead those who really need the help or will simply benefit from the analysis. YES, we are very passionate about avoiding the BS and the hype. As an employee and insider of the ITMS team I truly believe not one other service provides such intimate, and REAL access to actual REAL traders like we do. This is what they do and we work our hardest to open the door to their lives without any distractions or gimmicks. We would LOVE for you to take our Free Trial then revisit this thread. Thanks!

My, my a little touchy, are we not? 😆

I seem to recall you banging the bear drum a little over-enthusiastically, backed up with some particularly asinine commentary, although I really cannot be bothered to look back over the archives. If I am wrong, my humble etc etc.

My opinion of tip sheets and "educators" 🙂lol🙂, you can probably imagine. You can probably imagine the reasons why as well, although we needn't go into that, I have no particular desire to embarrass you. I wonder why you would be selling rather than trading, but let it pass.

If you feel that you are wasting your time and your lives, I feel sorry for you, but surely it is not my responsibility to provide meaning? I understand why you feel like you do; my advice to you would be to get a real job, or alternatively you could learn to trade, if that is still possible.

You did get one thing right, I have indeed never been a member. And for that small mercy I am truly thankful.
Re: Stock Market Alert: Head And Shoulder Pattern

LOL some people love to hate and that is evident in your reply.

I'm not sure how my "hate" is evident - perhaps you could elaborate?

Our two Chief Market Strategists are probably the only real traders in the educational realm; they have traded for decades each and actually make a very good living from trading alone. Can you honestly say the same about yourself?

I can say I make a good living from trading, but not that I have traded for decades (that though is perhaps my misfortune rather than my fault, given my age). Can you say of yourself that you make a very good living from trading?

Presumably your CMSs, being such proficient traders, neither need nor receive remuneration from you for their work? It would be interesting to hear, from the horses mouth as it were, what motivates such successful professionals to give tips and education. This would be an opportunity for you to answer what is a long-standing question and one which your industry is remarkably coy about.

I must say I like your comment about the paucity of real traders in the trading education world - presumably you agree with me about the character of much of your industry?

If so cheers to you. Further, making claims like you did while lacking information or knowledge on the topic should receive a passionate bashing reply.

Don't flatter yourself, it was like being savaged by a dead sheep. 😆

Your claims were actually completely false. Any subscriber, or someone who has done their DD would agree the calls they have released as stated in our previous reply were amazing, long and short. However, people love to fill the internet with false information, the unfortunate part is it may mislead those who really need the help or will simply benefit from the analysis. YES, we are very passionate about avoiding the BS and the hype.

Again, I presume you accept that your industry is overflowing with such BS and hype?

As an employee and insider of the ITMS team I truly believe not one other service provides such intimate, and REAL access to actual REAL traders like we do. This is what they do and we work our hardest to open the door to their lives without any distractions or gimmicks. We would LOVE for you to take our Free Trial then revisit this thread. Thanks!

A generous invitation to be sure, although I must take your advice from an earlier post, and take it further. I do my own due diligence; in fact I do all of my research as well, so I must regretfully decline. I would though be interested to hear your responses to my questions, and I imagine a good many others would also.
Re: Stock Market Alert: Head And Shoulder Pattern


This company was founded over 4 years ago by one person, Nick Santiago. Nick then brought in the best trader he knew to complement his goal, Gareth. Prior to starting the company he was a very successful and known trader in the Wall St crowd for over a decade. He made tons of money trading, I actually knew him well before i worked for him personally, so I can judge and speak on his character. The main catalyst and motivation for starting the company was his working with institutions and funds directly, and knowledge of how they easily take money from the little guy. He started this company with one purpose in mind, to help people. Period the end. If you knew Nick then you would understand the sincerity in his purpose and motivation. Bashing typically involves passing judgment on something you have no knowledge of, don't understand, or simply lack any credible info on. That seems to be the case in your post. I truly believe and have witnessed first hand over the years, anyone who is serious about learning from true successful traders will respect and greatly appreciate the service and guidance provided. There is an incredible feeling and buzz that emanates our office, its the feeling of knowing we are doing something good and working for some great, incredibly talented people – this motivates everyone of us. And as cheesy as it sounds, I believe everyone who joins and is serious about learning see's this themselves (many people tell us this everyday). Nick and Gareth are some of the best traders bar none, they make money and trade personally everyday – we are simply lucky to witness it. That real aspect to me is the main reason the business has grown so well over the years and helped so many people. Hopefully you can experience it for yourself some day. Thanks.
Re: Stock Market Alert: Head And Shoulder Pattern

An interesting post. So the main motivation gehind your organisation is philanthropy ("He started this company with one purpose in mind, to help people. Period the end.").

Would you mind answering my other questions? Namely:

How is my "hate" evident"?

Do you make a good living from trading? If not, why not, in your opinion?

Are your CMSs paid for their work? Presumably not, since they have such a long history of successful speculation behind them, still trade actively and successfully, and only do it to "help people. Period the end.".

Do you, as a member of the education and tipping industry, agree with my assessment of the character of much of your industry?

Do you accept that your industry is rife with what you aptly describe as "BS and hype"?

I hope that you will take the time to reply. Many people are searching for a reliable purveyor of the services you claim to provide and this is a good opportunity to address a number of questions that they commonly have.


This company was founded over 4 years ago by one person, Nick Santiago. Nick then brought in the best trader he knew to complement his goal, Gareth. Prior to starting the company he was a very successful and known trader in the Wall St crowd for over a decade. He made tons of money trading, I actually knew him well before i worked for him personally, so I can judge and speak on his character. The main catalyst and motivation for starting the company was his working with institutions and funds directly, and knowledge of how they easily take money from the little guy. He started this company with one purpose in mind, to help people. Period the end. If you knew Nick then you would understand the sincerity in his purpose and motivation. Bashing typically involves passing judgment on something you have no knowledge of, don't understand, or simply lack any credible info on. That seems to be the case in your post. I truly believe and have witnessed first hand over the years, anyone who is serious about learning from true successful traders will respect and greatly appreciate the service and guidance provided. There is an incredible feeling and buzz that emanates our office, its the feeling of knowing we are doing something good and working for some great, incredibly talented people – this motivates everyone of us. And as cheesy as it sounds, I believe everyone who joins and is serious about learning see's this themselves (many people tell us this everyday). Nick and Gareth are some of the best traders bar none, they make money and trade personally everyday – we are simply lucky to witness it. That real aspect to me is the main reason the business has grown so well over the years and helped so many people. Hopefully you can experience it for yourself some day. Thanks.
Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

The markets are in rally mode as fear is fading around the globe. Earnings are giving investors a fresh reason to buy the markets and the Dollar is dropping. Yesterday, International Business Machines Corp. (NYSE:IBM) reported solid quarterly results. This morning, more great reports emerged from the likes of The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO) and Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE:WFC). On the slightly negative side, Bank of America Corporation (NYSE:BAC) and Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE:GS) both reported earnings that did not meet Wall Street expectations.

Overall, the earnings picture has been good and the markets are rejoicing. In terms of a solid risk reward play, it appears Bank of America is at a level which is now finally attractive. The negative earnings loss of $8.8 billion should be factored in by the close today, and the overly bearish sentiment on the financial stocks near a climax. When all others hate it, start loving it. That is the golden ticket.


Gareth Soloway
Re: Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

😱 BAC really 😱

Broken $11 support in july (late nov '10), down 3% today alone, strong buy...
Maybe you're right, but not for me right now :whistling
I prefer to buy stocks that are already showing signs of actually going up...or better yet are going up.

Whats your reasoning, looks a little premature to me?
Re: Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

That is exactly what the article is implying, the average investor is overly bearish which is typically a great indicator. We prefer to play stocks that make money regardless of the direction and will not chase a stock as it moves.

😱 BAC really 😱

Broken $11 support in july (late nov '10), down 3% today alone, strong buy...
Maybe you're right, but not for me right now :whistling
I prefer to buy stocks that are already showing signs of actually going up...or better yet are going up.

Whats your reasoning, looks a little premature to me?
Re: Stock Market Alert: Head And Shoulder Pattern

Had any thoughts about my questions yet? They are fairly simple ones.
Re: Stock Market Alert: Head And Shoulder Pattern

Imagine being one of the best traders on Wall Street, dragged away to be part of a 50 dollar tipsheet.
Re: Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

once again, the person who commented about BAC being premature and essentially only buying when everyone else is buying.... BAC is now trading at 9.73 from 9.40. Bottom line, one of the best indicators is the general public, when everyone hates it, BUY IT! Hope some of you made money.
Re: Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

BAC 9.93 now! We sold half, break even stops in place. More $ to come. Great trade
Re: Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

Hi In The Money Stocks. Congratulations on your great trade - I must confess that I had no idea such a thing existed.

Perhaps you missed the questions I posted on your last thread. I hope you don't mind me reminding you here, it's just that you are obviously monitoring this thread and so should pick this post up.

Well done again.
Re: Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

once again, the person who commented about BAC being premature and essentially only buying when everyone else is buying.... BAC is now trading at 9.73 from 9.40. Bottom line, one of the best indicators is the general public, when everyone hates it, BUY IT! Hope some of you made money.

Do you mind if I seek clarification on a few points.
Do you issue scalp, daytrade or swing trade alerts.
I was under the impression your MO is medium term swing trades...
On that basis I still stand by the fact that this is a weak entry for a swing trade
taking into account the implied holding duration from other posts of yours.

Remember this:
Bank of America Corporation (NYSE:BAC) is another beaten down stock. This financial firm was trading over $15.00 per share in January. It is now currently trading at $11.74, -0.16 (-1.34%). Based on its recent price action, Bank of America is heading lower. Where is it going to bottom? The answer to that is $10.95. There is a beautiful double bottom base at that point which will act as a near term and possibly a long term bottom. The risk to reward will be highly in the bulls favor at this price.

Gareth Soloway
So what happened to the concrete $10.95 support then...
It didn't hold.
Actually your analysis in the above post was OK, what I find more questionable is ignoring that support breach then flagging a buy further down, on a stock which lets face it, has not broken the daily chart downtrend yet.
That is why I stand by my premature long entry remark based on the trade duration you appear to operate with.

As a daytrade though OK 😉
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Re: Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

LiquidV, we are traders and we trade whatever presents the highest probability trade, be it long/short/scalp or swing - no bias.

As for previously mentioned levels: Please remember, the content you read here may present some very accurate levels as you see by the original post. However, the exact manner in which our Pros trade them is not 100% detailed here for free - they may have been in and out 5 times.

Further, the BAC entry we had was 9.45, we sold half for a nice profit then the remainder today for a 7.5% gain in two days. Any way you slice that, its a great trade.
Re: Trade Alert: Markets Rally As Fear Fades

Hi In The Money Stocks. Congratulations on your great trade - I must confess that I had no idea such a thing existed.

Perhaps you missed the questions I posted on your last thread. I hope you don't mind me reminding you here, it's just that you are obviously monitoring this thread and so should pick this post up.

Well done again.

Bumpity bump bump. 🙂

And I still can't understand what a great trade is. The more I think about it, the more I am sure they don't exist.