Internet Connection

Soes Bandit

Junior member
Hi Guys,

I hope that everybody is well!

I'm coming to the end of my studies now and my next step is join an online trading room and carry on progressing there. I have a few questions about an Internet connection if anybody could help me?

Which ISP would people recommend?

What kind of speeds are people running? I am presuming it's more the latency than speed we are concerned with for trading?

Do you think it's worth getting synchronous, rather than asynchronous connection? I imagine that upload is just as important as download in trading.

Many thanks!
You want fiber optic broadboard. Your correct latency is what matters. Assuming your in the UK that's either Virgin or BT.

I'm UK based and my broker is also and i'm getting 20ms connection using Virgin 50mb.

I'd recommend Virgin over BT for other reasons(free usenet access) but would think they are equal for trading.
Thanks Neil.

I am also UK based and have heard alot of good things about BT Infinity.

Do you think it's not worth getting anything less than fiber? I'm only working part time and want to keep costs down, but don't want this to effect my trading. I believe this is uncontended? (To a certain point - limited users. Rather than a free for all.

Can't comment on ADSL broadband as I have never used it for trading. Do you scalp or swing trade.

Maybe others members who use ADSL can chime in.
Soesy, forget the internet connection. Unless you're planning on skimming pennies or arbing, speed is goin ta be less of an issue than havin a robust and profitable system.
Hey guys Im new to forum and I have question related to broadband reading your thread. Currently using talktalk certainly not a option, BT infinity fiber broadband what you can say about it ? Virgin dont have my location on a list to provide their service. And one of a broker recommend use wired connection but as far as see if I will use BT fiber it will come with router only so do I need ethernet cable or not and will it lower latency ?