Internet Explorer 7


Has anyone tried Internet Explorer 7 currently Beta version? The tabs are a great help, but my IG account does not responded so well. Has anybody else had issues with other accounts?
Tried it. Didn't like it. Still not as good as Firefox - slower and more clunky.

Uninstalled it and went back to IE6 which I only keep because I have to.
I tried it and liked it, but I noticed that there were some screen flickering problems on some sites - and T2W was one of them. It's like it quickly redraws the page just before it completes, 2-3 times in a split second - very strange. Could be a problem with my graphics card/driver of course, but I would be interested to hear if anyone else sees this with IE7 too.

I really like this new menu-less user interface style that MS is promoting with IE7 and the upcoming Office, but it's going to take a bit of getting used to for a lot of people.

JFK - what is the problem you are getting with your IG account?

I've been using the beta since it first came out. I like it - I've used firefox, opera and netscape and gotta say I'm glad to be back on IE now they have tabs and seem to have sorted the majority of spy/malware problems with it.

Nothing against firefox et al, its just annoying when they dont display some sites or site functionality correctly.
knorrie said:
JFK - what is the problem you are getting with your IG account?


When things get busy during trading the green ‘Deal’ buttons turn to grey ‘Call’ buttons. I can log out & log back in – still no changed. But if I login via IE6 no problem everything’s pure green!
Tried it out and was very disappointed with it. I expected a lot more from Microsoft - I thought they would use the opportunity to cease back some of the ground they lost over firefox, but it looks like they are conceeding.

We really need someone to compete in the browser game I think. It makes the web move ahead much quicker!

By the way, uninstalling IE7 was a nightmare....
Nothing against firefox et al, its just annoying when they dont display some sites or site functionality correctly.
Agree totally, I have used Firefox and Opera, and primarily use Opera at the moment, nice browsers, look good with skins, full of features, but sadly it seems to escape them that the primary function of a browser is to "browse" you'd think they'd get that right first.
Haven't tried IE7 yet as I don't like beta testing, but once the final release is out I have little doubt I will be migrating back to it.
roguetrader said:
Haven't tried IE7 yet as I don't like beta testing, but once the final release is out I have little doubt I will be migrating back to it.
Well with the official release of IE7 I find myself checking it out. Install went without problems and it seems to work quite nicely. Will likely take a bit of getting used to as I am now very used to and comfortable with Opera. One thing I have noticed is that web pages have a much crisper appearance in IE7, particularly the text. Also seriously miss the ad-blocker, I had forgotten how many ads are plastered all over the web, doubt mister softee will be adding a blocker to IE. But good first impressions.
First problem picked up in IE7 tonight, persistent heavy cpu usage, browser was running 5 tabs at the time and had been open for approx12 hours, the screenshot shows IE highlighted in the task manager, the 73% usage was at the low end during this period, spiking from around 68 - 96% went on for about 15 mins until I shut down IE and restarted it, now back to normal.
I have also noticed a similar problem sporadically in Opera.,


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    Task Manager.GIF
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Seems to me to be the best browser around right now. Very slimline and you can add Google UK as your default search.