Internet library for traders


Experienced member
I have thought for a long time that it would be a good idea to have an internet library for traders. Just found this website doing this in the US

Would be great to have that in the UK. A lot of the books I have read have not been as good as I had hoped and I have sold a few but would have preferred to have the chance to read them before having to buy them. It looks like tradersbrain charges a small one of membership fee and sells books to those that want to keep them. I just thought perhaps T2Win or someone reading this might be interested in doing this in the UK.
Yeah I've been thinking about that recently too. There are very few of the trading books that I've read that I want to keep in the end. Unfortunately though I think the cost of posting books back and forth is the prohibitive factor - around £3 - £6 each way with recorded/parcel insurance.

I hope T2W do consider this though, and if so I'd happily donate several books to kick it off.

Actually I went to the local library just this week and put in a special request to borrow the Trading Day by Day book by Chick Goslin. There's no guarantee I'll get it and it might take several weeks if it is available, but if it works I'll have it for 3 weeks for only 20p 🙂

dont forget to photocopy all the useful pages knorrie


that was a joke for all our copyright lawyer lurkers..
I'm not sure how an Internet library works. This site seems to be US based. Any company based in the UK, such as trade2win, who wished to set up an Internet library that distributed books, would have to take into account that authors in Britain receive PLR (Public Lending Right) and royalties have to be paid when ever a book leaves a library (although these are for very small amounts).

I'm not sure but I don't think a similar scheme has been in set in place in America.

I would imagine that writers of books on trading (good, bad or boring) would not be best pleased to see that no royalties would now be forthcoming from the hours they originally spent writing their manuscripts.