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good thing thread is still alive.
I am still wondering and waiting because i havent got a reply from them in 5 days?
first letter i sent them were about mini account spreads, they replyd me with e-mail stating that spreads the same as standard. Now after i got that e-mail, i sent them second one, cause under section Trading agreement, they had mini spread 3-4 if i remember correctly. Now tired off waiting i went browsing that agreement again, and found following:
Spread. The size of the spread, which is the difference between the "BID" and "ASK" quotes, is generally the same as in a standard account except during extreme market movements brought about by unusual political or economic events.
i find it very good that they have corrected the issue, but howcome i still havent got an answer?
It quite frustrating if you have to wait for a week to get an answer.

From all brokers in post above,the best feed before and most stabile you will find in Alpari(Russian broker).

The best spread and no more gaps and bad data(as im testing it from first da on meta4) you will find on interbank fx.
Fxdd still will have babyborn issues with spikes so stay aware of them for now.

And THE Best in that is we can finally trade life using meta4 and US based broker.
Using your favorite system and trade directly from platform,and dont need to worry your money will get lost in some foreg. country.
Best Regards to all

No he is from Poland.
Educate and made research before post

trader786 said:
No he is from Poland.

Head Office Address: 15, building 1, Bol'shoi Afanas'yevsky side-street, Moscow, Russia (m. Kropotkinskaya). Location Map.

Mail address: P.O.B. 2024, Head Post Office, 101000, Moscow, Russia

Thats base of Alpari company.

Best Regards to all traders
Last edited by a moderator:
the same old husky

Head Office Address: 15, building 1, Bol'shoi Afanas'yevsky side-street, Moscow, Russia (m. Kropotkinskaya). Location Map.

Mail address: P.O.B. 2024, Head Post Office, 101000, Moscow, Russia

Thats base of Alpari company.

Best Regards to all traders

URL removed by mod

I think they are saying that your polish and so your English isnt perfect. Which is fine by me 😆

Take your website off. Your trading desk???

Your trading desk is on your little boat.
Sorry MOD (

Thx pelefoot )

Can you tell me whats in your opinion big boat and whats small boat ?And whats definition of trading desk?
And yes you may have right about trader 786 post,but there was nothing clear.
And thx for understanding my weak english skills.
Best Regards to All Real Traders
(no urls admin)
Sorry MOD (

Thx pelefoot )

Can you tell me whats in your opinion big boat and whats small boat ?And whats definition of trading desk?
And yes you may have right about trader 786 post,but there was nothing clear.
And thx for understanding my weak english skills.
Best Regards to All Real Traders
(no urls admin)

Listen Husky,

I dont have any time for you. So please stop your boring talking and free advertising on this forum. We all know what your aim is. Its to get newbies tricked so that they can use your appalling indicator.

You say its free and yet you charge people 50%.

I have been tricked by you and am having none of it.

He should be booted off just like he was booted off moneytect..

Soultrader knows full well what husky's game is.

I mean MARIO'S game is.
i have talked with the ibfx support about scalping, i hope it will make clear some things for you:
Customer Support: Hello, how may I help you?
you: hi its 3rd day in a row to ask questions now 🙂
you: better be clear than in the dark
you: so
you: didnt find any rules about scalping
you: are there any with you?
Customer Support: Our banks are very srtict on holding trades for short periods of time with larger lots
you: so this means?
Customer Support: Our anks have cancelled some accounts
Customer Support: Under 1 minutes ie seconds
you: okay, how large lost are we talking about?
you: no problems if i hold it , lets say, for 2 minutes?
you: lost=lots, sry
Customer Support: Generally that should be fine
Customer Support: Lots=30 or greater
you: are we talking about standard or mini, or doesnt that make any diffirents?
Customer Support: Either
Customer Support: We are at the mercy of our banks
you: are there any percentegaes i should look if i would scalp
you: etc more than 20%
Customer Support: The issue is really short term trading ie scalping
Customer Support: 2-3 minutes and under
you: okay, thanks you've been very helpful
Customer Support: My pleasure, contact us anytime.

Also i hope ibfx support wont mind me posting this here.
From all brokers in post above,the best feed before and most stabile you will find in Alpari(Russian broker).

The best spread and no more gaps and bad data(as im testing it from first da on meta4) you will find on interbank fx.
Fxdd still will have babyborn issues with spikes so stay aware of them for now.

And THE Best in that is we can finally trade life using meta4 and US based broker.
Using your favorite system and trade directly from platform,and dont need to worry your money will get lost in some foreg. country.
Best Regards to all

As if forex wasn't risky enough on its own are you seriously suggesting people but their money in an unregulated Russian firm? I'll stick the the regulated US based ones for now.

pelefoot said:
Listen Husky,

I dont have any time for you. So please stop your boring talking and free advertising on this forum. We all know what your aim is. Its to get newbies tricked so that they can use your appalling indicator.

You say its free and yet you charge people 50%.

I have been tricked by you and am having none of it.

He should be booted off just like he was booted off moneytect..

Soultrader knows full well what husky's game is.

I mean MARIO'S game is.


Where did u get the charge of 50% from, 50% of what??

I use Mojo, dont get charged a cent, yep I now use the broker recommended by Husky, so yep he probably gets commision off my trades. Good on him, he has helped me with my trading, and I am happy to hand over that small fee, which by the way I am already handing over via the spread to the broker!!.

We all know what ST's game is and he plays a bad game indeed!! 😈 😈

How were you tricked?? No due dilligence done by you maybe?? I dont know, but no way you should have been tricked??

Sorry for being off topic in this thread!! 😱 😱

Trader/God said:
As if forex wasn't risky enough on its own are you seriously suggesting people but their money in an unregulated Russian firm? I'll stick the the regulated US based ones for now.


It was about FEED(DATA FEED) not broker recomm.,read all then post plz.
FEED for metatrader software still most stabile on alpari(to use charts not trade thru them)
Fatman said:

Where did u get the charge of 50% from, 50% of what??

I use Mojo, dont get charged a cent, yep I now use the broker recommended by Husky, so yep he probably gets commision off my trades. Good on him, he has helped me with my trading, and I am happy to hand over that small fee, which by the way I am already handing over via the spread to the broker!!.

We all know what ST's game is and he plays a bad game indeed!! 😈 😈

How were you tricked?? No due dilligence done by you maybe?? I dont know, but no way you should have been tricked??

Sorry for being off topic in this thread!! 😱 😱


as u see i dont post no longer its pointless..before i was waisting my time to prove some stuff on web cams but im tired.
Good trading to all