Interesting Forex Blog


Junior member
Hello everyone,

This Blog was posted by Chris Mercer of Chris is a Forex trader, Fund Manager & Educator. Per the Blog, Chris is already a trader on our platform. However, he wrote this Blog for his subscriber base to answer many questions to people looking for information about Forex.

Justin LeBlang
EFX Group
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fxtraderjustin said:
Hello everyone,

I thought everyone might find this interesting since it goes along with what many traders or advisors are already saying. This Blog was posted by Chris Mercer of Chris is a Forex trader, Fund Manager & Educator. Per the Blog, Chris is already a trader on our platform. However, he wrote this Blog for his subscriber base to answer many questions to people looking for information about Forex.

Justin LeBlang
EFX Group

There are issues with the platform. Address them now and be up front and then there is a chance to build a lasting customer base.

If they're good and more to the point, fair then there will be no problem about recruiting new customers.

Word of mouth is still and will always be the most powerful gauge of any product.
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thanks for posting this article. Many here will whinge about advertising, spamming etc etc. These are the ones who do not understand the VERY REAL costs of gambling with fixed spread dealers. I run an account with one of these "bookies" CMC - perhaps the original one when you look back at their history. Their biggest marketing scam was the title "Deal For Free". This article should explain to everyone, even the MOST stubborn and mindless, that this kind of marketing is clearly deceptive. However there isn't a current law against it so why not use the bait to suck in the punters.
Don't get me wrong here, I like my account with CMC for many reasons, but I am very aware of the true costs of entering a deal with the bookmaker. Money can be made, and is by many, but only those who understand the need for wide spreads and more patience than a saint, especially with the need to ignore price manipulation as well as the constant fight againts the spread. 🙄
I found the article very informative and thought provoking.
I'm interested to know if you trade this platform now or have done in the recent past. I think it's great to get your side of the story as it is clearly personal, and has not been the most successful for you. If you do not use EFX now, where did you move to, and how have you found your new platform by comparison?
Great stuff there, Justin.
fxtraderjustin said:
Hello everyone,

This Blog was posted by Chris Mercer of Chris is a Forex trader, Fund Manager & Educator. Per the Blog, Chris is already a trader on our platform. However, he wrote this Blog for his subscriber base to answer many questions to people looking for information about Forex.

Justin LeBlang
EFX Group
rols said:
There are issues with the platform. Address them now and be up front and then there is a chance to build a lasting customer base. If they're good and more to the point, fair then there will be no problem about recruiting new customers. Word of mouth is still and will always be the most powerful gauge of any product.
No response from Justin (EFX Group) ?
re. Chris Mercer's Blog, I have been same number of years in FX that he is in trading and I would say this fx blog is full of, sorry dunno how to say it other than, silly things. Situation is actually much better and simpler. I have never had problems with counterpart (including CMC), even in the early Internet broker era. This 'reading' of trader's side problem is same old adage of frustrated people who weren't able to earn money on this mkt. My only problem in the past was me, not my broker.

In fact, good traders never complain, they have no reason because problem is never outside but always inside of them. Main truth is, market makers don't know where will it go, I don't know where will it go, nobody knows where will it go. And that's only thing that matter. They cannot trade against me because they don't know where will it go, ok? I only need relatively fixed small spread without price requoting which is offered on many platforms today.

This EFX system looks good, but there are plenty of other good platforms there. It boils down to this: if you know how to earn more than to lose, platform is irrelevant. And yes they can 'read' my intentions if they find it amusing, why not 😉

P.S. I wonder why is it that there are so many people who try hard to make forex job look so complicated.
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yes, i agree. it's more an advertising article rather than an informative 1. author has biased mind and attitude, and the way he says, with a good broker u'll have a much greater chance, which is not the case as we all know.
broker CAN decrease ur edge, charging u more than what they're supposed to(spread) but it's limited. i'll accept his statements only when i see statistics of their clients, which hasn't a 90%-10% loser-winner scenario. i bet it's exactly the same there.

imho Losers(and not losses) come from lack of knowledge, and it's certainly internal. once u have it, u can increase ur chances by selecting a more trustfull broker.
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