Interactive tutorials



I am an absolute novice to spread betting and would like to find out if there are any really good interactive CDs out there which are easy to understand and in plain English.; showing you how to channel and use stop losses and how to interpret charts.

I really mean simple but efffective training CDs for simpletons like me who do not have the greatest mathematical brain.

I started off with viewing Vince Stanzione's blurb on his site. Does anyone have any experience of his interactive tuturial CDs?

There is so much out there in the market place that it is really hard to work out which is the best and also value for money.
TaniaYager said:

I am an absolute novice to spread betting and would like to find out if there are any really good interactive CDs out there which are easy to understand and in plain English.; showing you how to channel and use stop losses and how to interpret charts.

I really mean simple but efffective training CDs for simpletons like me who do not have the greatest mathematical brain.

I started off with viewing Vince Stanzione's blurb on his site. Does anyone have any experience of his interactive tuturial CDs?

There is so much out there in the market place that it is really hard to work out which is the best and also value for money.

Hi Tania,

I'm new to this too but have been trading since Feb and have learnt a lot on the way. There's more than enough information on this site to get you started. I don't know of any good CD's.

It depends what style of trading you want to do; I've been intraday trading the Dow and Chartmans article on it is excellent to give you some pointers on developing a strategy. There's also plenty of material you can download from the internet for free.

I'd check out the threads here (do a search) regarding Vince Stanzione, I got the impression he's not highly regarded and you'de be better off investing in a good book.

Get some charting software and start analysing the prices, I use E-signal but there's plenty others - ProRealtime was recommended to me, but I think you only need a realtime package if you're day trading.

If you open a demo account with Capitalspreads you get £10,000 to play with... (only monolpoly money of course 😀 ), so you can enter trades and set stops without risking a penny. There are delayed charts on Capitalspreads with most the regular TA tools for you to experiment with too.

TaniaYager said:

I am an absolute novice to spread betting and would like to find out if there are any really good interactive CDs out there which are easy to understand and in plain English.; showing you how to channel and use stop losses and how to interpret charts.

I really mean simple but efffective training CDs for simpletons like me who do not have the greatest mathematical brain.

I started off with viewing Vince Stanzione's blurb on his site. Does anyone have any experience of his interactive tuturial CDs?

There is so much out there in the market place that it is really hard to work out which is the best and also value for money.

Finspreads offers a free 8 week course on how to trade using spreadbetting. Plus for those 8 weeks you can bet for only 1p / point. After the 8 week course, the minimum cost is only 50p / point. My advice is try and trade with "real" money asap, as the problem with paper trading is it lacks one very important factor "EMOTION"

Closing a losing trade when its only on paper is easy, closing one that is actually costing you real hard-earned money is a lot harder!! Trust me ;-)

Plus Finspreads offers reasonable spreads compared to other companies.

Regarding training:

Obviously this site is a wealth of knowledge but one very good book for TA (IMHO) is Getting Started in Technical Analysis by Jack D. Schwager, Mark Etzkorn ISBN 0471295426 Very imformative and easy to read. Its one of the few books I regularly refer back to........

One final important point is if you are new to trading learn about Money Management & Reward: Risk ratios BEFORE you start to trade properly.

I have only been trading myself for 6-8mths, but its only within the last 1-2mths (after using reward: risk ratios) that I have started to make money. Its amazing how easy it is to look at a chart set-up and place a bet only then to calculate the reward:risk ratio (taking into account spread costs, stop-losses, etc) and realising that the ratio for entering the trade is HIGH RISK!!! Initially, I would recommend a ratio of 3:1 or higher. But this is only IMO..............

Good Luck...........
