Best Thread Interactive Brokers

Hello. I can't trade TF contracts (e-mini Rusell 2000). I don't get data from IB. I folow the same steps as to trade YM, NQ or ES, but I never get TF data. Do you know of any reason why this could be so? Thanks.

You have to subscribe to InterContinental and New York Board of Trade (1 USD a month) in Account Management on IB web site.
Dear Customer

Please contact our helpdesk for further support. We are unsure what is the problem, but if you contact our helpdesk we look forward to assisting you.

Thank you for your patience.

Hello. I can't trade TF contracts (e-mini Rusell 2000). I don't get data from IB. I folow the same steps as to trade YM, NQ or ES, but I never get TF data. Do you know of any reason why this could be so? Thanks.
To InteractiveBrokers:

CME Group to Launch Forex E-Micro Contracts

The E-Micro are however not tradavle; I see bid/ask but when trying to trade, I don't get margin information and the report is refused.

I tyhink there is no reason to block these cash settled contracts for your customers.

These micro futures are a great tool to make some money, but also to limit the risk.

Can you look into thise contracts?
Thats got to be high on IB's list of things to provide. They're 1/10th the size of standard contracts so they cut nicely into forex territory ... thanks for the heads up wmbelg.
There are now also mini VIX contracts (symbol VM).

Multiplier 100.

So one VM is now around 4000$ compared to 40000$ for the regurlar contract.

By the way: VM is already trdable.

" New Products and Exchanges
We are pleased to announce the following additions to our offerings:

* The CFTC has recently approved the trading of Mini Hang Seng Index futures (MHI), Mini Hang Seng China Enterprises Index futures (MCH) and Korean Kospi 200 Futures by US residents, and Interactive Brokers is now making this product available to its US customers.
* Futures and options trading on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) is now available for residents of India.
* IB customers can now access several European stock exchanges, including NASDAQ OMX Europe CH (NUROCH) in Switzerland, NASDAQ OMX Europe DE (NURODE) in Germany, and NASDAQ OMX Euronext (NUROEN) in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
* The addition of Dreyfus no-load mutual funds for trading via the TWS. Watch for the addition of Janus and State Street funds early this Spring.
* Trading of the new Globex Micro FX Futures on six US currency pairs will be available at the end of March."
Are there many users that have linked up IB with Ninjatrader?
Just wondered what your experiences were?
I have used Ninjatrader for one year with a connection to IB. The results were mixed. IB was as good or bad as they have always been. As for NJ it was slow, forgot orders, crashed when trading, and made switching contracts more complicated than it should be. Their support is quick but I guess it should be with software like that. I cannot recommend trusting NJ with your money. It would seem to me that NJ is mainly a platform for third party vendors to sell their add-ons. NJ staff did not seem to be traders.

I now use Quotetracker as a daytrading platform that is quick and powerful. For automation I eventually built my own system on linux using the IB API.
Thanks for the feedback linuxrules. I tried NT with futuresbetting but wasn't realiable, now using with I want a professional account that I can also trade index futures with NT, is there any other platform that is good for automated trading(not tradestation)?

It will be some way of yet before I build my own system like you have.
I have seen how Tradestation and Ninjtrader work, and have heard a lot about some other approaches to automated trading. You may want to think about what language would be suitable for your background, and for the future of automated trading in general. Is easylanguage still state of the art or outdated? Is C# the next thing or just drawing us into another M$ dilema?

From what I understand all retail platforms have their problems. Some simply don't work technically, others require unrealistic resources (technology, bandwidth, expertise, fees). There is a growing number of vendors offering systems at the Traders Expo. I think the next one will be in Los Angeles in June. I went to earlier shows. Most systems there are limited in that they ask a monthly fee and then let you pick a strategy that might work. But who knows what problems those vendors have internally. In the end they might just tell you that you picked an unsuccessful strategy when your account is empty.

I have come to look at it this way: who wants me (or you for that matter) to have a money-generating black box? Answer: absolutely nobody! So don't expect the holy grail up for sale. I am sure there are some folks out there who are very successful with algo trading or whatever they call it. But I have met very few who are, and they don't talk about it. In fact they hardly talk at all.
For execution of automatic trading Sierra Chart is now very good.

You can setup your strategies in spreadsheet form or in dlls (a subset of C which is reasonably easy to pick up, not much less easy than "easylanguage.")

SC is fast, reliable and solid so its good for running your strategies. What it doesn't have is much by way of testing so if you are optimising etc you need to use something else for that. I was just implementing my discretionary strategy. I plan to use an old copy of TS2000 to optimize some other work I'm going to do and then implement in SC with a C++ dll.

I suspect that the reason they don't talk is that they're too busy coding - I certainly have been for the last few weeks.
Excessive coding and testing was what changed my plans with ninjatrader. Like most people I wanted to let my computer earn my money. But instead I spent 12 or more hours each day coding, fighting software glitches, writing support tickets etc. So I figured it wa easier to do work that I get paid for right away.

I have used NJ for backtesting, and a crappy easylanguage implementation with some other package before that. My experience is that even backtests can fool you. If you run the program on a papertrading account (like IB gives you) and then run the same program again on historic data the results are not the same. So I guess the only good test is to let your code papertrade for days/weeks/months to see the real performance.
Good morning,

I would be interested to open a universal account with margin to make transactions on stocks ( long/ short)
The initial deposit would be in euros.

Could you explain me the different interest rates that are running with an IB account ?

+ The money in my account : does it have a daily interest ?
+ If I make a short operation , could you explain me with the exact technical terms how daily interest are paid ? (Operations involved , and parameters used like EONIA, and number value)
For this second question I suggest an example, that I would like to be explained by you, if you have enough time :

I open an account with 8 000 euros
I decide do short a stock of the Cac40 (so a common stock) for an amount of 5000 euros.
I hold the position for 3 nights
==> What is the amount of commission I will have to pay at the end for only the interest ( if there is some)
==> Whate are the additional comission I will have to pay ( i mean for a short sale using margin, is the commission to open / close the position the same as if i am long without margin , with the same amount of money involved ?)

Thank you for your explanations.
Hello, does anyone knows if the API supports retrival of the bid/ask size but from the 5 values of them... I want the 5 bid size and 5 ask size values of the book to do some charting.