interested in trading from office


Yes, you are fick (unlayk uz Offyttun boyz).

I can't square that either.

Perhaps my last post is somewhat ambiguous (that means unclear). To restate: if someone continues trading through their existing broker, they will be complying with their broker's sytems in terms of feeds, Order Entry, etc. Therefore, what Spin is offering is not required or redundant. So what is the point in working from Spin's office with additional expenses for no additional benefit? You may as well go and work from your current broker's office (if possble) or from home. However, if you are starting from scratch, this may be an option (but to be safe, I would prefer someone who is well established).

That isn't you, either because you are from Edgeley.

So you want to set up an office that is JACK OF ALL TRADES - MASTER OF NONE !

You think you will get good deals with providers, vendors, brokers, clearers by giving them one one small order here, and one small order there.

Good luck sounds like a Brilliant Business - when can I start ?

I think we may have a negative karma and lack of oneness with inner-self.

I'm very flattered you should think I've got diplomatic status but I'm just a simple Cultural Attache for


Put my name down as an interested person.

I'm interested to see how this pans out.

Working with like minded people can only help to keep one alert and theres more of a possiblity of learning more when around others than when stuck indoors trading.

Bounce off others ect.

I'd be interested to know what beneifts Rathcoole_Exile gets from his set up, if you could elaborate a little would be appreciated.

I'm not looking for a fight or anything, just curious, but what advantage would this have over the existing prop firms? Surely they offer better IT, cheaper clearing, lower desk fees etc. due to economies of scale? And obviously there are lots of traders around as well.
prop houses are certainly one solution, but to get in you generally need to pass tests/interviews etc.

i mostly trade the US sessions which means working from about 7pm my local time, until late
so I like trading from an office, for 2 reasons - at home I have my 15 month old daughter running around early evening, somewhat of a distraction.
Secondly, it means i can pop out to the office in the evening and my wife is none the wiser if I'm actually there or go-go-a-go-go out with the lads 🙂
There are plenty of day traders and the like out here so the idea came to us to set up a communal office, save on rent and utilities costs, Sat TV etc as well as being a place to mix with like-minded individuals.

I wouldn't necessarily advocate it elsewhere, but i admire Spin for his efforts, and am puzzled by the reaction of his detractors. After all, it's not as if anyone is forcing them to use his services.
interesting reaction to some moderate criticism good to see how you deal with a more serious question, perhaps about fills....

still no answer on how you get volume discounts if each person is trading their individual accounts.
still no answer on how you get volume discounts if each person is trading their individual accounts.

i thought this had been put to bed already ?
there is no chance of any volume discounts if everyone is trading their own accounts.
The benefits are having a desk and a chair within a community. That's it.
I think, Spin ?
prop houses are certainly one solution, but to get in you generally need to pass tests/interviews etc.

Sorry, should've been more specific - I meant arcades, who offer clearing and a desk to people trading their own accounts. I realize that what spin2win is suggesting would be useful in places where arcades aren't available, but it seems strange to open up an office in london, which is unlikely to compete in facilities and commission prices compared to established arcades.
Sorry, should've been more specific - I meant arcades, who offer clearing and a desk to people trading their own accounts. I realize that what spin2win is suggesting would be useful in places where arcades aren't available, but it seems strange to open up an office in london, which is unlikely to compete in facilities and commission prices compared to established arcades.

i can see your point now !!!
=Well police you unfortunanlty cannot start due to the fact you are a c0ck and our office does not want small time drips in it, what i am offering is a prop environment to trade from, still you stick with your little 1 lot turns you muppet😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Hmmm. An unusual way of getting fellow traders to share an office with YOU. This kind of post and attitude I am sure will fill your office up in no time. Like I said best of luck.

ps: manners go a long way in this world, offensiveness will get you nowhere🙁
bonjour all....
wellthat riskmanager guy got me going!! it amazes me one trys to offer something and seesa demand for and mr riskmanager moans!jack of all trades master of none.. what i am trying to offer is office space for proffessional individuals to trade what they know a little like working for a bank you have a derivatives dept a stir an abs desk a stat arb desk etc... i am offering you to sit and do this here etc.....
the low volume fees will be from the fact that if we have 30 people with say gni all in speerate accounts we have clout... to ask for deepdiscounts...😕
bonjour all....
wellthat riskmanager guy got me going!! it amazes me one trys to offer something and seesa demand for and mr riskmanager moans!jack of all trades master of none.. what i am trying to offer is office space for proffessional individuals to trade what they know a little like working for a bank you have a derivatives dept a stir an abs desk a stat arb desk etc... i am offering you to sit and do this here etc.....
the low volume fees will be from the fact that if we have 30 people with say gni all in speerate accounts we have clout... to ask for deepdiscounts...😕

But do you think you can provide cheaper commissions than the bigger arcades? What about IT - will that not raise your costs quite a bit?

Basically, I'm wondering what you're offering that you think will make people trade from your office rather than one of the existing arcades - I could understand if you were setting up an office somewhere else, but it seems strange to do it in London where there are already so many to choose from.
...I could understand if you were setting up an office somewhere else, but it seems strange to do it in London where there are already so many to choose from.
This is the first time I ever heard of such offices.. Reading "Arcade office" I thought this had something to do with Pac Man, Donkey Kong or Street fighter hahahaha.. 😆

Anyway, I was wondering if there are any links to these Arcade Offices in London or any other place for that matter. I'm very interested in what makes such a service work. What kind of people use these services? how to apply? costs? booze and go-go-girls? 😛

Thanks in advance
hi, this is my first post. im just getting into trading US options and looking to learn- so a community set-up where I could rent a desk and trade my own funds would be something that would interest me. Im based in London. Email me if you have any useful web site addresses or something which can provide this service. cheers,
Not sure why one would want to commute into London for this?!

The commute would be expensive, time-consuming and horrendous (I for one hate those stinky & jam packed tubes!). Coming into the likes of Euston or Paddington is horrifyingly crowded.

Now, if this "Carlsberg type" trading environment is setup somewhere nice (i.e out of M25 cesspit)
then would be willing to consider.
Only just registered coz i was trying to find other independent traders with their own setups, whether DMA or spread betting, in order to share an office and just pay for desk space and perhaps share CQG and Squawk fees etc so as to get out the house and be round others in a slightly professional environment.....

So I think what spin is suggesting makes perfect sense and if some can't see the point of the idea it's obviously not what they're looking for. Marex's fees are now up to 3 grand a month so go and set up with them if you want all the extras that you're looking for. A few hundred quid a month for a desk and a decent internet connection would suit me and many others I'm sure.

Let me know if your plan moves forward spin....
